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Islands of Ice

King Kevz

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The Prime Minister George Kanda stood on the balcony of his private mansion a soft, pure white cat nestled in his arms for warmth and comfort and as the wind picked up he reached down and gently stroked the cat whilst staring out at the sun as it glistened off the ice and water that lay a short and long distance away. It was a beautiful sight and once again he longed for his wife to stand beside him and to watch the view but she had been dead for three years now and some dreams were just impossible.

The sound of a door opening gracefully behind George distarcted his attention and he turned around, allowing a smile to cross his face as his beautiful angelic daughter entered the room. She was bare footed again as she always seemed to hate wearing shoes unless she really had to and as he watched she moved into a soft graceful dance, moving across the floor in a pattern of twists and turns before coming to a stop on the balcony with her father.

"Hello daddy" she said softly with no trace of happiness, sadness or any real expression at all. She was seventeen years old and yet talked and acted like a much younger girl. The doctors had said it wouldn't last long but after the night of the brutal attack her by those thugs she had never been the same and seeing her now brought both a sigh and a sense of regret to his mind. He had tried his best to ensure he had given her the best medical care and schooling avaliable and yet almost nothing had worked, only those martial arts classes she attended ever seemed to change her and he wasn't she he liked the the change.

And the regret well, they might have been thugs and attempted to horrible things to his beautiful daughter but George had never forgetten that night where he had taken the lives of other men and he still felt sickened by the very thought of it and yet looking down on his daughter he knew deep in his heart that he would do it all over again to punish and stop those filfthy excuses for men.

"Riva you look after Snowy for a while whilst I go make a very important announcement ok" said George with a smile handing Snowy into Riva's arms and he was pleased to see what looked like a small smile appear on her face. Content she was safe and kept busy he walked into the room and out into a hallway where a short stroll later he was settled in a sofa with a lit fireplace to one side and a camera placed in front of him. The camera man held up five fingers and slowly counted down to zero before starting the film and the broadcasting began.

"Greetings nation's of the world I bid you welcome. I am Prime Minister George Kanda of the nation Islands of Ice. We havn't really been able to establish ourselves until recently and now that we are in contact with each other I hope that we can establish relations and see about being friends. We are a peaceful nation who are quite content with living out our lives on our islands and having a good life and all. We do have a very small armed force of special soldiers for defense against those nasty threats like terrorists and their like but that is all. Now for help I have included an image of our territory as I am sure it will be useful. Well I bid you goodbye and hoep to hear from you all soon".


Territory Image

With the camera switched off and applauds from his staff trailing off behind him George made his way back to the room with the balcony where Riva and Snowy were, Entering he found Riva looking down past the balcony railings to the ground below. "Riva darling where is Snowy?" he asked gently and Riva calmly and without care turned and said "I wanted to see if Snowy could fly". Sighing sadly George stepped across and wrapped an arm around the teenage girl and walked her away from the balcony making sure the close the connecting doors. "Come lets go sit down and have some hot chocolate shall we" he said remembering that he would have to send some one down to clean up the mess that would be all that was left of Snowy. And to buy a new cat.

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Arctica welcomes Islands of Ice to the world stage. Please remember that the complex north of your nation, while an official part of our territory, holds no cities but is home to a government research base and as such is off limits.

We would like to come to some sort of agreement allowing the supply submarines to pass through your waters.

Edited by Vedran
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Arctica welcomes Islands of Ice to the world stage. Please remember that the complex north of your nation, while an official part of our territory, holds no cities but is home to a military research base and as such is off limits.

We would like to come to some sort of agreement allowing the supply submarines to pass through your waters.

"We thank you for the kind welcome. We shall ensure that none of our citizens ever cross into your northern military research base at any time. As for the agreement you are free to use our waters at any time and without charge".

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"We thank you for the kind welcome. We shall ensure that none of our citizens ever cross into your northern military research base at any time. As for the agreement you are free to use our waters at any time and without charge".

OOC: Does our MDP Carry over.. yet.. again? :P

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OOC: Does our MDP Carry over.. yet.. again? :P

OOC: Crap I forgot about that <.<, >.> I'm not sure as I want to avoid any war with this nation. Violence, death and war is all RP's seem to be about these days mostly and thats why I only have a small special forces group. Economic treaties could work but I'm signing no military treaties.

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"We thank you for the kind welcome. We shall ensure that none of our citizens ever cross into your northern military research base at any time. As for the agreement you are free to use our waters at any time and without charge".

"Excellent. Our projects will have no ill effects upon your people, worry not. We will remember your generosity."

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"The President would like to give his best wishes to the future of the Islands of Ice. George Kanda, and/or any representatives of his government is welcome in the Pacifican Republic and will be treated with world class accomodations. The Democratic Republic of the Pacific extends the best of luck unto the Islands of Ice and its further continuance into defining itself as a sovereign nation on the world stage."

- Public Secretary to Press and Media for the Executive Office of the President, Catherine Warner

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"Its beautiful daddy" said Riva with a heart warming smile on her face as she ignored the biting cold and stared up at the great monument that had been built in the centre of the capital city. It was a monument to peace with two figures, a man and woman holding their arms together above a flock of doves. Looking down George rustled Riva's hair and couldn't help but smile too as he looked back from his daughter to the monument. Yes it truly was beautiful and it made him feel calmer and happier to see such a creation. It also seemed to be enjoyed by the population and a recent newspaper survey showed an increased amount of support for him.

OOC: Just got a Great Monument.

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The Islands of Ice military is very small compared to other nation's military as they have no armoured battle tanks, no fighter or bomber aircraft, no naval ships and no true standing military. Instead they have a standing force of five thousand special forces whose purpose is to provide armed security for diplomats and to counter any threats of terrorism in the nation. Below is a list of their weapons which they are equipped with.

The AR-20 Assault Rifle


The F-2 Combat Assault Shotgun


The X-56 Machine Gun


The B-1 Hand Gun


The M-26 Sniper Rifle


The IS-3 Sub Machine Gun


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