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Cainettian Misc Rps and News and Stuff

Stefano Palmieri

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Government brings home troops deployed in Marscurian Empire

Today the troops sent to Marscury to participate in a mock invasion were bought home today after months of internation instability the government finally deemed it time to bring the troops home. They landed in Mikeyville shortly after 10pm.

Mikeyville has fastest Growth rate in Nation

A recent national survey has shown that the city of Mikeyville has the largest growth rate in the country. The city of Mikeyville was built as part of as a massive infrastructure project. The survey has revealed the top 10 growth areas are:

1)Mikeyville 10.5%

2)The Pas 8%

3)Winnipeg 7%

4)Foldhense 5%

5)Thompson 4%

6)Churchill 3.5%

7)Brandon 3%

8)Kenora 3%

9)Dauphin 3%

10)Thunderbay 2%

The census, to be held in 6 months (OOC:1.5 RL months), will give a better indication.

Edited by Marquis Chris 1
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War Breaks out in Europe

Europe is once again has been plunged into a state of war, with a group of nations declaring war on Slavorussia. The Government had this to say:

We are disgusted at this current turn of events. What has Slavorussia done to deserve this? Europe only recently comes out of a war, and then blatant imperialism takes it straight back. We hope the instigators get their comeuppance.
We are not sure if Cainette will be involved but military experts predict that there will be some sort of aid to the Slavorussians.
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OOC:Havent you ever seen rankings done like that?

OOC: In a wrod...no. Tie or not, they're never listed as the same number. Besides, there would be differences too small to denote there in the percentage, but still enough to give clear rankings. Nothing is that exact.

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Cainette as of 2151 on the 8/4 is currently in a state of war with the member states of the Nordlandic Confederacy and the State of Molakia. We wish to remind citizens that as of yet, there is no current danger to Cainette so its bussiness as usual. However, all citizens over seas have 36 hrs to return home before a no fly zone is declared. Also be on the look out as the Reserves will be doing patrols around major areas.

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Red Day countdown is on.

The countdown to "Red Day" celebrations is on. Many people come to celebrate the day that the communist party merged into the Social Democrat Party, hence the name "Red Day". Being an officially sanctioned public holiday all Cainettian Citizens are encouraged to join in local celebrations. The largest celebrations are likely to occur in Winnipeg and The Pas. The Emporer is expected to be attending the celebrations at The Pas along with the Social Democrat Party Leadership.

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Red Day Celebrations Go Off Without a Hit.

Red day celebrations went off across Cainette without a hitch. All over the country people came out in masses to support the national holiday.

Supporters in Winnipeg


As expected the largest turnout was in The Pas. Crowds flocked to see the Military Parade, and to catch a glimpse of the Emperor.

Cainettian Tanks


Cainettian Planes flying overhead


Gerard Way overseeing the proceedings


Government Announces Slight increase in Military Budget

Today Mrs Isla Bridgington, minister of Finance, announced that the Military budget would be increased by 10%. While no official reason was given, experts believe that it is for the funding of a new project.


Today the Military has set up the B.F.C.I. (Bureau for Cainettian Intelligence). It is hoped that it will increase Cainettes' intellegence 10 fold.

OOC:I got spais.

Edited by Marquis Chris 1
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OOC: We'll just have to live with 'em. At least it doesn't give him any more of a navy than he might already have...as it doesn't do a thing for him ingame. ;)

OOC: I guess so. I could of course just refuse to accept them but then I'l never be able to RP with anyone...

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Campaign to Change Constitution

The Cainettian Nationalist party today has started a campaign to have the Cainettian Constitution rewritten. "The constitution is to vague and does not give a clear definition on states" said A nationalist spokesmen. The Chancellor and Emperor are reportedly meeting on the matter.

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Emperor Calls Referendum

The Emperor has called a referendum on the constitution, regarding Articles IV, V and X. He has asked for alterations in regards to the Role of the Emperor, The role of the Imperial Court and The States. The voe will be held in the near future.

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Referendum delayed due to protests

The government today announced that the referendum has been delayed due to green groups protesting about the recent slide in the state of the environment. Recent logging in Dystopia province has been the cause of the unrest.

OOC:I had a 4 star environment before this war started, now I'm down to 1.5 :(

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Accident in Fohldense rocks Nation

At 10:20 am, 50000 people lost there lives. 22000 soldiers and 28000 citizens died as a result of a nuclear accident. Thousands upon thousands are mourning at the loss of an entire city. Services and vigils are being held around the country.

While the government has refused to comment on the situation, military editors believe that the government has been tampering with nuclear technology and have caused the accident.

OOC: I got Nuked <_<

Edited by Marquis Chris 1
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Accident in Fohldense rocks Nation

At 10:20 am, 50000 people lost there lives. 22000 soldiers and 28000 citizens died as a result of a nuclear accident. Thousands upon thousands are mourning at the loss of an entire city. Services and vigils are being held around the country.

While the government has refused to comment on the situation, military editors believe that the government has been tampering with nuclear technology and have caused the accident.

OOC: I got Nuked <_<

Canada offers its support in rebuilding Cainette and helping with enhanced safety procedures.

A tragic accident like this must never happen again.

OOC: Friggen nukes.

Edited by Lynneth
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