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Acknowledgment of Hostilities

Emperor Stranger

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I hereby acknowledge a state of defensive war against Army of Darkness. They attacked a nation of Fight Club, I attacked theirs, and their peace terms quite Frankly sucked:

To: Emperor Stranger From: Ash Williams Date: 8/28/2009 4:13:40 PM

Subject: We accept your challange

Message: To the supposed leader of fight club.

We accept your challenge to a fight. (OWF post) Have fun with my boys while I'm away at work. To cease hostilities You guys can either join us or set your AA' to AoD POW for 7 days.


Please declare on me, all my offensive slots are full

Have fun on the battlefield


Fight Club will never give up, and we aren't thinking about changing AA's anytime soon. Consider AoD lucky that we haven't joined WOLF... YET. (And that I generally want to have a nice, clean war, so long as AoD doesn't get reinforcements.)

To war, gentlemen!

Edited by Emperor Stranger
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We have reached an agreement:

7 day battle, losers sets AA to whoever's POW long enough for the winners to take a screen shot. (no longer than 24 hours).

During this war of lulz, FC is allowed to call in one small alliance for aid.

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Percent of members anarchied.

Ah, thought so. You guys certainly are bold. If you anarchy even one of your nations you've got to anarchy 4 of them. Well good luck to you.

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Ah, thought so. You guys certainly are bold. If you anarchy even one of your nations you've got to anarchy 4 of them. Well good luck to you.

Thanks. I am recruiting alliances as we speak, so hopefully the odds will be evened.

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Space monkey, I think you're gonna get to keep ur nut.

First let's clarify. I went from attempting to assimilate FC to making it a friendly wager. We're all about War, screw the t-shirt, but that doesn't mean we have to annihilate them if they don't join. Let's make it fun for everyone

16 to 4 isn't fair so Emperor Stranger asked (like he has to :P) if he could get another small AA to assist, if only to even the odds.

I agreed. But where's his back up?

"ES" (sorry, I can't get used to calling anyone but sponge, ES) You can't have some other AA jump into the battle half way thru. That's not fair either. I assumed you had an Allie ready to jump in yesterday. Look, if by next update FC dosen't have back up (and I mean another 7-10 nations, not all of the Wolf Pact lol), I will allow early peace, but FC must stay on "AoD POW" for 7 days instead of 24 hrs. Or FC can continue the war w/o assistance until the end of the war and change your AA to AoD POW just long enough for me to get a screenie (less than 24 hrs) :P

Now, would you all like to read our convos? I didn't think so. (you jerks) Here they are anyway:

To: Emperor Stranger From: Ash Williams Date: 8/28/2009 4:13:40 PM

Subject: We accept your challange

Message: To the supposed leader of fight club.

We accept your challenge to a fight. (OWF post) Have fun with my boys while I'm away at work. To cease hostilities You guys can either join us or set your AA' to AoD POW for 7 days.


Please declare on me, all my offensive slots are full

Have fun on the battlefield


To: Ash Williams From: Emperor Stranger Date: 8/28/2009 4:18:58 PM

Subject: RE: We accept your challange

Message: We refuse to accept peace. Sorry, but TE is a game of war, not peace.

Besides, we are joining WOLF and are friendly with SDF and TPF, why would I need to accept those horrible terms?

To: Emperor Stranger From: Ash Williams Date: 8/28/2009 4:29:21 PM

Subject: RE: We accept your challange

Message: Cool Beans :D

Prepare for battle.

To: Ash Williams From: Emperor Stranger Date: 8/28/2009 4:30:41 PM

Subject: RE: We accept your challange

Message: Alright. I may ask for another small alliance (7 or so members) to help to even the odds. I don't suppose you would mind? (Not that it would matter since it's my choice ultimately, lol.)

Bon chance.

To: Ash Williams From: Emperor Stranger Date: 8/28/2009 4:31:10 PM

Subject: RE: We accept your challange

Message: Oh, and I can't declare war, you are out of my range.

To: Emperor Stranger From: Ash Williams Date: 8/28/2009 4:42:47 PM

Subject: RE: We accept your challange

Message: I guess that's fair. Let's do it :)

7 day battle, losers sets AA to whoever's POW long enough for the winners to take a screen shot. (no longer than 24 hours).

How's that sound?

I'm hoping they knock you down just enough so you can declare, otherwise, when a slot opens up, I'll bulk up and declare.


To: Ash Williams From: Emperor Stranger Date: 8/28/2009 4:47:19 PM

Subject: RE: We accept your challange

Message: As long as it's not a pink slip, I don't mind. (I like being in a position of power. :P )

How do we tell the winner though?

To: Emperor Stranger From: Ash Williams Date: 8/28/2009 4:53:25 PM

Subject: RE: We accept your challange

Message: I'm not sure yet?

Who ever has the highest NS after the battle? And I mean the combined NS of your AA and the other AA that fights with you against ours. And maybe who ever causes the most anarchies.

No pink slips, if you guys don't want to join we should just have a friendly battle.



To: Ash Williams From: Emperor Stranger Date: 8/28/2009 4:56:56 PM

Subject: RE: We accept your challange

Message: Lol, alright. The most anarchies will have to do, since your nations will all be able to raid and stuff while we fight. ;)

"Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to war we go!" - Anon

End of our Pm's for now. I figured if he was going to post a snippet of our in-game convo on the OWF, I should share it all.

So Far, 175% (100% if you don't count nations at 3ns and 0 troops) of FC is in Anarchy and 0% of Army of Darkness. I highly suggest FC take my early terms. Save your NS. Swallow your pride. Trust me, your up against 16 battle-hardened members of Ragnarok playing TE just for lulz because we missed stomping on the NPO.

tltr: AoD Foot, meet FC's Butt.

-Ash, and now for your CN version Evil Dead quote

Emperor Stranger: You Sir, are not one of my vassals... who are you?

Ash: Who wants to know?

Emperor Stranger : I am Emperor Stranger. Duke of Shale, Lord of the Fight Club and leader of its peoples.

Ash: Well hello Mister Fancypants. Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things, right now: Jack and crap... and Jack left town.

*spelling mistakes galore.

1Looks like they gotcha Emperor Stranger

Edited by Jeb the Wise
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There's no point to surrendering. TE isn't about hugging your precious infrastructure, it's about war. If by tomorrow I have no infrastructure, so be it. I am going to do everything I can to make sure that your alliance suffers as they bring my alliance down.

And really, don't take this out of proportion. I really wouldn't like to call in someone much larger to aid me, that just wouldn't be fun.

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Why so serious?


sorry I couldn't help that....

In ALL seriousness, I wish FC all the best in our current war... your men have fought well so far however I do beleive it may be time to consider surrender terms.

Edited by King Wally
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Why so serious?


sorry I couldn't help that....

In ALL seriousness, I wish FC all the best in our current war... your men have fought well so far however I do beleive it may be time to consider surrender terms.

Surrender? In a war game? NEVER! (But thanks for that link, I think it makes a better avatar. :P )

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