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Joe Stupid

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Posts posted by Joe Stupid

  1. The Ascended Republic of Elite States

    is looking for hard working, active, dedicated members who are willing to fight for the alliance. Other then that this pretty much sums up our whole alliance....

    We are a really chil alliance looking always lookinf for new friends and more beer!

    If your still intrested.. here are our forums... ARES Forums?

    And our IRC channel is #ares on Coldfront




    The Ascended Republic of Elite States is established as a bastion of unity fashioned by the effort and unanimity of all those dedicated to its glorious cause. Our Creed, or Mission as it stands, is to subsist as a beacon of hope for all those who aspire and strive for alliance quality and serve as an icon of prestige. We are The Ascended Republic of Elite States, This is our creed, and it stands firm.


    We, the nations of The Ascended Republic of Elite States, do hereby solemnly swear allegiance Republic in addition to all members honored by the Directorate as components of the government and sign the following charter, binding us as brothers-in-arms.

    We agree to follow the laws set forth by this charter and honor the wishes of its founders, to defend our brethren from any outside force which opposes them, to gather together in a sense of continuous unity and cooperation, to establish a peace that can only be obtained through the growth and development of ours and our brothers’ nations, and together reap the rewards of our alliance while upholding our intent to grow stronger in both strength and camaraderie.


    The following definitions identify the meaning of certain phrases that will be found throughout the Charter of The Ascended Republic of Elite States and related documents.


    Affiliate is the term used for a member of any membership tier.

    Belligerent Action-

    Any action taken by a nation not recognized as a legitimate member of the Ascended Republic of Elite States deemed by Directorate as an attempt to cause harm to a member of the alliance or the alliance as a whole. This includes, but is not limited to: Offensive declarations or espionage on members, aiding a known enemy of the alliance, and revealing private information or intelligence belonging to the alliance to foreign parties.

    Body Republic- the Body Republic consists of all recognized members in the alliance, regardless of rank or position. All members may vote for a consensus in topics proposed during a General Assembly.

    General Assembly- Voting period for any topic brought forth for a consensus amongst members of the Body Republic.

    Article I Membership Rights and Liberties

    Section 1.1- Social Contract

    As members of the Ascended Republic of Elite States, we do hereby solemnly swear a social contract with the alliance and gain all the freedoms, liberties, and responsibilities associated with membership in the alliance. We agree to adhere to the Charter and, by extension, other documents accepted by the alliance as active.

    Section 1.2- Body Republic

    All members, regardless of rank or membership tier, have a seat in the Body Republic. The Body Republic may vote in any poll as part of a General Assembly. All members of the Body Republic are permitted to speak freely, though civility is to be maintained at all times between alliance-mates. President, Vice President and or The Directorate may restrict communications outside of private channels by issuing a Declaration of Censorship during times of crisis; however members may continue to converse on The Ascended Republic of Elite States forums.

    Section 1.3- Loyalty & Respect

    All members of The Ascended Republic of Elite States must remain loyal to the alliance and all major verdicts issued by the government. This also includes following procedures set in place by the alliance, including the Charter, the Precepts, and other documents of the alliance. Members of the alliance are also expected to respect and value their equals in the Body Republic, regardless of membership tier. Insults or rudeness in any form committed against other members is not considered acceptable.

    Section 1.4- Protection

    The Ascended Republic of Elite States pledges to protect all of its members politically, diplomatically, and militarily. Each individual in the alliance is required to defend other members if called upon to do so by the military command.

    Section 1.5- Management Opportunities

    The Ascended Republic of Elite States provides every member the opportunity to attain any rank or position within the alliance and encourages all those members willing to work towards earning any position they desire. The alliance also recognizes that not all members seek to give equal contributions to the welfare of the alliance. The Government deems that acts worthy of acknowledgment will be recognized and rewarded with the proper compensation. Any member of the alliance may pursue a position in either leadership or a department, and are encouraged to do so. Continued participation in alliance affairs, such as regular collaboration in alliance-related discussions and other contributions to the wellbeing of the Republic are encouraged and rewarded.

    Section 1.6- Chain of Command

    Members of the Ascended Republic of Elite States must accept and obey the governmental structure of the alliance. Each member of the Body Republic must understand the limits of his or her power and respect the boundaries of their position. While members are encouraged to seek positions of power within the alliance, they are expected to comply with their superiors. Impersonating a recognized government member is a serious offense and will be dealt with as such.

    Article II Governmental Structure

    The chain of command as established by this charter is primarily a Democratic system in which the President and Vice President serve as an executive body that wields governmental powers and manages authorities within the alliance. Under the President, and Vice President is a Directorate of Five members. The purpose of the Directorate is to regulate decisions within the alliance and inside their respective Areas As well as balance out the Power of the President and Vice President. Listed below is the full government structure of the Ascended Republic of Elite States as well as their descriptions and governmental powers.

    Section 2.1- President, and Vice President

    ~Subsection 2.1.1- Purpose & Powers:

    a) The President and Vice President are two individuals that serve as the head of the alliance as both figure head, and leaders which will keep office for 3 months (90 days) before either going up for re election, or stepping down.

    B) Each of which will conduct business relevant to the constancy and preservation of the alliance.

    c) Both may promote or demote any member serving in the alliance as they deem necessary, unless overturned by a vote in the Directorate.

    d) The President and Vice President, oversee as well as give a helping hand in the daily running of the alliance, As well as serve the purpose as the leader and main figure head of the alliance.

    E) President, and Vice President has the power to hold emergency elections should they feel its necessary for the greater alliance good.

    F) The President gets the final say in all matters, and can only overturn the directorate majority vote if The President, and the Vice President are in accordance.

    ~Subsection 2.1.2- Appointment: In the case of an open Presidential position The Vice President will take the President position and a Two day Election Will be held to fill the missing spot of Vice President the first day will be nominations and applications, the second day the votes will be held. The Directorate will thoroughly examine each candidate set forth by the members and will determine if they are capable of serving in the position. The candidate receiving the most votes will fill the new position unless a vote of rejection is set forth by all 5 Directors and the remaining Presidential position holder. In the Case of both President and Vice president leaving their position, the Director of Internal Affairs, will take the place as president until a suitable replacement is appointed.

    Section 2.2- Directorate

    ~Subsection 2.2.1- Purpose & Powers:

    The Directorate is an agency composed of members appointed by the members as Directors or Deputy Directors to run the Five Departments of the alliance. Each Director runs and appoints members to positions below them to assist in the operation of the Department. The Director can propose changes to their selected department and can administer the changes unless these changes are denied by a 3/5 majority from the Directorate, or the President. The Directors are as follows

    Director of Foreign Affairs -

    It is the DoFA's job to approve or decline treaties that proposed by ambassadors as well as set up and manage Embassies and Treaties between other alliances. The Director of Foreign Affairs has Authority over all diplomats and Embassies inside the Ascended Republic of Elite States.

    Director of Defense -

    It is the job of the Director of Defense to handle all military affairs of the alliance. It is his duty to Manage the Divisions, and Appoint Military personnel, conduct war games, and oversee the entire security of the alliance.

    Director of Recruitment -

    It is the DoR's Job to Handle all aspects involving recruitment, this includes the set up and management of the recruitment systems, management of contests as well as the promotion of recruitment within the alliance.

    Director of Internal Affairs -

    The Director of Internal Affairs oversees the daily operation of the alliance, and has control over Job Assignment, Alliance Education, Resignations, Elections, Internal Spies, and Trials and Punishment.

    Director of the Bank -

    It is the job of the DotB to Oversee and manage all transactions of money in the alliance that are done above a member to member level, this includes Aid Trains,, and Contests involving the alliance and cash rewards.


    Are appointed by the President and the Vice President. They are to help the directors in their respective fields, and assist in any way possible. They are usually ex-government officials who are residing in our retirement home.

    Minister of Corn Flakes

    - Is a special position created specifically for v0.0v, it has no meaning, and no value to the alliance, which is reflective in his service. Just Kidding (no im not)

    ~Subsection 2.2.2- Elections:

    a) During election periods, any member may nominate another member for the chance to run for the Directorate.

    Once they accept the nomination, the Directorate candidates will create platforms for what they plan to do during their time as a Director and why they should be elected.

    c) After three days of campaigning, a vote is held in which all members may vote. The five members with the highest amount of votes are accepted into the Directorate

    d) Each Directorate member shall serve in office for 1 full term of 2 months, at which point they may be re elected through official elections. If a Director wishes to resign they must allow 1 week searching for a suitable replacement before stepping down.

    e) Presidential Elections- Every 3 Months the President and Vice President will be re-elected. The delegate with the most votes will win the presidency, and the second most votes will win the vice presidency.

    ~Subsection 2.2.3- Relegation: Should the Body Republic of the alliance see it fit to relegate a member of the Directorate, The rest of the Directorate may be asked to set up a General Assembly regarding the demotion of said Director. Should the option in favor of demoting the Director result with 3/4 or more of the vote after 48 hours, that member of the Directorate is to be demoted immediately.

    Article III Foreign Relations

    Section 3.1- Foreign Interaction

    Any alliance visiting The Ascended Republic of Elite States may request a forum for inter-alliance interactions. Each embassy may be viewed by members of the Republic and users recognized as diplomats from their respective alliances. For a private venue used to hold higher diplomatic talks or to relay Embassies may be closed at any time by the Director of Foreign Affairs after notifying the diplomats of the alliance of the closure are the reasons behind it.

    Section 3.2- Treaty Approval

    The Ascended Republic of Elite States reserves the right to offer and accept treaty proposals. Treaties may be passed by the approval of the Director of Foreign Affairs and a majority vote in the favor of the treaty passing from the Directorate. In addition, all treaties that necessitate military defense of any form from The Ascended Republic of Elite States must be signed by the Director of Defense.

    Section 3.3- Honoring Treaties

    The Ascended Republic of Elite States is required to fulfill all obligations listed as active treaties regardless of the circumstances. If two treaties should come into conflict into one another, the Coalition is required to withdrawal its signatures from one of the documents as instructed by the treaty.

    Article IV Warfare

    Section 4.1- Inter-Alliance War

    The Ascended Republic of Elite States reserves the right to declare war on any alliance it sees fit as long as an appropriate casus belli is stated. Though aggressive actions are highly discouraged, violations of the alliance’s sovereignty or belligerent actions on treaty partners may be met with war.

    Section 4.2- Declaration of War

    In order for The Ascended Republic of Elite States to declare a state of war between itself and another alliance, The President, The Vice-President, and the Director of Defense must approve/disapprove the Declaration of War.

    Section 4.3- Declaration of Peace

    In order for The Ascended Republic of Elite States to declare a state of peace between itself and another alliance, a majority vote in favor of the declaration must be gained from the Directorate. Surrender terms for alliances at war with The Ascended Republic of Elite States are to be created and upheld by the Government.

    Section 4.4- National Warfare

    Member nations of the Ascended Republic of Elite States may only declare war on aligned nations should the military command Order the attacks. Any nation that declares war without proper authorization is to be disciplined by the Directorate as seen fit and the situation to be handled by the diplomatic corps.

    Section 4.5- Red Nation Attacks

    Attacks on Red nations by any member of The Ascended Republic of Elite States are strictly forbidden.

    Section 4.6 - Tech Raid Test

    All nations of The Ascended Republic of Elite States, must take a test to determine knowledge and capacity. You MUST pass this test in order to be allowed to Tech Raid. Tech Raiding before passing this test will result in Disciplinary action as determined by the Directorate. The President and Vice-President may also approve/disapprove any individual member by awarding or revoking their tech raid “licenseâ€.

    Article V Discharge

    The membership of The Ascended Republic of Elite States is viable to alter and the alliance recognizes that there are several means by which said membership and voice in the Body Republic may be removed.

    Section 5.1- Honorable Discharge

    Any nation recognized as holding membership in the alliance may make a public notice of resignation and leave the alliance at any time, should they choose to resign their affiliation with The Ascended Republic of Elite States. At the point of resignation, nations lose their voice in the Body Republic and all other benefits associated with membership. Nations must wait at least one hour after their resignation post to change their alliance affiliation.

    Section 5.2- Dishonorable Discharge

    Should any member of the alliance perform acts unsuitable to the laws of the Charter or Precepts of The Ascended Republic of Elite States, their membership is subject to over go review and possible ejection.

    ~Subsection 5.2.1- Expulsion by Popular Vote: Any nation’s membership in The Ascended Republic of Elite States may be brought up for discussion and the member nominated for expulsion to the Body Republic by the People’s Councilor in a General Assembly if asked to by another member. All members may participate in the subsequent vote up to forty-eight hours after the original nomination for expulsion is made. After forty-eight hours of voting, the results must have at least sixty percent supporting the expulsion of the member for the expulsion to take place. The expulsion can be negated should the Directorate pardon the nominated member in a majority vote.

    ~Subsection 5.2.2- Expulsion by Directorate Vote: Any nation’s membership in The Ascended Republic of Elite States may be brought up for discussion and the member nominated for expulsion to the members of the Directorate. After twenty-four hours of discussion, a vote will be held for another twenty-four hours over that nation’s membership. If a majority vote is produced in the Directorate, the member is to be immediately expelled.

    ~Subsection 5.2.3- Pardons: The President alone has the power to Pardon anyone he wishes in the alliance if he deems necessary. A Pardon excuses the individual from any said action or anything set forth by the president.

    Article VI Revisions

    Any member of The Ascended Republic of Elite States may propose amendments to the Body Republic and from there it will go into a voting period of no less than seventy-two hours. After the voting period ends, if the amendment has eighty percent of votes in favor of passing it will then go to the High Council. The council must rule unanimously for the amendment to pass.


    The countersigned decree that Ascended Republic of Elite States is an alliance that strives for greatness and internal solidarity. It is in this charter that we trust the membership to lead the Coalition forever forward and into a new era of prosperity. Hail ARES!

    Signed by the Founders of this Charter,

    President - Caossal

    Vice President - Joe Stupid

    Director of Foreign Affairs - Jotti

    Director of Internal Affairs -SaphireFenix

    Director of Defense -Barix9

    Director of Recruitment -Porksaber

    Director of the Bank -v0.0v

  2. We are Happy to Announce that some of the remnants of the ACL have reformed into another alliance, The Ascended Republic of Elite States. In Van Hoo's infinite wisdom, he offered us protection, which we gladly accepted. So here it is, all in one The charter/protectorate.




    The Ascended Republic of Elite States is established as a bastion of unity fashioned by the effort and unanimity of all those dedicated to its glorious cause. Our Creed, or Mission as it stands, is to subsist as a beacon of hope for all those who aspire and strive for alliance quality and serve as an icon of prestige. We are The Ascended Republic of Elite States, This is our creed, and it stands firm.


    We, the nations of The Ascended Republic of Elite States, do hereby solemnly swear allegiance Republic in addition to all members honored by the Directorate as components of the government and sign the following charter, binding us as brothers-in-arms.

    We agree to follow the laws set forth by this charter and honor the wishes of its founders, to defend our brethren from any outside force which opposes them, to gather together in a sense of continuous unity and cooperation, to establish a peace that can only be obtained through the growth and development of ours and our brothers’ nations, and together reap the rewards of our alliance while upholding our intent to grow stronger in both strength and camaraderie.


    The following definitions identify the meaning of certain phrases that will be found throughout the Charter of The Ascended Republic of Elite States and related documents.


    Affiliate is the term used for a member of any membership tier.

    Belligerent Action-

    Any action taken by a nation not recognized as a legitimate member of the Ascended Republic of Elite States deemed by Directorate as an attempt to cause harm to a member of the alliance or the alliance as a whole. This includes, but is not limited to: Offensive declarations or espionage on members, aiding a known enemy of the alliance, and revealing private information or intelligence belonging to the alliance to foreign parties.

    Body Republic- the Body Republic consists of all recognized members in the alliance, regardless of rank or position. All members may vote for a consensus in topics proposed during a General Assembly.

    General Assembly- Voting period for any topic brought forth for a consensus amongst members of the Body Republic.

    Article I – Membership Rights and Liberties

    Section 1.1- Social Contract

    As members of the Ascended Republic of Elite States, we do hereby solemnly swear a social contract with the alliance and gain all the freedoms, liberties, and responsibilities associated with membership in the alliance. We agree to adhere to the Charter and, by extension, other documents accepted by the alliance as active.

    Section 1.2- Body Republic

    All members, regardless of rank or membership tier, have a seat in the Body Republic. The Body Republic may vote in any poll as part of a General Assembly. All members of the Body Republic are permitted to speak freely, though civility is to be maintained at all times between alliance-mates. President, Vice President and or The Directorate may restrict communications outside of private channels by issuing a Declaration of Censorship during times of crisis; however members may continue to converse on The Ascended Republic of Elite States forums.

    Section 1.3- Loyalty & Respect

    All members of The Ascended Republic of Elite States must remain loyal to the alliance and all major verdicts issued by the government. This also includes following procedures set in place by the alliance, including the Charter, the Precepts, and other documents of the alliance. Members of the alliance are also expected to respect and value their equals in the Body Republic, regardless of membership tier. Insults or rudeness in any form committed against other members is not considered acceptable.

    Section 1.4- Protection

    The Ascended Republic of Elite States pledges to protect all of its members politically, diplomatically, and militarily. Each individual in the alliance is required to defend other members if called upon to do so by the military command.

    Section 1.5- Management Opportunities

    The Ascended Republic of Elite States provides every member the opportunity to attain any rank or position within the alliance and encourages all those members willing to work towards earning any position they desire. The alliance also recognizes that not all members seek to give equal contributions to the welfare of the alliance. The Government deems that acts worthy of acknowledgment will be recognized and rewarded with the proper compensation. Any member of the alliance may pursue a position in either leadership or a department, and are encouraged to do so. Continued participation in alliance affairs, such as regular collaboration in alliance-related discussions and other contributions to the wellbeing of the Republic are encouraged and rewarded.

    Section 1.6- Chain of Command

    Members of the Ascended Republic of Elite States must accept and obey the governmental structure of the alliance. Each member of the Body Republic must understand the limits of his or her power and respect the boundaries of their position. While members are encouraged to seek positions of power within the alliance, they are expected to comply with their superiors. Impersonating a recognized government member is a serious offense and will be dealt with as such.

    Article II – Governmental Structure

    The chain of command as established by this charter is primarily a Democratic system in which the President and Vice President serve as an executive body that wields governmental powers and manages authorities within the alliance. Under the President, and Vice President is a Directorate of Five members. The purpose of the Directorate is to regulate decisions within the alliance and inside their respective Areas As well as balance out the Power of the President and Vice President. Listed below is the full government structure of the Ascended Republic of Elite States as well as their descriptions and governmental powers.

    Section 2.1- President, and Vice President

    ~Subsection 2.1.1- Purpose & Powers:

    a) The President and Vice President are two individuals that serve as the head of the alliance as both figure head, and leaders which will keep office for 3 months (90 days) before either going up for re election, or stepping down.

    B) Each of which will conduct business relevant to the constancy and preservation of the alliance.

    c) Both may promote or demote any member serving in the alliance as they deem necessary, unless overturned by a vote in the Directorate.

    d) The President and Vice President, oversee as well as give a helping hand in the daily running of the alliance, As well as serve the purpose as the leader and main figure head of the alliance.

    E) President, and Vice President has the power to hold emergency elections should they feel it’s necessary for the greater alliance good.

    F) The President gets the final say in all matters, and can only overturn the directorate majority vote if The President, and the Vice President are in accordance.

    ~Subsection 2.1.2- Appointment: In the case of an open Presidential position The Vice President will take the President position and a Two day Election Will be held to fill the missing spot of Vice President the first day will be nominations and applications, the second day the votes will be held. The Directorate will thoroughly examine each candidate set forth by the members and will determine if they are capable of serving in the position. The candidate receiving the most votes will fill the new position unless a vote of rejection is set forth by all 5 Directors and the remaining Presidential position holder. In the Case of both President and Vice president leaving their position, the Director of Internal Affairs, will take the place as president until a suitable replacement is appointed.

    Section 2.2- Directorate

    ~Subsection 2.2.1- Purpose & Powers:

    The Directorate is an agency composed of members appointed by the members as Directors or Deputy Directors to run the Five Departments of the alliance. Each Director runs and appoints members to positions below them to assist in the operation of the Department. The Director can propose changes to their selected department and can administer the changes unless these changes are denied by a 3/5 majority from the Directorate, or the President. The Directors are as follows

    Director of Foreign Affairs -

    It is the DoFA's job to approve or decline treaties that proposed by ambassadors as well as set up and manage Embassies and Treaties between other alliances. The Director of Foreign Affairs has Authority over all diplomats and Embassies inside the Ascended Republic of Elite States.

    Director of Defense -

    It is the job of the Director of Defense to handle all military affairs of the alliance. It is his duty to Manage the Divisions, and Appoint Military personnel, conduct war games, and oversee the entire security of the alliance.

    Director of Recruitment -

    It is the DoR's Job to Handle all aspects involving recruitment, this includes the set up and management of the recruitment systems, management of contests as well as the promotion of recruitment within the alliance.

    Director of Internal Affairs -

    The Director of Internal Affairs oversees the daily operation of the alliance, and has control over Job Assignment, Alliance Education, Resignations, Elections, Internal Spies, and Trials and Punishment.

    Director of the Bank -

    It is the job of the DotB to Oversee and manage all transactions of money in the alliance that are done above a member to member level, this includes Aid Trains,, and Contests involving the alliance and cash rewards.


    Are appointed by the President and the Vice President. They are to help the directors in their respective fields, and assist in any way possible. They are usually ex-government officials who are residing in our retirement home.

    Minister of Corn Flakes

    - Is a special position created specifically for v0.0v, it has no meaning, and no value to the alliance, which is reflective in his service. Just Kidding (no I’m not)

    ~Subsection 2.2.2- Elections:

    a) During election periods, any member may nominate another member for the chance to run for the Directorate.

    Once they accept the nomination, the Directorate candidates will create platforms for what they plan to do during their time as a Director and why they should be elected.

    c) After three days of campaigning, a vote is held in which all members may vote. The five members with the highest amount of votes are accepted into the Directorate

    d) Each Directorate member shall serve in office for 1 full term of 2 months, at which point they may be re elected through official elections. If a Director wishes to resign they must allow 1 week searching for a suitable replacement before stepping down.

    e) Presidential Elections- Every 3 Months the President and Vice President will be re-elected. The delegate with the most votes will win the presidency, and the second most votes will win the vice presidency.

    ~Subsection 2.2.3- Relegation: Should the Body Republic of the alliance see it fit to relegate a member of the Directorate, The rest of the Directorate may be asked to set up a General Assembly regarding the demotion of said Director. Should the option in favor of demoting the Director result with 3/4 or more of the vote after 48 hours, that member of the Directorate is to be demoted immediately.

    Article III – Foreign Relations

    Section 3.1- Foreign Interaction

    Any alliance visiting The Ascended Republic of Elite States may request a forum for inter-alliance interactions. Each embassy may be viewed by members of the Republic and users recognized as diplomats from their respective alliances. For a private venue used to hold higher diplomatic talks or to relay Embassies may be closed at any time by the Director of Foreign Affairs after notifying the diplomats of the alliance of the closure are the reasons behind it.

    Section 3.2- Treaty Approval

    The Ascended Republic of Elite States reserves the right to offer and accept treaty proposals. Treaties may be passed by the approval of the Director of Foreign Affairs and a majority vote in the favor of the treaty passing from the Directorate. In addition, all treaties that necessitate military defense of any form from The Ascended Republic of Elite States must be signed by the Director of Defense.

    Section 3.3- Honoring Treaties

    The Ascended Republic of Elite States is required to fulfill all obligations listed as active treaties regardless of the circumstances. If two treaties should come into conflict into one another, the Coalition is required to withdrawal its signatures from one of the documents as instructed by the treaty.

    Article IV – Warfare

    Section 4.1- Inter-Alliance War

    The Ascended Republic of Elite States reserves the right to declare war on any alliance it sees fit as long as an appropriate casus belli is stated. Though aggressive actions are highly discouraged, violations of the alliance’s sovereignty or belligerent actions on treaty partners may be met with war.

    Section 4.2- Declaration of War

    In order for The Ascended Republic of Elite States to declare a state of war between itself and another alliance, The President, The Vice-President, and the Director of Defense must approve/disapprove the Declaration of War.

    Section 4.3- Declaration of Peace

    In order for The Ascended Republic of Elite States to declare a state of peace between itself and another alliance, a majority vote in favor of the declaration must be gained from the Directorate. Surrender terms for alliances at war with The Ascended Republic of Elite States are to be created and upheld by the Government.

    Section 4.4- National Warfare

    Member nations of the Ascended Republic of Elite States may only declare war on aligned nations should the military command Order the attacks. Any nation that declares war without proper authorization is to be disciplined by the Directorate as seen fit and the situation to be handled by the diplomatic corps.

    Section 4.5- Red Nation Attacks

    Attacks on Red nations by any member of The Ascended Republic of Elite States are strictly forbidden.

    Section 4.6 - Tech Raid Test

    All nations of The Ascended Republic of Elite States, must take a test to determine knowledge and capacity. You MUST pass this test in order to be allowed to Tech Raid. Tech Raiding before passing this test will result in Disciplinary action as determined by the Directorate. The President and Vice-President may also approve/disapprove any individual member by awarding or revoking their tech raid “licenseâ€.

    Article V – Discharge

    The membership of The Ascended Republic of Elite States is viable to alter and the alliance recognizes that there are several means by which said membership and voice in the Body Republic may be removed.

    Section 5.1- Honorable Discharge

    Any nation recognized as holding membership in the alliance may make a public notice of resignation and leave the alliance at any time, should they choose to resign their affiliation with The Ascended Republic of Elite States. At the point of resignation, nations lose their voice in the Body Republic and all other benefits associated with membership. Nations must wait at least one hour after their resignation post to change their alliance affiliation.

    Section 5.2- Dishonorable Discharge

    Should any member of the alliance perform acts unsuitable to the laws of the Charter or Precepts of The Ascended Republic of Elite States, their membership is subject to over go review and possible ejection.

    ~Subsection 5.2.1- Expulsion by Popular Vote: Any nation’s membership in The Ascended Republic of Elite States may be brought up for discussion and the member nominated for expulsion to the Body Republic by the People’s Councilor in a General Assembly if asked to by another member. All members may participate in the subsequent vote up to forty-eight hours after the original nomination for expulsion is made. After forty-eight hours of voting, the results must have at least sixty percent supporting the expulsion of the member for the expulsion to take place. The expulsion can be negated should the Directorate pardon the nominated member in a majority vote.

    ~Subsection 5.2.2- Expulsion by Directorate Vote: Any nation’s membership in The Ascended Republic of Elite States may be brought up for discussion and the member nominated for expulsion to the members of the Directorate. After twenty-four hours of discussion, a vote will be held for another twenty-four hours over that nation’s membership. If a majority vote is produced in the Directorate, the member is to be immediately expelled.

    ~Subsection 5.2.3- Pardons: The President alone has the power to Pardon anyone he wishes in the alliance if he deems necessary. A Pardon excuses the individual from any said action or anything set forth by the president.

    Article VI – Revisions

    Any member of The Ascended Republic of Elite States may propose amendments to the Body Republic and from there it will go into a voting period of no less than seventy-two hours. After the voting period ends, if the amendment has eighty percent of votes in favor of passing it will then go to the High Council. The council must rule unanimously for the amendment to pass.


    The countersigned decree that Ascended Republic of Elite States is an alliance that strives for greatness and internal solidarity. It is in this charter that we trust the membership to lead the Coalition forever forward and into a new era of prosperity. Hail ARES!

    Signed by the Founders of this Charter,

    President - Caossal

    Vice President – Joe Stupid

    Director of Foreign Affairs - Jotti

    Director of Internal Affairs -SaphireFenix

    Director of Defense –Barix9

    Director of Recruitment -Porksaber

    Director of the Bank/Minister of Corn Flakes –v0.0v




    In the interest of friendship, protection, and guidance Ragnarok and the Ascended Republic of Elite States, agree to the following protectorate agreement.

    I. Sovereignty:

    Ragnarok and the Ascended Republic of Elite States recognize each other as sovereign and separate alliances.

    II. Peace and Respect:

    Ragnarok and the Ascended Republic of Elite States will coexist in a state of peace. Neither alliance will attack the other militarily or verbally. Both alliances will remain respectful towards each other at all times and any differences will be handled via private discussion.

    III. Protection and Defense:

    An attack on the Ascended Republic of Elite States will be considered an attack on Ragnarok. Ragnarok will attempt to resolve such an issue on the behalf of the Ascended Republic of Elite States through diplomatic means before force is ever used. While not required, the Ascended Republic of Elite States may come to the defense of Ragnarok at their choosing if the need for mutual defense is ever requested.

    IV. Aid and Progress:

    Ragnarok will aid the Ascended Republic of Elite States when able to help them grow as an alliance. Ragnarok also assumes the responsibility for the success and growth of Ascended Republic of Elite States and will offer all the assistance and guidance that it can provide.

    V. Aggression and Treaty Signing:

    Ascended Republic of Elite States agrees to alert Ragnarok if they have decided to go on the offensive towards another alliance within 48 hours of doing so. The Ascended Republic of Elite States will never declare war on another alliance without first discussing it with Ragnarok leadership. The Ascended Republic of Elite States will also contact Ragnarok before signing any treaties with other alliances and will discuss such decisions with them.

    VI. Merging and Disbandment:

    In the sad event that the Ascended Republic of Elite States decides it can no longer function as an alliance, Ascended Republic of Elite States agrees to contact Ragnarok leadership. If possible disbandment is an option, Ascended Republic of Elite States agrees to contact Ragnarok within 24 hours to discuss other options. Ragnarok agrees to do everything they can to help Ascended Republic of Elite States avoid such a fate.

    VII. Cancellation and Possible Upgrade:

    Both parties agree to give each other 48 hour notice before canceling this treaty. Should Ascended Republic of Elite States feel they have outgrown the need for protection and assistance from Ragnarok, the parties will discuss a possible upgrade to a MDP.

    Signed for Ragnarok:

    Van Hoo III, Emperor of Ragnarok

    Gen_Lee, Prime Minister

    SanderP, High Chancellor

    Sir Michael Harland, Vice Chancellor

    Topia, Lord of War

    Signed for Ascended Republic of Elite States:

    Caossal, President

    Joe Stupid, Vice President

    Jotti, Director of Foreign Affairs

    Barix9, Director of Defense

    Sapirefenix, Director of Internal Affairs

    There ya have it folks...

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