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Sports Roundup

Goofy Goober


NBA Draft: Griffin is taken Number 1, Thabeet going 2. My pick for the rookie of the year is neither, I believe that Stephen Curry will have the greatest impact as a rookie, because the kid has range. When he was hit with a double team, he would just calmy step 6 feet from the line and drill a three. The only downside of Curry is his defense.

Team US Soccer Nice going guys. Im very proud, both of the team and because I watched a soccer game for the first time on TV. It seems the Europeans on the forums still have no respect for you guys, so prove them wrong and beat Brazil!!! Or just dont lose by three goals.

Brandon Jennings $@y !@#$%^& anyone? The guy shows up late for the draft, and when David Stern was nice enough to announce him again when he showed up, he got on stage and threw his arms up in triumph, leaving Stern hanging for a hand shake. Brandon: Not going to college doesnt give you an excuse to be this stupid.

Ricky Rubio Looks like he wont be playing in the NBA this year, because after being drafted to play in Minnesota, he said "his mom doesnt like cold weather" Ricky: Your an NBA player now, stop living with your parents and go boink some girls. You cant just make a team waste a pick on you and then opt to go back to Spain.


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