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Franz Ferdinand

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Everything posted by Franz Ferdinand

  1. However, Vox Populi had no treaties with either of us, so they really shouldn't have declared.
  2. And you lost both times, thanks for the free money, next time, DON'T GET UP!
  3. Midas, the Pond Pirates are putting your alliance into Anarchy, so you aren't killing them...we are killing YOU!
  4. So does that mean that you officially recognise us, because if so...this war shall be fun!
  5. Welcome, one and all to the Pond Pirates announcement of our existence from the evils of the world. You may know us from when we raided your navies, and stole all your glorious wenches, yet we are also kind hearted and frien...who am I kidding? We are blood-thirsty scallywags who have nothing better to do than to steal your precious cargo...however, we do like kittens! Our trade base is in the exotic Caribbean, and we already have started to stake our claim on Brown Team, for we know you all like that colour, secretly, don't you? Anyway, we have a top-class selection of the most devious, and crafty scallywags that you will ever have the pleasure to meet...before we put you out of your misery, for they are: Captain of the High Seas: Franz Ferdinand Captain of the Crow's Nest: DaNome Captain of the Galley: Lebowski Captain of the Kidnapping: Robyn Captain of Plundering and Lulz: Lonpeo Captain of the Raids: Craig Captain Captain my Captain (Mudkipz Management): Benevolence Captain of Peace, Love and Ice cream: Aranka We can be contacted by Parrot Mail, so if you ever stop by, remember to visit the #deck on ColdFront...even though it is hotter than a Caribbean galley in August we are always ready to answer your calls...and to plunder your ships! That reminds me, it seems that there be NINJAS out there who feel that they are better than us Pirates, this can NOT be stood for. As a result, we DECLARE COLONIAL WAR on the vicious NINJAS, for they are many! Franz Ferdinand, Captain of the High Seas Lebowski, Captain of the Galley Craig, Captain of the Raids
  6. Join Pond Pirates, we have Filthy Lucre and lots of glorious wenches!
  7. Thanks for the heads up, you shall be crushed! Death to Ninjas!
  8. Do what you want 'cause a RoKKer is free, you are a RoKKer! Yar - har - fiddle-dee-dee, being a RoKKer is all right to be! Do what you want 'cause a RoKKer is free, you are a RoKKer! You are a RoKKer! (Yay!) We got us a map (a map!) to lead us to a sanctioned path, Thats all locked up with locks (with locks!) and buried deep away. We'll dig up the path (the path!), we know it's full of precious booty Burst open the locks, and then we'll say 'HOORAY!' Yar - har - fiddle-dee-dee, If you love to sail the sea, you are a RoKKer! WEIGH ANCHOR!
  9. Keeping this thread away from the pit of no return!
  10. Come and drink some Rolling RoK on the Rolling RoKKer!
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