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LeClerc and Lynneth, old friends, new gifts.

Maelstrom Vortex

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A pair of old world leaders receive two distinct pendants.

Lynneth receives a pendant, much like the others received around the world, but it is made of Ivory. The pendant is for the ruler of fallen states who are out of power, although its meaning to Lynneth would not immediately be known. The pendants eyes, much like the others, glowed faintly green upon the first touch... then faded.

Leclerc recieved a pendant of solid platinum. It was like the other pendants, except that instead of only an Imperial Five Toed dragon dancing among the Celtic Knot, a phoenix danced with it. It was the "Reborn Pendant" given to the one that gave the First Emperor new life after a nuclear catastrophe wrecked his health although, again besides the phoenix little would give away the pendants purpose.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Lynneth receives a pendant, much like the others received around the world, but it is made of Ivory. The pendant is for the ruler of fallen states who are out of power, although its meaning to Lynneth would not immediately be known. The pendants eyes, much like the others, glowed faintly green upon the first touch... then faded.

The old man, 89 years old by now, looked at the pendant, unpacked by the nurse who had received the package and brought it to him. Lynneth was bedridden thanks to his age, not faking anymore as he had done with the 'tankchair'. He was being cared for in a hospital in a city which shall not be named, though the architecture was clearly western.

"Well, well...How interesting."

He reached out to take the pendant, managing to take it and putting it down on his lap.

"Ivory...How nice." He then noticed that the eyes glowed for a short time.

"Mhmm...What was that? Did the eyes just glow...or did I imagine that?"

The former ruler tilted his head ever so slightly, still watching the - admittedly quite beautiful - pendant. "You wouldn't be enchanted by a medicine man, hm?"

He looked into its eyes, expectantly.

Leclerc recieved a pendant of solid platinum. It was like the other pendants, except that instead of only an Imperial Five Toed dragon dancing among the Celtic Knot, a phoenix danced with it. It was the "Reborn Pendant" given to the one that gave the First Emperor new life after a nuclear catastrophe wrecked his health although, again besides the phoenix little would give away the pendants purpose.

Leclerc was sitting in his house, which was located somewhere in former Canada, looking at the pendant. He, too, had noticed the glow when taking it out of the box it had come in, trying to figure out what could have caused this glow. As scientist, he leaned towards short-lived bioluminescence or a material that glowed briefly when coming into contact with oxygen or something else in the air.

Something else that he noticed was the phoenix, giving the trinket a meaning of rebirth...And coupled with the dragon, he quickly figured out that it most likely had to do with the fact that he had authorized the operation that had given Maelstrom Vortex a few more years to live...and which killed the Dragon Emperor's wife.

"Even after your death, you remain mysterious, Vortex...Why have I received this pretty thing, hm..? As thanks for turning you into a goddamned lizard? Heh..."

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For Lynneth the answer would come after he went to sleep...

"Old Friend.. " the Imperial Five Toed dragon appeared in his dream. "I am here to inform you.. your spirit will go on. Be at ease with the coming journey. I wait you on the other side. Dragonisia salutes you..."

For LeClerc, a different series of events would occur as he went throughout his day, he kept having the impression someone was in the shadows at the corner of his eyes... and sometimes walking around him. More would come when night fell and dreams began. Until then his research could not conclude what had caused the luminescence, if there had been trace elements of something.. it had interacted with the atmosphere upon opening the box and dispersed.

In the dream the dragon from the amulet danced and weaved before him in the air amongst the Celtic knot, braided to symbolize eternity .. While it had told others something, it had questions for him, "He who gave rise to my embodiment, have you given up your dreams of sovereignty over states completely? It was not in our wishes to see the fall of the star of Canada. Will you attempt to rule again?"

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For Lynneth the answer would come after he went to sleep...

"Old Friend.. " the Imperial Five Toed dragon appeared in his dream. "I am here to inform you.. your spirit will go on. Be at ease with the coming journey. I wait you on the other side. Dragonisia salutes you..."

In recent years, Lynneth often had dreamless nights, not remembering a bit of any dreams he had, if any, yet feeling quite refreshed...Or as refreshed as one of his age could feel.

"I'll go on, hm..? Heh...There is too much for me to do before my time has come. Even from this bed I can influencec the events of nations. But, once my deed is done, Vortex, you'll get a nice neighbour. One who'll try to oppose you at every corner, just because he's so goddamned bored with the world. I'm looking forward to that. But it's simply not the time for that."

He smiled in his dream, while in reality, he was being brought into the emergency room. Only seconds later, the doctors would find him to have cardiac arrest, but...this old man was too stubborn to die just now, as were his doctors too stubborn to let him die. He would survive to live another day, weakened, but alive.

For LeClerc, a different series of events would occur as he went throughout his day, he kept having the impression someone was in the shadows at the corner of his eyes... and sometimes walking around him. More would come when night fell and dreams began. Until then his research could not conclude what had caused the luminescence, if there had been trace elements of something.. it had interacted with the atmosphere upon opening the box and dispersed.

In the dream the dragon from the amulet danced and weaved before him in the air amongst the Celtic knot, braided to symbolize eternity .. While it had told others something, it had questions for him, "He who gave rise to my embodiment, have you given up your dreams of sovereignty over states completely? It was not in our wishes to see the fall of the star of Canada. Will you attempt to rule again?"

Fjodor stared at the dancing amulet, changing before his very eyes.

"A hallucinogen...How come I didn't notice this?"

He kept looking at the trinket, being, whatever it was right now, knowing that this couldn't possibly be real. It was most likely a dream affected by trace amounts of a hallucinogen. He decided to play along for a bit, curious as to what his mind was planning.

"I have done as the people of Canada had chosen. They wished for the country as it was to end, and I obeyed, despite the fact that I could use the military to enforce my rule. What would other men have done? A Nord would have tried to force his rule on the people, killing oh so many in a civil war. Tintagyl would have tried to keep them together despite their wishes, using her charm and subtle, snake-like subversiveness to her advantage. What would the great Dragon-Emperor have done? Would he have obeyed, as I have done? Would he have tried to keep his power? I did what was necessary to keep Canada's legacy in the hearts of the people, so that they would remember it fondly...Not feeling hate when remembering it.

It was also a means to weed out the pseudo-communist societies out. Have you seen how many "communist" nations abolished both ideologies and policies when Canada fell? They were but hiding behind this great nation, fearful of the Martencists, who controlled old mother Europe in their iron grip.

What I did was not only for the good of Canada, but for the good of the world. But...perhaps I will lead a nation again, some time in the future.

Until then, I watch."

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In recent years, Lynneth often had dreamless nights, not remembering a bit of any dreams he had, if any, yet feeling quite refreshed...Or as refreshed as one of his age could feel.

"I'll go on, hm..? Heh...There is too much for me to do before my time has come. Even from this bed I can influencec the events of nations. But, once my deed is done, Vortex, you'll get a nice neighbour. One who'll try to oppose you at every corner, just because he's so goddamned bored with the world. I'm looking forward to that. But it's simply not the time for that."

He smiled in his dream, while in reality, he was being brought into the emergency room. Only seconds later, the doctors would find him to have cardiac arrest, but...this old man was too stubborn to die just now, as were his doctors too stubborn to let him die. He would survive to live another day, weakened, but alive.

The Ivory pendant kept a sleepless vigil over the tiring soul before it, unblinking as such things typically were.

Fjodor stared at the dancing amulet, changing before his very eyes.

"A hallucinogen...How come I didn't notice this?"

He kept looking at the trinket, being, whatever it was right now, knowing that this couldn't possibly be real. It was most likely a dream affected by trace amounts of a hallucinogen. He decided to play along for a bit, curious as to what his mind was planning.

"I have done as the people of Canada had chosen. They wished for the country as it was to end, and I obeyed, despite the fact that I could use the military to enforce my rule. What would other men have done? A Nord would have tried to force his rule on the people, killing oh so many in a civil war. Tintagyl would have tried to keep them together despite their wishes, using her charm and subtle, snake-like subversiveness to her advantage. What would the great Dragon-Emperor have done? Would he have obeyed, as I have done? Would he have tried to keep his power? I did what was necessary to keep Canada's legacy in the hearts of the people, so that they would remember it fondly...Not feeling hate when remembering it.

It was also a means to weed out the pseudo-communist societies out. Have you seen how many "communist" nations abolished both ideologies and policies when Canada fell? They were but hiding behind this great nation, fearful of the Martencists, who controlled old mother Europe in their iron grip.

What I did was not only for the good of Canada, but for the good of the world. But...perhaps I will lead a nation again, some time in the future.

Until then, I watch."

It continued to dance the eternal dance as it replied, "The Chairman is no more. Only the state is. We miss your influence. There would be a role in things if you wanted it.. and your people wanted you. They would have faith in you again, if you just asked.. now that they know you would let them be free. For that is the way of people.. showing you do not want power is the greatest way to earn their trust.. for then they know you will not abuse it when you have it. You are right on the way of the world and its deceit to obtain survival, but survival is.. after all.. what we must fight for. I have forgiven the world for wanting to live and feeling the need to deceive a bulwark power to maintain their safety. The Emperor would have obeyed.. for he made me.. and I knew him, and he listened.. to me." The dance ended as the Dragon plunged into part of the Knot and the knot fell in on itself and vanished.

When he awoke, there'd just be the amulet where he left it.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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