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Everything posted by YUKIN

  1. We've been bailed on by our former trade circle members, so Uberdavey and myself are looking to build a new one. You must be on the Aqua Team (or willing to move) to participate. Post your name, nation link and resources here if interested and I'll add you to the list. Cattle - derailer Coal - GuMMyWoRm Fish - YUKIN Furs - derailer Gems - GuMMyWoRm Gold - califa 13 Pigs - Uberdavey Silver - Jamse06 Sugar - YUKIN Uranium - califa 13 Wheat - Jamse06 Wine - Uberdavey This will give you the maximum amount of population possible as well as a tremendous income boost. Initial infrastructure cost: -4% Infrastructure upkeep: -3% Population increase: 32.5% Citizen income increase: $10 Population happiness increase: 11.5 Initial land cost: -15% Purchased land area increase: 15% Natural growth increase: x3 Technology cost decrease: -5% Environment: 0 Soldier increase: 23% Soldier cost decrease: $0 Soldier upkeep cost: $-0.5 Tank cost decrease: 0% Tank upkeep cost: 0% Aircraft cost decrease: 0% Aircraft upkeep: 0% Aircraft limit increase: 0 Cruise missle cost decrease: 0% Cruise missle upkeep: 0% Nuke cost decrease: 0% Nuke upkeep: 0% Uranium allows nations to develop nuclear weapons only if that nations government preference supports nuclear weapons. If a nations government preference favors nuclear technology for the use of nuclear power plants but does not support nuclear weapons then the nation will receive +$3.00 per citizen and +$0.15 for every level of tech purchased up to level 30 but loses -1 population happienss. If a nation owns nuclear weapons but does not have uranium the cost to maintain nukes is doubled.
  2. We're coming for you. All of you.
  3. I've never really had a problem with WAPA in the past, and I actually rather like what they have become over the last nine or so months. As my fellow alliance members have noted here, there really isn't any serious ill will in MK directed at WAPA.
  4. I guess another one never hurts. o/ Athens
  5. Three offers have been sent.
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