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Everything posted by Valerius

  1. Wow, only a Pacifican could twist something so elegantly.
  2. Despite your apparent noobiness, I must say I admire your graphic there.
  3. I don't know exactly how old I am. My first nation was created around June 2006. I did it with such little thought and minimal interest that I don't even remember its name. I do, however, remember that the first alliance I joined was the Cross-X Alliance, before it merged to form the MCXA. Back then all that was required to become a member was to set my AA, so I had little reason to visit the forums. I don't remember exactly what happened after that, but I know I returned about September under a different name: Emperor Nicholas. These are when my real memories begin. I was still a massive n00b then. I wandered from alliance to alliance for a few weeks, before creating my own one: the Grand Global Order (a rip-off of GGA, I admit ). We were about to become a protectorate of the NAAC before GWII began. Then, being the n00b that I was, I gave, like 50k (lol) to the LUE Ambassador - who was at war - and subsequently got rolled by two GOONS and a Nordreich. I also remember - wait for it - demanding reparations from the Nordreich guy after the war ended. Lol! Anyway, the war ended and my alliance just kind of died. I don't really remember what happened, but we all lost interest and it just kind of faded away. I then decided to join the NADC, on account of their Ambassador's awesome sig graphics, and called that place home for the best part of a year. I left for a few weeks, then re-rolled as President Kent of Rodenia. I think I owe a lot to the NADC. That great alliance not only helped me build by nation to about 30k, but it turned me from the most clueless player into someone who occasionally knows what's going on. After the BLEU-NADC war, I got fed up with things, spat the dummy, and quit CN entirely. About 8 months passed until I returned, re-joined the Coalition, stayed a few weeks, then left to join Vox. And here I am.
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