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Emperor Fu

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Posts posted by Emperor Fu

  1. Really like your concept Ivan. It's really cool. I'm in a bit the same spot as you on the time issue.

    I figure if the admin likes where mine is going, or at least some of it, I can spend a couple hours the next day redoing what he doesn't like and present a more tidy, polished finish copy.

    That said, I'm a bit late in the running and without much response, it is hard to judge if it is even worth my time to try and put together a newer version right now. Stiff competition after all, and if admin already has his eye on one or two of the others as favorites, then I'd hate to invest too much more time into a lost cause.

  2. Duke: I'd be more than willing to update alliances when they get sanctioned with their flags on it if my design were indeed chosen. So yeah, to that end, that would not necessarily be an issue either, and could offer further incentive to getting sanctioned.


    I'm gonna go get some fresh air for a while. Been working on this thing all day and need to get out. Please keep the constructive criticism and any other thoughts coming. I will try to find time to make an updated submission later in the evening based on all the input I receive.

    As of now I'm planning to:

    -Make a new alliances slide to either accompany the old one or act in its place.

    -Replace Austin Powers with a better spy visual. (Have yet to find one I like)

    -Turn the computer back up properly because I think it looks awkward.

    -Present a final version with both a black and white background.

    -If I can figure out how, perhaps add a transition effect between the slides to help it flow more smoothly.

    ~Emperor Fu

  3. >.> Yeah, I expected to be told to remove Austin Powers, and mainly used him as my spy picture as a filler until I got some criticism and found a better spy picture.

    The alliances slide: I figured this would be the more controversial addition. I'm good for removing it, though I don't think it is a big deal if the picture stays the same while sanctioned alliances change. I was mainly just looking for some way to include probably the biggest feature in the game. Any other thoughts on how I may better represent alliances? Perhaps just a slide that involves such things as aid, community, and what not?

    Thanks for the input and keep it coming!!

    Also, I figured one more complaint about my design may end up the color scheme not working well, so I made a white background version for people to consider (only showing one slide as an example):


    I don't want to go doing a bunch of changes and reanimating it over and over again until I get more input though.

  4. Disclaimer: I'm a complete amateur and so my quality may be lacking in comparison to some of the other fine works done here, but it seemed like it'd be fun to give it a shot, and so here is my entry:



    Individual Screens:





    Repeat 1

    Repeat 2











    There it is. I tried to throw in some light-hearted humor to show that part of the game as well. Certainly not as attractive as I'd like it to be, but I'm always the time to be a bit more fun with my work than completely serious. Just my style. Please, by all means, give some constructive criticism!

    Emperor Fu

    ~GPA Minister of Fun

  5. *Emperor Fu will have his addition to the contest up in a couple hours.

    Unfortunately, my time has been short this week so my entry is going to be only shades of what I had wanted it to be in terms of quality.

    Also to note, surprisingly, my fellow GPA art buddy RD had a very similar idea to my own. I can assure you neither of us were copying the other.

    EDIT: /me doesn't work here apparently. :P

    EDIT2: Don't know how long till this competition is over, so I'll keep updating my progress here to show that I'm working on it:

    Done with main slide, a nation building slide, an alliances slide. Working on: FA, Military/war, Finishing slide, and probably going to try and gif them together, though I've only done that once before so it may take me longer to figure out again. Will also make presentations of how they'll look on the homepage.

    UPDATE: FA slide done. Onto military slide.

  6. Both Silent and Pot Face's ideas are great and well-executed. For King Pot Face's, I wouldn't mind seeing one more slide with the headline "Community". I personally find the community to be the largest draw of this game. It is what keeps me coming back, not the game aspects. The foreign affairs does cover this somewhat, but not in full I think.

    I'd consider submitting something myself as I enjoy a challenge, but I'm definitely not as experienced as these guys, so best if I leave it to the pros. :P

    Looking forward to D34th's submission as well if he is still doing one!

    EDIT: Came up with a slightly interesting concept that sort of blends Pot Face and Silent's ideas togehter and I might give it a go. Looks like I'm gonna be killing a bunch of time tomorrow. If I don't like it I'm not gonna post it though!

  7. Hey, I'm on vacation right now and forgot to collect my taxes before leaving. I'm up to 17 days or so and won't be back to my normal computer in time for the 20th day. If I log on from the wifi at my hotel, will I be risking deletion, or can I do it without a problem? I tried looking up the answer to this question but couldn't find clarification on such a situation. Obviously if I am risking deletion by logging in from here, I'd rather try to find an alliance mate to nation sit and collect taxes for me, but I figured I'd check here in case I can't find someone to do that. So yeah, is it safe for me to collect taxes real quick from this hotel or should I find an alternative solution?

  8. Chose Minister of Internal Affairs.

    Granted, that is typically a biased option for the GPA as we don't sign treaties and are neutral and thus, most of the time, have less to worry about externally than we do internally.

    The MoIA has always had one of the toughest jobs in the GPA. Granted, we've had other offices open such as Membership that have very challenging jobs as well.

  9. Dear fu,

    While I appreciate your exuberance to expel everyone who surrenders, I waited for four days while my nation was destroyed. I posted the war and awaited orders that never came.

    I surrendered for my survival. You can call me a coward all you want. It is you who are foolish to fight a battle you cannot win. No one currently in the GPA has even tried a diplomatic solution these past few months. I only regret that my country had to suffer for your oversights.

    Err, first off, I've not called you or any other people who surrendered cowards. Don't know where you got that idea. Secondly, there is no exuberance to expel members. We don't like seeing you all leave, but you are doing it for your own reasons. That is your choice. The expulsion is simply the unfortunate but necessary result of that choice.

    You weren't exactly alone in the needing aid category. Have you looked at my own nation? I'd have given you money in a second had I been able to. Unfortunately that was not so. Don't paint me some bad guy that hates everyone that leaves. It is not true. But there is no way your membership can continue if you surrender. The surrender terms requiring you to change AA alone means you have to give up your affiliation as one of our members, and that is the least of the reasons we can't let those who surrender retain membership.

    And as to your last comment, I can only say that maybe you should have gotten a bit more involved to help prevent such occurrences.

    Everyone else:

    For those who missed my post in this thread, I said that after the war is over, providing nations have followed their individual surrender terms, and been let go to travel freely and choose an alliance again, we MAY OR MAY NOT let them back. I never said we would not, and I never said we would. I did say that we would not be taking any of them back while the war is going on, which I think is quite reasonable. Whether we do let anybody back in after the war will likely be more on a case by case basis for the reasons of departure. Some left for very respectable reasons, while others did not.

    Anyway, further clarification really isn't necessary. This topic shouldn't have gone past the first post quite honestly.

    My thanks to those who looked at this topic and tried to help explain this simple policy. Appreciate the good will and good comments. It was nice to see a bunch of people giving sufficient answers in my place so I did not have to waste further time, and also very thankful for the respectful comments toward us and the policy.

    I will not take any more questions regarding this policy. Thanks again.

  10. As soon as Flower arrives in GPA territory, I'm going to have to claim him as my own mighty steed (even if he is a llama, yes). It takes one hell of a beast to wear a fro as well as myself afterall.

  11. From where Im sitting, I havent seen any actions by GPA to save themselves. It almost looks like they are taking the martyr approach, which doesnt work well in CN.

    Well, the fact that we did not launch a nuclear first strike, and have attempted to uphold some level of respectability (couple mistakes of course, but we're not exactly customed to war), and frankly, we've shown as much respect as possible and fought as honorably as possible.

    I definitely do not see these as actions of an alliance looking to be a martyr. We wish for peace. That said, there is only so much we can do to attain it at the moment. Hopefully it will come soon.

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