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Hate To Say I Told You So...



But I did.

Last night, we got a taste of what kind of leadership can be expected from Karma. As revealed in this post, Archon and his compatriots have all the negotiating skills of a pack of hyenas. At times, Moo could be a bit underhanded, but I never knew him to be this bad.

Let's look at what these logs show us:

  • Karma asked for a set of heavy expectations that included militarily gutting Pacifica. Sounds familiar. New boss = old boss
  • Though Karma was allowed uninvolved parties, Moo was not allowed to invite allies into negotiations
  • After a lot of banter (which is typical of negotiations) Archon does not compromise at all (which is not typical) and even refuses to reveal all the terms.
  • Archon especially refuses to reveal monetary reparations, which is insane.
  • Finally, incredibly, Moo agrees to all terms.
  • Depite the agreement, Archon cancelled negotiations by claiming time limitations!

That is a fine example of negotiating in bad faith, folks. This is interesting coming from a group of moralists that claim ethical superiority to Pacifican policies.


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Hi, Seca, thanks for joining the conversation. There seems to be an addiction to bad diplomacy of late around Planet Bob. We've seen it all through this current situation.

bad diplomacy < no diplomacy at all

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I hate the term moral and the way it's bandied-about. Morals are different to everyone and as we see with the 'Peace' talks, some morals are just plain dumb (offense intended).

Either way, the next year is going to be fun.

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I hate the term moral and the way it's bandied-about. Morals are different to everyone and as we see with the 'Peace' talks, some morals are just plain dumb (offense intended).

Either way, the next year is going to be fun.

Heh, thanks Solidus. Best of luck to my good friends in Echelon. Classy bunch of war whores over there. :P

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