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Mozambique Monitor


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Official State Run News of The Mozambique Confederacy




Capitol: Zomba

Population: 82,000,000

Annual GDP: $117.1 billion

Annual GDP Growth: 7%

Official Currency: meticais (MZM) $1 ~ 24 MZM

Pula ($1~6.5 P) is also accepted, but less common.


Lashir Rakshana


Lower Council

High Council


Judicial Council

Ministries (under presidential authority):

- Finance

- Culture

- Education and Labor

- Transportation and Infrastructure

- Defense

- Agriculture and Commerce

- Foreign Ministry

- Health

The Mozambique Confederacy Military:


Antonov An-26 - 10
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-17 - 10
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 - 100
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 - 10
Mil Mi-8 - 6
Mil Mi-24 - 4
Piper Cherokee Six - 3
Zlin Trener - 5
Mi-35 Assault Helicopter (5)
MiG-23 fighters (2)
Nanchang K-8 Karakorum (11)
Yakovlev Yak-40 Codling VIP transports (3)
C-47TP-AR Air Reconnaissance Aircraft (3)
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19S - 20
de Havilland DHC-5D Buffalo - 4
Harbin Y-12 - 4
Yakovlev Yak-40 - 2
Aermacchi SF.260
Aermacchi MB-326 - 23
Nanchang PT-6
Hongdu K-8 Karakorum - 6
Xian MA60 - 2
	* Mil Mi-17
	* Bell UH-1H Iroquois - 6
Dornier 228 (2)
Hawker Siddeley HS-125 (1)
SA 330 Puma (2)
Eurocopter Dauphin (1)
British Aerospace BAe 125 (1)
Basler BT-67 (2)
Dornier Do 228 (4)
Eurocopter Ecureuil (15)


active: 800,000

elite (parlimentry): 130,000

reservists: 575,000

Total: 1,305,000


25 Armed Merchant Ships

10 destroyer

5 battleship

17 Navel Transports


Military Vehicles:

200 APCs

10,000 Tanks

200 Humvees

330 Transport Trucks

Foreign Relations:

MDAP with the Grecian Empire

4-way NAP with The Republic of Mozambique, South Africa, Greece, and The Union

Edited by thenb
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** Secret **

1 destroyer produced, more to come

Battleship still in production

With the ceasefire now in affect, Government starts an international tourist campaign, showing off its lush beaches and forest. The diamond mines are reopened and The Confederacy is urging all of its citizens to be accepting to help alleviate ethnic tensions.

More war factories in production, and with the new land army size increases to 138,000 troops, with more expected to follow with the new army paycheck raises.

** HIGHLY Classified **

Scientists have been dispatched around the world to find someone selling SDI and ICBM technology. It could take time.

** Secret **

Also military numbers updated, 1000 more tanks produced, 100 lost in the war

50,000 more soldiers, with 12,000 casualties in the war

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** SECRET **

Battleship is produced, heads to testing. Our military researchers get right to work on a better one.

Army size increases by 12,000... getting closer to our goal of 300,000

500 Tanks Roll out of war factory

** Public Events **

Blogger claims government establishing ties with Al-Queda and other terror groups, government dismisses it as nonsense.

That same day, his car explodes due to a "faulty repair", but the news goes unnoticed.

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** SECRET **

Military of Zimbabwe and Zambia integrated

We receive from zimbabwe (was split with republic)

30,000 troops
Mi-35 Assault Helicopter (4)
MiG-23 fighters (2)
Nanchang K-8 Karakorum (11)
Yakovlev Yak-40 Codling VIP transports (3)
C-47TP-AR Air Reconnaissance Aircraft (3)
1000 parliamentary troops

any additional aircraft/military supplies were converted to scrap metal and used to build a brand new school

and from Zambia

15,100 troops
	* Type 59 Tanks (20)
	* T-55 Tanks (10)
	* PT-76 light Tanks (30)
	* BRDM-1/BRDM-2 Armoured Vehicles (70)
	* BTR-60 Armoured Personnel Carriers (13)
	* BTR-80 Armoured Personnel Carriers (20)

	--- AIRCRAFT ---

	* MiG-21-2000 (12)
	* Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19S - 12
	* Antonov An-26 - 4
	* de Havilland DHC-5D Buffalo - 4
	* Harbin Y-12 - 4
	* Yakovlev Yak-40 - 2
	* Aermacchi SF.260
	* Aermacchi MB-326 - 23
	* Nanchang PT-6
	* Hongdu K-8 Karakorum - 6
	* Xian MA60 - 2
	* Mil Mi-17
	* Bell UH-1H Iroquois - 6

any additional supplies here were used for scrap metal, which was then made into a hospital.

and from Malawi:

5,300 troops
Dornier 228 (2)
Hawker Siddeley HS-125 (1)
SA 330 Puma (2)
Eurocopter Dauphin (1)
British Aerospace BAe 125 (1)
Basler BT-67 (2)
Dornier Do 228 (4)
Eurocopter Ecureuil (1)
** NAVY **
	* 2 patrol boats
	* 1 LCU

1 more destroyer produced, more on their way

Battleship in production...

100 tanks produced

OOC: for simplicities sake, im converting all vehicles to tanks on the top. So adding 263 tanks, 50,400 troops, and all aircraft/navy mentioned above. (will update in a minute)

also if i screwed anything up, dont hesitate to tell me.


President Lashir Rakshana today passed a sweeping health and education reform bill, now requiring that children go to some sort of school from age 7-13. He hailed it as a "First Step toward the civilized world". The bill also provided funding for new schools all around the country, as well as better medical care and more government jobs. Not everyone was happy, especially opposition leader John Acaba, who said that this would drive the federal deficit to "Record Levels". Ironically, as he said that Lashir was heading to the UN to ask for more aid.

Edited by thenb
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** Classified **

Battleship in production

Destroyer in production

1 MiG-21 produced

100 Tanks produced.

** Highly Classified **

(Office of the head of intelligence)

A man enters the room. He has a beard, sunglasses, and a hat. No one asks who he is, the secratary simply hands him a passport and some $100 USD bills. He then leaves.

** Public **

President Lashir Rakshana announces a new initiative. If at least 1/4 of a villages with over 5000 people join the reserve, a new school will be built there. Army reserve recruitment reaches record levels, with mile long lines outside the centers.

** Private **

Minister of Finance Jonathan Henderson enters the presidents office.

Lashir: "You wanted to see me?"

MoF: err yes sir. I thought you should take a look at this...

Lashir: d**m thats a lot of red. Well back to the UN

MoF: Very good sir. Tell them we need much more for *ahem* welfare *cough*

Lashir: Ah i see where your going...

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** Secret **

1 destroyer produced

1 battleship produced

100 tanks produced

25,000 troops added to active military and 50,000 to reservists.

1 Mi-35 Assault Copter Produced.

Population calculated:

6,891,000 (my half of zimbabwe) + 9,863,000 (my half of mozambique) + 10,812,000 (Zambia) + 12,105,000 (Malawi)

considering growth, rounded the numbers up to the nearest 1 million

so total population: 41,000,000

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** Public **

The Minister of Health Donald Rana today announced that he would be launching a new campaign to help rid the country of terrible diseases like AIDS. With a little help from the UN, the ministry of health will now be distributing condoms in city centers and encouraging citizens to get tested and treated.

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** Public **

More statistics are in (OOC: will be updated at top)

Annual GDP: $62.1 billion

Annual GDP Growth: 6%

Official Currency: meticais (MZM) $1 ~ 24 MZM

Pula ($1~6.5 P) is also accepted, but less common. (OOC: we are neighbors)

President Lashir Rakshana is currently filling top government positions

And our treaties are:

MDAP with the Grecian Empire

4-way NAP with The Republic of Mozambique, South Africa, Greece, and The Union

Categorized our 275,000 strong military

active: 150,000

elite (parlimentry): 25,000

reservists: 125,000

Total: 300,000

** Announcement **

Today President Lashir Rakshana signed a law banning the practices of child labor and human trafficking. He said "They are sick and disgusting acts, and we shall not let it happen in our great confederacy!"

The government also announced that it will provide busing so that those children may go to school.

The Mozambique Confederacy moves it capitol to Zomba, in the Malawi province.

OOC: Major cities up next

Edit: Grammar

Edited by thenb
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OOC: How do you have half of Zimbabwe? According to this map:


you have none.

I also wonder when we integrated the Zimbabwe and Zambian military?

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OOC: umm i half about half dude, look at a map of africa.

Also zambia is all mine, so i intengrated all of it (in earlier post) and took half of the zimbabwe and mozambique forces, i left you the rest to do what you want.

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** Announcement **

Minister of Education and Labor Donald Puma today announced with great joy that the countries literacy rate had increased... 0.2%!!!

** Private **

Additional 322 tanks are produced [OOC: we like round numbers :) ]

1 MiG-21 fighter

10,000 recruits added to active military, 15,000 to reserve, and 5000 to parliamentary.

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** Announcement **

The ministry of finance said it would be abandoning the hyper inflated Zimbabwean currency, and would begin a financial overhaul of the region. The ministry also announced that both the unemployment and inflation rate had dropped 0.1%.

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OOC: Looking at a map of Africa, I don't see where you have any of Zimbabwe.

Here's our map


and here's Zimbabwe


According to the map, I have all of Zimbabwe.

I'm not trying to sound angry, by the way. You just confused me a ton. :wacko:

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OOC: this isnt going well is it. ya know what i have an idea...

see my other thread, making announcements there

Edit: Resolved, see http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=71916for details.

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** Secret **

Army increased, edited top post

economy shows more signs of improvement

** Highly Classified **

TO: *&(&(*&203 (unknown[could not decrypt])
FROM: The Mozambique Confederacy
You told us this wouldnt happen, that you would not carry out any bombings in the south african region without our approval!
it was necessary
--reply from TMC
well from now on we need to be in the loop if you expect more funding. Now we have your cooperation in Operation Leapord correct?
of course
** end of transmission **

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