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Formation of the Persian Empire..

Maelstrom Vortex

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Post Abandomnet of Iraq. Approx: June, 2011

Formation of the Ancient Persian Empire...

An imperial government has Arisen in the former regions of Iraq, Iran, Jordan, and Syria.. united under one rule arising from the conflict with Israel, the rule of the God Emperor known as The Maelstrom. All Private Oil wells in the regions have officially been nationalized as part of State Industry to fuel the arms machine. The world is assured current world market prices of oil will not be jeopardized by this maneuvers and output will be maintained.

Under the orders of Supreme Commander Maelstrom, combined Syrian and Iranian armies under a unified banner of allegiance storm Iraq, seizing oil assets and overrunning the poorly equipped and divided nation.. recently abandoned by the United States. The problems of Middle East peace and unity among many different tribes and sects may soon be solved.

The National Guard rushes into Basarah and Baghdad taking advantage of the conditions laid for them by years of insurgency work. It would not be very long until the people would be back in the hands of a new Iron Fist to keep order and give them a new reason for national pride.

A month later.. July, 2011

Nationalists resistance in Iraq is quelled. Borders are fortified with Israel in lieu of concerns previous hostilities may re-ignite based on the expansion of Persian holdings. A parliament based on Iranian Democracy is formed representing all ethnic groups and states in the region with the Supreme Commander acting as over-riding Executor with extensive veto powers and complete control of military action.

Late 2011

Military command agrees to peace with Israel in order to refocus on domestic stability efforts and continued internal reforms leaning towards a Democratic Socialist society.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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India extends a hand of friendship to Persia. Our nations have a long history of friendship dating back to the days of the earlier Persian civilization. We hope we can renew this historic friendship and embark on a new era of amity and trade.

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"We'll leave you open to trade with our national industries at the set rates of 100.00 USD/Barrel or if you want a discount, if you have any military technologies we might have use for we could provide a temporary discount based on the value of the designs."

India has a growing military industrial complex. What sort of equipment are you looking for? We definitely would want to try for a mutually beneficial trade.

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India currently manufactures T90S tanks for our armored regiments as well as BMP3 and BTR90 class of vehicles. Mig29s, SU30s are the frontline air superiority fighters manufactured in India. We can offer them to you for discounted rates for a beneficial deal in petroleum and natural gas.

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"We've got better things to spend our money on right now than weapon's programs. Currency and resources are far more potent weapons than nukes.... we're sure our friends in the United States know that.. and of course.. no hard feelings." The Maelstrom smiled.

"You should send some diplomats, we should talk oil.. and your need for it."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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"We'll offer to drop prices on our exports to India to 90 dollars per barrel, a 10% discount for the designs, for 1 year. It's a sizable sum given the quantities we expect to trade with your highly industrialized state."

"The deal is acceptable to us. It is nice doing business with you."

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"We've got better things to spend our money on right now than weapon's programs. Currency and resources are far more potent weapons than nukes.... we're sure our friends in the United States know that.. and of course.. no hard feelings." The Maelstrom smiled.

"You should send some diplomats, we should talk oil.. and your need for it."

"You guys will have some competition. Some companies have sprung up or reorganized themselves. Oklahoma and that region are pumping out oil like never before."

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