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Hanseatic Broadcasting Company Evening News

Sarah Tintagyl

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Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen, to the HBC Evening News. I'm Jim Furrer.

Starting off today, there have been a great many changes in the Commonwealth as of late. The Lady Protector announced earlier this afternoon that the nation of Neo-Japan is now fully incorporated into the Hanseatic Commonwealth, in addition to that, due to desires of independence from the citizenry in Hanseatic New Guinea, the Lady Protector has also given the country of Le Royaume its independence, however talks have already begun to bring our two countries much closer together whether by various alliances. The Royaumes becoming a part of the Australasian Coalition or the Pax Pacifica Treaty. Members of the Diet were extremely optimistic in seeing this done and congratulated both Lady Tintagyl and the new Premier of Le Royaume for a successful and peaceful independence movment.

Japan recently joined the Commonwealth which brings the total land acquisition in Asia for the Hansa to about two-fold. Lady Tintagyl has been in Tokyo since last week trying to further consolidate Japan into the Commonwealth, however hopes of full integration do not seem likely any time soon. As the Lady Protector said in a Press Conference in Kyoto earlier today.


We're dealing with a conflict of culture and any type of cultural polarization is difficult not only to nip at, but even to co-exist. The Japanese have a beautiful culture and I have been lucky enough to be able to tour the country and see what makes these islands so incredibly breathtaking. However the politics of the rest of the Commonwealth and the Japanese Home Islands are extremely different and to much such staunch conservatism with Hanseatic liberalism would be a disaster waiting to happen. A lot of people talk about their policy of Japanization and though I do not agree with it, something that has been as wide spread cannot be just done away with. The Japanese Home Islands are the center of their culture and to try and customize them to my own doings would be a sin to them. However upon touring outside of the Home Islands, in visiting the Marianas, The Russian Far East, and parts of Northern China I have learned that these areas are extremely diverse. Japanization will not stop in those areas, however it will be reformed so that other languages and cultures may be taught. However these are only talks in progress and I cannot say when these will come full circle. Just know that they are there and do not be surprised if they are implemented.

The economy hit a down turn today and many economists are worried with the recent stagnation in the Hanseatic economy. The Diet has been in talks about starting a massive building project around the Commonwealth with the recent loan given to the country by the Western German Reich. These would include the massive rebuilding of factories in Australia and in the Far East Provinces in addition are the hopes that down the road a true Hanseatic navy will develop to better defend our shores rather than relying on allied forces to protect the Commonwealth. However all these stipulations are in debate until the economy shows any signs of rising and given the massive drop in Hanseatic stocks around the globe many have doubts of the government's ability to successfully begin any such building project.

Recently flooding in Brisbane as well has caused problems for business owners around the area and while the government can supply no aid at the moment to the affected, many seek to look to the community to help them rebuild what they have lost to the floods.

This is Jim Furrer reporting for HBC news, good night and God bless.

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Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen. This is Jim Furrer for HBS Evening News

Today construction has been completed on a great memorial in Tasmania in response to an attack on the Japanese Imperial Navy by Aotearoan forces almost two years ago. Japanese civilians flocked to Tasmania today for the unveiling of this great memorial. The memorial has been described as a gigantic complex that takes up the area that the Japanese ships took up prior to the attacks. The complex will function as a harbor in itself, in addition to various embassies and other memorials proclaiming sacrifice of those sailors that died, but in addition to the existing peace that has befallen Oceania and Asia as of late. This complex was completed only days after the Hanseatic annexation of Japan and no Hanseatic funds were needed to finish the construction. The Lady Protector is reported to have wished the Chairman her best and eternal thanks for the construction of this complex, however she was unable to attend the ceremony herself due to further tours in Japan, Australia, and Ocean to observe military advancement and production.

Which brings us to our next story. Recently the Diet has just passed a spending bill that will comment twenty-five billion Hanseatic Marks which were loaned by the West German Reich, to military spending. Senator Hans Oeten had was skeptical about the amount of money that was given but commented that he is optimistic.

It was more money than what we had expected to commit to military spending, but it is a necessary push that we need to see done. Order needs to be maintained in the Commonwealth above all else and while we don't have a navy, we can make up for that will infantry and air force positions. From what I know, hopes are in the next two years to have the entire military strength to be at above five hundred thousand soldiers and well over four thousand tanks and since the independence of Le Royaume all Hanseatic soldiers have been relocated to Japan and mainland positions. In addition to most of the troops in Australia and in Micronesia. We'll be stretched out thin for the time being but we have a lot of hope that we'll be able to successfully stabilize the countries in at least a year period of time. But so far they recruitment has been a success, we have two hundred thousand troops at our disposal and two thousand tanks. As to defense, our treaties still protect us and I hope that that continues to be how we look at foreign policy until at least the military becomes stronger.


70,000 infantry and 500 tanks, in addition to 40 fighters are stationed in Japan Province

50,000 infantry and 300 tanks are stationed in the Russian Far East Province

20,000 infantry and 300 tanks are stationed in Micronesia/Palau Province

30,000 infantry and 500 tanks are stationed in Australia Province

10,000 infantry are stationed in Marchen Province

20,000 infantry and 400 tanks, in addition to 11 fighters are stationed Valkurheim Province


This is Jim Furrer reporting for HBC Evening News, Good Night and God Bless

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm Jim Furrer for HBC Evening News

Today economists and government officials are happy to report that the economy is finally beginning to recover from the recent stagnation that has been seen around the world. Hanseatic stocks in markets around the world have reported significant increases and the Pacific Trading Company, the largest national company in the Commonwealth reports that share prices have gone up by $.60 in the past two days and they are expecting a continual growth. The Diet has announced that with the upturn in economic improvement and hopefully what will transpire into vast amounts of consumer spending that the first projects will be large building projects in the Russian Far East Province, Northern Australia, and the repairing of Brisbane after the recent flooding in the city.

In the Russian Far East provinces the first steps to diversifying the region have been taken with education reform bills being passed in the Diet. While natives of the region show signs of approval of the education reforms, those on the Japanese Home Islands have been to look at the reforms with a tone of disgust. Kenji Yi, a member of the Japanese Communist Party and a strict education reformer in his own right sees this as an attack on the old Imperial policy of Japanization.

It is indeed a great shame to see this woman, who may I add is not even Australian trying to reform the entire Eastern Pacific. Japanization has been part of our culture and Japanese expansion since the beginning of the Empire, for the mainland to receive these reforms is an attack to everything that the Imperial family and those in government have worked for.

Lady Tintagyl has said that no reforms will take place on the Home Islands because of the strictness of the Japanese culture and that she will respect their authority to remained semi-closed culturally. This unfortunately has deterred many Finnish and New Cymreag immigrants to journey to the Home Islands, however, due to the Population Dispersion Act many towns and cities in the Russian Far East have shown signs of extreme growth in the recent months and local governments are hopeful that with the rising economy more industry and therefore jobs will open up for their regions.

In Valkurheim today an accidental explosion occurred at the city hospital leaving two hundred people dead and many more injured. It is the worst accident in the city ever reported. Aid has been handed out to the injured families and efforts have already been undertaken to rebuild the complex. This incident has received much criticism from health officials in Brisbane who have tried since the out break of avian flu in the region to quell health concerns and safety precautions.

This is Jim Furrer reporting for HBC Evening News, Good Night and God Bless.

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm Jim Furrer for HBC Evening News

Today tensions begin to rise in Asia as 35,000 Hanseatic soldiers along with some amount of armored support were ordered to the prior lands held my the Japanese Empire to wrestle it away from anarchy. The Lady Protector has recently released a message to the world thanking them for their support in the matter of stabilizing the region as well as thanking the Republic of Yamato for their cooperation in the matter. Lady Tintagyl has stated before that she extremely impressed with the recent aid and support of the world great powers in her attempts to bring eternal peace to Asia. However the strain on the Commonwealth recently as brought the need to decrease the amount of troops stationed in Valkurheim along with precious armor divisions for stability means in the Pacific. Already 10,000 soldiers along with 300 tanks are being shipped through Prussia to ports along their coasts to arrive in Borneo for support of governing that region.

Australia still shows signs of silence from both Promised Land and in New Cymru, additionally to this the regions occupied by both the Republic of Tanis and the Empire of Timor have collapsed into what appears to be anarchy. As in Shanghai and the surrounding regions, the Hansa will act as a force of stability if necessary and with silence from the Australasian Coalition at the moment, the Lady Protector has seen no other choice than to stabilize the area herself and as such, men have been transferred from the Australian, Micronesian, and Marchen Provinces for deployment in Indonesia and Timor.

Lady Tintagyl journeyed herself to the city of Dili earlier yesterday morning to personally greet Hanseatic troops and offer a few statements to the people of former Tanis and Timor.

This has been a turbulent time for everyone in the world and Asia has felt the brunt of these changes. The Republic of Tanis and the Empire of Timor were great nations and friends of the Hanseatic Commonwealth, however nations in our histories rise and fall and this has been the case in Indonesia. However given time, these areas will become great again. As new governments will surely form and the Hansa and the Australasia Coalition take a great interest in the revitalization of this territory. As such, this area will be declared a Protectorate of the Coalition, whist Timor will be directly brought under Hanseatic control, however even there. I have hope that like New Guinea the people will eventually seek total autonomy. However if that is not the case, like all territories owned by the Hansa this area will be culturally revitalized and will shine like gold once again.


Sarah Tintagyl walking through the City of Dili

In other news a protest in Brisbane took place today for greater environmental protection of sea coasts and national parks within Hanseatic borders. While the Diet took a great time to decide on how to act to this protest, the Green Party, which has had a significant larger lead within government in the past few years spearheaded the goals of the protests to law. As such vast areas of Australia, the Russian Far East, and Borneo are now off limits to construction and industry production. However in addition to this, with the economy in rise, building projects for cities as Brisbane and Vladivostok have been planned to bring in greater industry, resources, and material from the vastness of the Commonwealth. Bankers and Economists have both voiced their cheerful concerns that, this is the wealthiest the Commonwealth has been in its entire history. "The military might be stretched, but people are generally happy. We're not at war, and the people like living under Lady Sarah's rule. Sure there are disturbances, but we're doing pretty good so far. We have high hopes."

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***Private to Sarah Tintagyl***

Promised Land currently has approximately 300,000 troops being housed here in Canada, with little to do but sit on their collective @$$es. We would be delighted to help you maintain order in your territories, just to relieve the shear boredom, if nothing else.

~General Sergei Gogol

***End Message***

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***Private to Sarah Tintagyl***

Promised Land currently has approximately 300,000 troops being housed here in Canada, with little to do but sit on their collective @$$es. We would be delighted to help you maintain order in your territories, just to relieve the shear boredom, if nothing else.

~General Sergei Gogol

***End Message***

**Private to Sergei Gogol**

General Gogol

The Promised Land troops would be welcomed with open arms along side Hanseatic troops. Your numbers will provide much needed order in the Australasian Protectorate of Siam, as well as Hanseatic Provinces in Borneo and in the Russian Far East. I have already given the clear to our generals to accept your numbers and find positions for them. If you accept orders to Siam, you then will be given by me honorary command of that region as a Hanseatic Lieutenant General. Also, and though your government would not probably commend me for such an offer, if you have any information about what is going on in Promised Land please relay it to me. You have been one of the Hansa's greatest allies and to see Australia in such chaos gives me great heartaches.

-Sarah Tintagyl


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Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm Jim Furrer for HBC Evening News

A few days ago, Hanseatic soldiers have returned from being shipped to settle the supposed anarchic scare on mainland China. The government has been harshly criticized for mishandling documentation from the transfer of power in Japan, that those territories were transferred into the Palintine government. As such, the advisors that were responsible for the orders have been fired and the various Senators that approved the orders have been looked into. Lady Tintagyl herself has received some criticism for moving too quickly and many people see this as further over-extension of the Commonwealth that is already stretched thin. However the Lady Protector made it is extremely clear to press, that if indeed that land had been transferred during the Neo-Japanese collapse that it was the Hansa's duty to the Imperial family to defend that area and that it would not be considered anymore over expansion than what had already been done.

Continuing on with the stretch of territory becoming relatively thin, Hanseatic generals received word today that over three hundred thousand Promised Land infantry would be joining their ranks to bolster Hanseatic defenses and to provide much needed police support in the protectorates in Siam, Indonesia, and further policing in the Hanseatic province of Borneo. General Johann Kolm, Commander of the Australia Province and second in command of Hanseatic forces, was overjoyed with the news.

The military and land expansion go hand in hand and while the Hansa has ultimately been doing just fine it is straining on us mainly because we are the only active member of the Australasian Coalition at the moment, the Hansa as had to take it upon itself to provide any form of peace and or stability to these people. We now have under our command, over half million troops, the majority of which will be stationed in Siam and Indonesia for the sheer face that these men represent Promised Land and we do not want to use them for Hanseatic policing. The beauty of it is that now we can divert troops that we previously had in Siam and Indonesia and can place them in the Russian Far East, Japan, and any other areas that we could possibly have trouble. A lot of people worry about discontent, but when the soldiers aren't training, they're doing construction work, repair work, any thing to get the infrastructure of these regions up to par with the rest of the Commonwealth and we are extremely successful in doing so.

As General Kolm stated an extreme amount of building is being done in the outer provinces as various projects have been approved by the Diet, continuing with the loan given to the Hansa by the Western German Reich. Projects include works as the planned University of Vladivostok in the Russian Far East, as well as a series of Provincial Colleges in Tokyo, Kyoto, Bandar Seri Bagawan, and Koror. Matthew Riczstadt, the Undersecretary of Education stated to our reports. "Education is always the most important thing that can be improved in a country, always. Which is how we rebuild areas effected by the recent anarchy. Schools are built first, cultural centers, anything to celebrate the community and the individuals that make up the particular community. Lady Sarah has said a 'celebration of diversity' and that has always been the goal of the Education Ministry. Kids learn the various languages of the world and everyone is immediately given citizenship into the Commonwealth which sets them up for success after college or trade school to live a good life anywhere in the Commonwealth.'

In financial news, the economy has begun to stagnate again, but many economists believe that this will only be for a brief period before companies begin to rise again. Industry has already been popping back up in the north and many hope that as the years pass, full industry will return to their regions after dealing with political and natural disasters.

This is Jim Furrer reporting for HBC Evening News, Good Night and God Bless.

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This unfortunately has deterred many Finnish and New Cymreag immigrants to journey to the Home Islands,

*Private Communication*

"...... Does that mean that the Fuyo-clann is now almost the majority in Honshu, Kawasaki?"

"Ishima, even if that was the case, Sarah is our Lady. Don't even think of trying to influence us."

"Just asking. I've already sent an offer for a summit meeting with her, and need to keep up with what's happening. The jamming done by the Neo Japs had seriously restricted our knowledge of the outside world. Just look at the "Japanese Empire" fiasco."

"Whatever, I'll probably be seeing you soon, then."

"With a few presents. Yamato is one of the biggest economies in Asia now, and we have quite a few things to offer. Good night, Kawasaki. See you in Edo."

OOC: If I remember correctly, Neo Japan had about 5.5 million citizens in total. This means that with the Fuyo-clann (4.5 million) moving north due to the loss of New Guinea, the Neo Japanese would almost ceratinly be the minority in Honshu.

Also, the Fuyoi-clann is loyal to Sarah, so they wouldn't always side with the Kyokujitsujins in Yamato. This means that we don't have a fifth column within the Hanseatic Commonwelath

A question: Who has the Russian Far East? Sarah or Niko?

Edited by Sumeragi
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*Private Communication*

"...... Does that mean that the Fuyo-clann is now almost the majority in Honshu, Kawasaki?"

"Ishima, even if that was the case, Sarah is our Lady. Don't even think of trying to influence us."

"Just asking. I've already sent an offer for a summit meeting with her, and need to keep up with what's happening. The jamming done by the Neo Japs had seriously restricted our knowledge of the outside world. Just look at the "Japanese Empire" fiasco."

"Whatever, I'll probably be seeing you soon, then."

"With a few presents. Yamato is one of the biggest economies in Asia now, and we have quite a few things to offer. Good night, Kawasaki. See you in Edo."

OOC: If I remember correctly, Neo Japan had about 5.5 million citizens in total. This means that with the Fuyo-clann (4.5 million) moving north due to the loss of New Guinea, the Neo Japanese would almost ceratinly be the minority in Honshu.

Also, the Fuyoi-clann is loyal to Sarah, so they wouldn't always side with the Kyokujitsujins in Yamato. This means that we don't have a fifth column within the Hanseatic Commonwelath

OOC: Fortunately, you are VERY incorrect. Ive had at least 10 million people, which is far more then your population, seeing as I STILL refuse to recognize RL or x1000 populations. Neo Japanese are and always will be the majority in Honshu and Hokkaido and any other part of the Home Islands I controlled. Kyokujitsans were not brought back there, the only bit of their small and ravaged population that I've ever owned reside in Manchuria

Edited by Lord Frost
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**Private to Sergei Gogol**

General Gogol

The Promised Land troops would be welcomed with open arms along side Hanseatic troops. Your numbers will provide much needed order in the Australasian Protectorate of Siam, as well as Hanseatic Provinces in Borneo and in the Russian Far East. I have already given the clear to our generals to accept your numbers and find positions for them. If you accept orders to Siam, you then will be given by me honorary command of that region as a Hanseatic Lieutenant General. Also, and though your government would not probably commend me for such an offer, if you have any information about what is going on in Promised Land please relay it to me. You have been one of the Hansa's greatest allies and to see Australia in such chaos gives me great heartaches.

-Sarah Tintagyl


***Private to Sarah Tintagyl***

Thank you, Lady Protector. I am honored to accept the command of Siam. Our troops are now loading on the ships, and should be there within four days.

As for what's going on back home. I can tell you the government is in disarray, and it is under martial law. I probably shouldn't even tell you that much, but it's...difficult keeping it all to myself.

~General Sergei Gogol

***End Message***

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OOC: Neo Japanese are and always will be the majority in Honshu and Hokkaido and any other part of the Home Islands I controlled. Kyokujitsans were not brought back there, the only bit of their small and ravaged population that I've ever owned reside in Manchuria

OOC: The Fuyo-clann are citizens of Hansa, not Altin Urda. Therefore, your point is useless.

Never mind the fact that you do no RP Neo Japan anymore.

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OOC: The Fuyo-clann are citizens of Hansa, not Altin Urda. Therefore, your point is useless.

Never mind the fact that you do no RP Neo Japan anymore.

OOC: Im telling you how it is when I left. No "Fuyo-Clan" ever set foot on the mainlands that I controlled and Sarah now controls

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OOC: The Fuyo-clann are citizens of Hansa, not Altin Urda. Therefore, your point is useless.

Never mind the fact that you do no RP Neo Japan anymore.

OOC: I would like you to note that neither of you can RP either of those groups as you both rerolled, and hence lost every and all right to RP, or control those enthic groups. I can't have Wellingtonians, Frost can't have Neo Japanese, and you can't have either DKT or Fuyo-clann.

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OOC: I would like you to note that neither of you can RP either of those groups as you both rerolled, and hence lost every and all right to RP, or control those enthic groups. I can't have Wellingtonians, Frost can't have Neo Japanese, and you can't have either DKT or Fuyo-clann.

OOC: ANd I certainly dont have either of them. I'm just laying out a bit of info on how I left Neo Japan

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Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm Jim Furrer for HBC Evening News

Today, the Diet has approved the first measures to create a missile system that will serve to protect the Hansa in case of foreign insurrection on sovereign territory. Chief of Military Staff, General Hannah Asgiersson commented that. "The missile web will only be serving a defensive purpose and that the range of the missiles will send the same message to the world. But the Hansa must be able to defend itself from possible invasion, plus with our forces decently overstretched at the moment it is very important that we make sure our citizens know that they will always be protected in some way." With construction approved, missile silos have begun construction in key points around the Commonwealth, Australia, Borneo, Japan, the Russian Far East, and in Valkurheim. Military advisors are confident that confident that construction will continue smoothly and that the system will be fully operational with in six months.

Anarchy continues to become a problem in Asia, however after the following recent events stability seems to be returning to the region slowly. In the Australasian Protectorate of Siam, the Kingdom of Siam has recently formed with the well wishes of the Commonwealth and the Lady Protector has stated that she has high hopes for the nation to lead that region which has existed in and out of an anarchic periods will finally come to an end. In addition with the collapse of the Philippines and the inclusion of the state into a protectorate of Pax Pacifica, refugees from the Holy Roman Catholic Empire of America have petitioned Pacifican leaders for ownership of the northern section of the country. Hope are that furthering the rise of sovereign nations in the region will bring a new sense of stability to the people of the Pacific Rim.

In economic news, a steady rise in the market has led to greater consumer purchasing and the government has reported hopes that the first of the payments to the Western German Reich will begin by the middle of the year. In addition to the payments to the West Germans, military hopes are still longing for the construction of a powerful Hanseatic fleet to protect shipping lines, though the government or the Lady Protector have no signed off on any such reforms at the moment.

This is Jim Furrer reporting for HBC Evening News, Good Night and God Bless.

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***Private to Sarah Tintagyl***

Lady Protector, with most of Siam now going independent, our troops are once again feeling largely superfluous.

Is there anywhere else you particularly need us?

~General Sergei Gogol

***End Message***

**Private to General Sergei Gogol**

Thank you for you concern general. At the moment there is no exact area where troops are indefinitely needed. However, if you allow it General, your 300,000 soldiers will be divided across the Commonwealth. 100,000 to Australia, 100,000 to Borneo, 50,000 to Japan, and 50,000 to the Russian Far East. You of course will still be in charge of all Promised Land-Hanseatic operations, but to move that large of a ground, logistics will be extremely hard. This way it will take the stress off the over-population of the military as well as providing a strong policing force to these territories.

~Sarah Tintagyl


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**Private to General Sergei Gogol**

Thank you for you concern general. At the moment there is no exact area where troops are indefinitely needed. However, if you allow it General, your 300,000 soldiers will be divided across the Commonwealth. 100,000 to Australia, 100,000 to Borneo, 50,000 to Japan, and 50,000 to the Russian Far East. You of course will still be in charge of all Promised Land-Hanseatic operations, but to move that large of a ground, logistics will be extremely hard. This way it will take the stress off the over-population of the military as well as providing a strong policing force to these territories.

~Sarah Tintagyl


***Private to Sarah Tintagyl***

We have no problem being spread out. We still have the ships we were intially deployed in, so all we would need really would be supplies for these ships to get our troops where they need to be.

I am honored that you would keep me in charge of these operations.

~General Sergei Gogol

P.S. Knowing the near-xenophobia of the old Neo Japs, I will try to send those of Asian descent there, as I believe they are less likely to resent those troops.

***End Message***

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Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm Jim Furrer for HBC Evening News

Today, after a formal meeting between Neo-Olympian 'leader' General Vasili Markov, Lady Tintagyl official relinquished a large part of the Australian Province mainland to the re-creation of the nation of Neo-Olympia.


As you can see from the map the Commonwealth still retains much of the Australian coast keeping our ports open for trade and continuous supply coming into the capital province. However the rise of Neo-Olympia, a Francoist country and a member of the Dragon Bloc so close to the capital once again has sent waves of nervousness throughout many members of government, the citizenry and even the Lady Protector herself.


Lady Tintagyl at a Press Conference immediately following the relinquishment of land.

It does pain me to have to let go of territory first so near to Brisbane, in addition as a strong opponent to both Martenicism and Francoism and bloc alliances in general. The rise of Neo-Olympia as a Francoist nation and its inclusion in the Dragon Bloc doesn't put me at total ease. However at the same time, it would be wrong of me and it would be wrong of this country to not give them the chance to restart their claim for existence. I look forward to working with their government and hopefully they will become a firm advocate of peace as we have become in this chaotic world. The need for leaders that understand the tension that still exists between the world's great powers, which no doubt could shift to become another global war is paramount as I sincerely doubt that peace could be achieved a second time by mere words alone.

With the relinquishment of a majority of the Australian Province, the military numbers have been shifted around greatly. With troop reductions in Australia that once were at over 130,000 due to the influx of Promised Land troops have been relocated to various other areas of the Commonwealth, with most of these forces transferring to either Japan, the Russian Far East, in addition to a sizable garrison being placed in Valkurheim.


Hanseatic and Promised Land Infantry Divisions withdrawing from Relinquished Territory

Economic news continues to rise on a positive note, with the Hanseatic surplus reaching record number since the recession. Loans are still being collected from The West German Reich, and while the lost of territory in Australia, while some look at with a loss of nationalism. Economists have only had great things to say. "Sure its a shame that our size on the map is a little small, but you have to look at it like this. The population in the mainland was relatively small to begin with while the upkeep and maintenance of the region was enormous. We'll be able to pay off debts to the Germans much faster now."

This is Jim Furrer reporting for HBC Evening News, Good Night and God Bless.

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Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm Jim Furrer for HBC Evening News.

In recent weeks, the Lady Protector has announced the newest portion of Hanseatic foreign policy and in a strange turn of events this foreign policy has been the exact opposite of most diplomatic ventures by this nation. Called Splendid Isolation, the Commonwealth has canceled all foreign treaties accept for those associated with the Pax Pacifica and in addition that has suspended all foreign requests for land lease and or land exchange from territories in the Commonwealth. While the world has viewed this with some shock, especially saying that the Voice of Peace has retired from the world, the Lady Protector has commented herself that, "The world needs to begin repairing itself. There is only so much that one person can do. The Commonwealth did great things for the Brisbane Treaty, but since then the maturity of the world is revolting and it is time for the Hansa to pull itself away from the meaningless bickering going one between the two world powers." Prior to the announcement of Splendid Isolation, Lady Tintagyl and the Diet have approved a new Foreign Minister. Robert D'esrail, who is a graduate of diplomacy and law from Brisbane University has taken up in the reins of enforcing the new policy on the world stage.


Robert D'esrail

Both I and the Lady Protector put a great deal of though into going through with these changes, but we both believed that it was time to spearhead something like this. Over the past few years, the Hanseatic treaty web has been growing, nearly out of control. We are allied with nations in North America, South America, Africa, and in Europe, places far outside a realm where if we needed to activate the treaty that we could begin to defend, likewise we could not rely on a nation across the world to come to our aid. The Hansa is still committed to preserving world peace and stability but at the moment we do not want to bite of more than we can chew. In addition we want to make sure people in the world know that Hanseatic land is Hanseatic land and that we will not be changing to meet the needs of other nations. Recently we have been getting various requests for land grants, land exchanges, and land leases. These nations are taking advantage of our kindness and unfortunately now we must turn away from them and look to ourselves to improve the situation at home.

This is Jim Furrer reporting for HBC Evening News, Good Night and God Bless.

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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*Classified Meesage From Yamato Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade*

Is the Non-Aggression, Economic Cooperation, and Immigration Control Law Exception Treaty between Yamato and Hansa to be considered also canceled?

"As Yamato is a neighbor and those treaties do not require active Hanseatic diplomatic or military involvement with Yamato affiars, no, those treaties were not canceled. This of course goes with all treaties of an economic or peaceful nature, however if Yamato were to sign an MDP with the Hansa then that would be considered canceled."

-Robert D'esrail

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"While this mive took us by surprise, it shows the true fortitude of character of the Hanseatic leadership. Even while being committed to peace, one cannot attempt to do everything, or like the nation itself, you will be spread too thin to do anyone any good."

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