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Posts posted by BloodFury

  1. When someone is going around calling people irrelevant, it doesn't even justify any sort of response. It's the most tired, worn out insult possible. The fact that you say that and believe it justifies a response blows my mind. Really though, as Rambo said, you've been ranting and raving about destroying Polar for events that happened six years ago. You can't chide me about living in the glory days when I haven't referenced the past once here, and you're currently waging war over events from 2007. Get a grip of reality for once, and understand that you are being a massive hypocrite right now, and in general wrong. I don't even understand why you mentioned Pacifica here, an alliance I haven't had problems with in four years.


    Now, on the topic of Vox. If you want me to teach you how to properly wage a resistance war, as well as draw more nations to your cause than vaunted individuals like Alterego, let me know. I could really help you there, because you guys are really struggling here.


    Let me mention again: six years. The Unjust War was six years ago. Move. On. It would really do you well.


    You are irrelevant, and if it doesn't justify a response, then why are you responding? Really blows my mind if it doesn't justify a response that you keep on responding. I also have hardly been ranting and raving, so clearly you aren't quite up to par on what that actually means. We also know that we won't destroy Polar, but we will hurt them. And on the subject about chiding you on the glory days, I can because all you have said this war was how "This is no Vox." So you are clearly attempting to build a bridge between the two. You sir should heed your own advice and get a reality check, and quit living in the dark cave where you think you are superior to others. You are just another dirt licker.


    Now on the topic of you comparing us to Vox again, this is not a resistance war, this is not a political war, this is a suicide run for the original core group of us, how many times must we say this before it kicks in? Or are you really just that stupid and it can't get through your thick skull? You seem to really be struggling here to even come up with anything of substance. Please continue to kick sand into the air and hope it does something, because you are kicking in the wrong direction and at the wrong people.


    Let me mention this again: You are irrelevant. Move on.

  2. The sad thing is that they probably had about 40 people on board for this super big event, and only 12 showed up.


    Another sad part is BF1 has had their NS cut in half in 10 days. Polar has gained about 200k NS. They had the potential to really damage polar too being ~4 polars fight 1 BF1.


    http://www.cybernations.net/war_information.asp?ID=734859 <-- Ouch!

    http://www.cybernations.net/war_information.asp?ID=734813 <--- Owh! o.O



    This is where you show how stupid you really are. There were 6 initially. Try again. Also go look at the wars and tally up the damage dished out between us to them. Mass Militarization can hide how much damage they are really taking.

  3. Paranoid, perhaps. Maybe just bored. Maybe ready for this ghost coalition to destroy Polar already.


    I dream of the day people learn that calling someone irrelevant is literally a terrible insult.


    But hey, at least people can say I had glory days. You're generally regarded as someone who is very...unstable, riding any opportunity to get his name out there.


    So you announced a treaty with a rogue group (you think), and said you will accept them without ever mentioning resolving anything with Polar, and wonder why it went south? Broncos also showed up. What did you expect? Welcome to reality.


    Honestly, look at what you post anymore. "Terrible Post" "irrelevant is a terrible insult". You have nothing left to give. You are washed up. You lost the driving edge that made you, you. Give up while you think you are ahead, the superiority of your victory over Pacifica is gone. You are just another voice crying for that attention of the glory days when people actually listened to you.

  4. Is anyone relevant anymore? Or anyone not living in the past? Just about everyone still around is here because they took part in CN when it was much more interesting and less stagnant. Why'd BF1 declare on Polar? According to the declaration of war you guys wanted to relive the past. Sounds like clinging onto relevance to me. 


    We all have our individual reasons for attacking Polaris. Most are just along for the ride with friends, a select few of us do have that issue of wanting to get revenge over past deeds.

  5. Congratulations to those that have elevated themselves into higher positions on the stairway to heaven in Prototype. But not like it matters, I mean you guys are irrelevant anyway. :>



    Anyway, to summarize this topic, this is pretty obvious here. More saber-rattling from an anicent side against Polar. Seems like once these cats in Bear Force One give up, they will move back to Kashmir, at which point Polar will obviously attempt to enforce terms or reps on these guys, at which point Kashmir will defend these parties and dare Polar to attack, thus attempting to draw Polar into a war as aggressors where they can then play victim. This also goes perfectly in line with all of the BF1 statements of "We have bigger goals here." Really quite an obvious ploy. Call me crazy, but I've been around for a minute and this is junior level. In fact, I'm so well seasoned I can already predict the responses to this.


    Well it looks like crazy has come out of the closest and is attempting to grasp at straws where there are none. If he wants to pay respect to those that helped found and build Kashmir into the alliance it is today, then he is more than welcome to. You obviously have no idea who you are dealing with when it comes to BF1. Stop trying to live in your Vox Populi past. You have lost since passed relevance in this world, and it was better off without you here.

  6. Stewie, I've heard this so many times it isn't funny. Everyone starts off talking a tough game and claiming to go on forever. However, their resources run out, and they tire of doing nothing but obsessing over one alliance. Their friends will recruit them back, and they will make peace, and move on. You cry that you will fight until deletion...well, I'll call this bluff here in a few months, especially from someone who used to hold a prominent role in a major alliance. Someone will explain to you that you can do more good for the anti-Polar movement in an alliance and you'll back off. As for some of the other guys, they are here for the attention. Once the initial interest wears off, they will move on. Looking at your ranks, that is half your grouping.


    This war is not an never ending war, and we are all here until the bitter end, when the last pixel on our nation is shed and there is nothing left, we will blast off to the moon.

  7. That's nice... because it is EXACTLY what Viluin said... that his intention was to delete his Nation... but that before doing such thing, he was going to fight against Polaris.

    I strongly suggest you to read Viluin's thread I have linked some posts ago, Mr. Stewie... for that thread will give you a very clear picture of your future.


    There isn't much of a common link between us and him. We know exactly where we stand, and we have no preconceived ideas of greater glory. We all signed up for this, we all know what will come of it. You also need to be aware that you aren't going to come out of this unscathed.

  8. That's a reach. Vox was organized and serious with a goal from the start, with the backing of many legends such as Doitzel, Sponge, Schatt, Kassad, etc.


    However, precedence has been set, and any group of rogues, essentially, is following the pattern laid out by Vox. That is, if there is an actual plan and a skillful method of going about it. I haven't seen that yet, though I won't rule it out, but given each individual's history, it is very unlikely this lasts any longer than a month.


    Edit: Gave some people too much credit, as these guys are essentially shooting themselves in the foot with their threads.


    Perhaps you shouldn't be comparing us to Vox as we have nothing in common with that group. There has been no step on our road that was shared with them, and while their road went east, we are going west. So please continue to grasp straws, we will still be here after a month, and beyond that.

  9. Well, that's how it starts. Once the initial drama dies down and people get bored, people will move on. Perhaps you have a dedicated core and can keep it going. Time will tell.


    As it stands, I have too many pixels and all-time high in national wonders. Something isn't right around here. Good luck.


    I will be in your range soon enough. Don't you fret your little head there. Pudding will deliver me the coordinates of your base when we get into your range. :)

  10. I'm sure you have a grand plan. I don't really care to look deeply into it. Have fun though, BF. At least you are keeping it real.


    I see an Alterego in your ranks. I can't really imagine a grouping of you and him going over well for long, heh.


    He came on his own, and we are here until the last pixel is shed for our glorious mother land.


    Still waiting on feedback here.  


    I highly doubt you will get it, but please continue.

  11. Can't really hate on this. These dudes stepped up to the plate instead of just talking a tough game like most people around here.


    In the end, it probably won't end so bad for them. Eventually they will give up, rejoin their alliances, and continue what they were previously doing. Life will go on. Enjoy it while the drama lasts.


    You seem to misunderstand our intentions in this war.  :smug:

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