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The Scourge of Gods


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Xavier Harkonnen sat in his quarters, studying the latest reports from the soldiers manning the quarantine line. All of them agreed...something big was coming. Te sound of a struggle came from outside his quarters. Xavier stood, drawing his sidearm and his honourblade. The reinforced door blew, and a Mobile Assault Forces trooper (basically the same thing as SWAT) burst into the room, weapon raised. The man opened his mouth, and a hole burst in his chest. Cuarto Jaymes Powder stood behind the man, a rifle cradled in his arms. He threw a rifle to Xavier, saying " Sir, we have to get you out of here. Ragnar has shown his true colours."

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Cuarto Powder and Xavier crept through the streets of the Kolhar Safe Zone, avoiding Skywolf patrols. They had gathered several loyal soldiers (mostly Skywolves and Helljumpers) while sneaking and fighting their way to a small dock where Xavier had stashed a small ship. after discovering that Ragnar may be a traitor (towards the end of the old thread).

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Xavier climbed aboard the small ship, the last but one of the fugitives. Cuart Powder was about to jump in after, but a burst of gunfire caught him in the back of the legs. Xavier moved to side o the ship, ready to jump to his friends aid. The cuarto shook his head, and turned raising his gun, " Go! I'll hold them off as long as I can." The ship moved away, leaving the brave soldier behind. Powder pulled a grenade from his combat belt. " If I am going to die, at least I will take you with me!" He screamed, rising up through a haze of pain, running towards the traitors. He was shot, and shot again, but still he ran. He ran into the clump of soldiers and raised the grenade abve his head. It exploded, killing the Cuarto and the men who tried to murder him.

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Outside BadWolf Corporate Headquarters, Icewolf Zone, Kolhar

Mohandas Suk slunk along the wall of the building that intel indicates was where the Icewolves were mnaufacturing the vaccine. Twelve of the Skywolves followed him. The two Skywolves who had taken point took out the two guards with four precisely placed bullets from their H&Ks. The men slumped to the ground, leaving a bloody trail down the wall. The soldiers moved into the lobby, with its abandoned receptionist desk, bullet holes from the riots, and looted snack machines. Some of the soldiers moved to secure the stairwell. Unnoticed was the dim light behind the numbers above the elevator. 6...5...4...3...2...G. The doors slid open. Four heavily armed and armoured soldiers rolled out of the elevator, halving the commandoes strength before they had time to react. Mohandas had been shielded by one of the snack machines and so was able to survive. The soldiers who had been tasked with securing the stairwell had mostly survived as well. A few other men scattered about the room manged to get into cover as well.

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Vaer Rannar, Military High Command

Vorian Atreides pored over a map of the Kolhar Safe Zone. He had been forced to pull troops out of the former Khmer Empire and off the western side of the Home Island in response to disturbing reports coming in from Kolhar. Sattelite images (google earth) revealed that a lot of heavy equipment was being loaded aboard various troopships ad cargo ships, as well as a partially completed hospital ship. There were also many soldiers being loaded aboard commercial airliners. The enemy was on the move.

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The East Coast of the Home Island

The ships carrying the Icewolf army neared shore, ready to take heavy casualties against the coastal defenses scattered along the coast. But as they neared the defensive installation they heard gunfire. Massive defections were occuring at the defenses. Vorian was forced to withdraw all loyal troops form the area, or else they would be massacred. Unfortunately, the enemy had captured the communications hub at Vaer Phoae, cutting the loyalist troops off from the outside world (including the rest of the Empire). All disloyal troops in Loyalist territory were isolated and decimated. Vorians troops regrouped at the City of Introspection (a large monastic fortress) and dug in. Ragnar's general paused for a day to gather his scattered men. But it was only a cover. Unbeknownst to Vorian, a large portion of the Icewolf army was slipping around his amry, and heading straight for... Vaer Rannar.

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The Lobby of BadWolf Corporation, Kolhar

Mohandas stood and fired his machine gun, dropping two of the men who had caused so much damage to his squad. The men at the stairwell dropped the other two. Mohandas ran to the stairs and they moved up, closer to their objective.

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The City of Introspection

The two armies faced each other, heavily entrenched. Smoke hung in the air. Nothing moved. Then, a shot rang out. Machine guns began to fire. Rockets blasted tanks attempted to penetrate the enemy lines. Unnoticed by the Icewolves, a strong force of tanks and infantry moved into flanking positions and pushed forward, while a large infantry assault on the enemy center prevented them from moving troops to reinforce the flank. Then, as the Icewolves were about to be crushed, several heliocopters arrived and began taking out tanks and soldiers. Enough of the helos were shot down to force them to withdraw, but not before the momentum of the offensive was broken. The troops settled back into the sieging postions.

Vaer Rannar

Xavier had arrived at the famed mountain-city a few days before the Icewolves had. The traitorous soldiers were barely being held off by the cobbled together defense forces, made up mostly of retired soldiers and policemen. Xavier was not sure how much longer they could hold out, but he knew they would take many enemies with them.

Edited by freakwars
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Vaer Rannar

A trio of high-explosive rockets spiraled into the side of the fortress-city of Vaer Rannar. They detonated, blasting a hole into the city. Icewolf soldiers, lead by Ragnar Ruriksson, charged through the gap. More and more of the traitorous soldiers surged through, gaining ground. Xaviers soldiers foght hard, but they were no match for the battle-hardened soldiers. They fell back, to control the government buildings and the military command base.

The City of Introspection

The Andonian Army pressed forward against the Icewolves, the tanks inflicting heavy casualties. The Icewolves soon retreated in disarray. The Andonians followed after, dealing heavy casualties against the retreating enemy, only to discover it had been a trap. Hidden soldiers sprung up on their flanks and the retreating soldiers turned and fought.

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Vaer Rannar

As soldiers moved through the blasted remnants of the once-great city of Vaer Rannar. Ragnar Ruriksson heard sporadic bursts of gunfire ring out, as he moved through the familiar corridors towards the triumvirate council chamber. He stood before the door, ornately gilded with scenes of ancient seas and images of the three major Andonian gods. After a moments hesitation he reached forward and opened it. Xavier Harkonnen stood before the three seats behind which were the hawk banner of House Atreides, the kraken banner of House Ruriksson, and the blue lion banner of House Harkonnen. In his left hand he held an ornate hand-and-a-half sword covered in images of great battles and primeval storms. Ragnar raised his own blade, decorated with a screaming face for a pommel and images of warriors spilling their guts out on lonely battlefields. He lunged and slashed at Xaviers unprotected shoulder. Xavier flicked his sword up and easily deflected the Elder Statesmans attack and counterattacked by stabbing towards Ragnars black heart.

The City of Introspection

The Army of Andonia was caught between superior Icewolf forces, their situation seemed hopeless. Vorian Atreides stood atop a small ridge in the center of his army and yelled " Stand fast men. This will be our finest hour!" Encourged by the Primero, the soldiers fought even harder, holding them off from cover behind trees and rocks. But nothing could save them now, as tanks captured when the Andonian Army first began their retreat across Andonia to the CoI. They crashed into the Army cutting a massive swath of destruction, and destroying their capability to stop the Icewolves from wiping them out. Vorian Atreides and a thousand men managed to escape and go to ground in the undeveloped territory to the south. Nothing was left to stand in the way of Icewolf dominance.

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Ragnar deflected the blow, and back-flipped away from Xavier. He ran through the bloodstained corridors, moving always upwards. He stopped in chmaber beneath the peak of the mountain. He turned and lunged at the Triumvir, piercing his left shoulder. Xavier gritted his teeth and switched hands, just in time to block Ragnar's second strike. He ducked under Ragnar's third slash and sliced the traitor's right ankle.

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Ragnar collapsed to the ground, his ankle unable to support his weight. He desperately tried to stand before Xavier could take advantage of his weakness. He succeded, and pulled a small green lever on the wall, causing a hatch to open and a set of stairs to drop down. Ragnar ran up them, with Xavier close behind. They stood on the top of the mountain, their blood painting the mountain red. A storm was approching, and it began to rain. The two politician-soldiers stared at each other, not moving. Then, Xavier backflipped over Ragnar, tearing off his ever-present mask. Ragnar turned, and Xavier gasped in surpirse. " No it cannot be! You died!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Beneath the City

A panel that should have been monitored by a technician at all times lay vacant, the workers having fled the nuclear facility beneath the city. A red light blinked on, then another and another. Finally, the automatic alarm kicked in, and klaxons wailed all over the city. Icewolf and Andonian alike fled in a disorganized mass.

Atop the City

The man known by many as Ragnar kicked Xavier in the chest, knocking him to the ground. The heavily scarred face of the infamous Oberjarl Khalad looked down at the Triumvir. He put his sword to his former friends throat. " I bet you are quite suprised at this particular turn of events, Xavier. The official histories record that I died quite a few years ago. What the historians who wrote those histories didn't know was that the Icewolves pulled me from the wreckage." Xavier began reaching for his sword, which had clattered to the ground, just barely within his reach." My own people left me to die, while my enemies saved my life! I swore revenge that day, revenge on my people for leaving me for dead." the Oberjarl noticed Xaviers arm movement, and with one swift strike severed his hand. " You really shouldn't have done that you, know. Now, where was I. Ah, yes, ...I will get that revenge, by becoming the most brutal dictator the world has ever known. Of course, I have to kill you, to prevent you from rallying a resistance, unless, of course, you decide to join me." " Never!" Xavier snarled at the mutilated Oberjarl. " So be it" Khalad raised his sword and began to strike. Then, a burst of gunfire sounded from the direction of the stairs, and Khalad fell, bleeding from a dozen places. The God-Emperor ran up to where Xavier lay, cradling the stump of his hand. " C'mon, we have to get out of here. The reactor is about to blow!"

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The God-Emperor of Andonia was approached by some of his men, and delivered a pendant that was meant to be brought to him by courier. The amulet was made of solid 24K gold. It had upon it the Imperial 5 Toed Dragon of Dragonisia dancing within a Celtic Knot weave. For a moment, as he held it, the eyes glowed green and seemed to stare into his soul, then it died down to the normal tint of the rest of the burnished metal from it was constituted.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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The God-Emperor stared at the strange item in puzzlement for a moment, then tucked it into his pocket and began to run. He and Xavier shouted to other soldiers, warning them of the impending destruction. As the countdown on the panel reached zero, the God-Emperor and Xavier ran into an LRV and drove away at full speed. The mountain-city collapsed behind them, leaving a mile-deep crater.

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