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When your transcript makes you think of Neutrals and the Woodstock Massacre.



There are some days that I think I've been playing this game too long.

I started playing CN in the spring of 2008, towards the end of my freshman year of college. Like many people, it's become a part of my life, a habit I just can't kick. Logging in to collect taxes and pay bills, checking forums here and forums there, has become as routine to me as taking my evening birth control pill, or taking my dog out to take a leak.

Having a habit like this has consequences, though.

When I look at the acronym "GPA", my first thought isn't "grade point average" and how terrible mine was when they kicked me out of college, but that Neutral Menace the Green Protection Agency, my first home on Bob.

In my city there is a school called the Integrated Arts Academy. But for me, "IAA" brings to mind Star Wars, defunct blocs, little brown cats, and many great people I still call friends.

Watching a James Bond movie has taken on a whole new experience. I now sometimes pick out imagery or quotes I could use in another signature for MI6. Actually I have done that, and there's a whole post full of them on our forums.

I frequently find myself wishing I made as much money in real life as I do in CN. Three million dollars in bills a day is nothing when you're pulling in over 300 million every 20 days.

I wish navigating and discussing politics in real life were as entertaining and enjoyable as CN. I can talk CN politics with people and know what I'm saying, and I don't have to worry about people telling me my opinions are wrong and I'm going to hell because of them, or some other such nonsense. Well, maybe there is a little of that, but this is a game so who cares.

I've downloaded whatsapp for the sole purpose of using it for CN, and I have had some CN people's phone numbers for over 4 years now. Still have a hard time explaining why I have people in my contacts list texting me named "Chimaera" or "Draeg" or "mastabadey". But playing the Goldeneye death tone when I get a message from these people? Totally awesome.

I met my current boyfriend in this game. I know other people have too. Explaining your relationship and how you met? Yeah, I'll save that subject for another post. :laugh:

I used to keep a notebook keeping track of my tech deals and trades, when I was a wee noob. I still keep a CN notebook, but it's not for tech deals. It's for *REDACTED*.

Many times I wish it would be professionally appropriate to add CN experiences to my resume. "Led a large alliance in a browser and forum based political simulator, performing many administrative functions, managed a forum, organized group events..." and on and on.

My typing skills have drastically improved in the time since I started playing CN. Yeah, I took a required typing class in high school, but it just never did stick. It sure helped me type nice papers though.

I found myself thinking of these things today while bored at work, amazed at how CN has become such an influential part of my daily thoughts. Which also kind of depresses me in a way, but I guess it's just like any other hobby. Anyone else have any CNisms to share? Please tell me I'm not the only one. :blush:


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I identified with this so much that I had to pull my laptop back out even though I was done for the night. (And when I mean done for the night I mean, away from a pc but still browse using my phone. lol)

Anyway, what can I add besides the fact that I did the most growing up while playing this game. Both in-game play, and the friends I've made have gotten me through the hardest times of my life. I too met my boyfriend in CN. We've been together going on 7 years, and are now engaged to be married. My CN friends helped me pick out a ring (and yes, the One Ring was suggested :P). I've watched my friends get married, have babies, their kids get married (not the same friends lol). I've shared in their excitement to graduate high school or college, or retire. I've been there for support during troubling times. I have many phone numbers of friends, and have to say, it's funny to see a text signed "-Lauren (Samwise)". I truly do hope that after CN is completely gone, I work to keep in touch with these people that mean so much to me. Keeping in touch with hubby will be the least difficult though. Haha

But I have wished my CN money was real money, and it has made me truly appreciate the importance of emergency funds. I too read acronyms how they'd be in CN. The church here in town is called "Central Christian Church" so every time I go, I think of the CCC, which fits. lol I found my old CN notebook complete with a print out of my baby nation. I actually remember geeking out and telling my mom about me finally becoming nuclear. I used to actually put post-it notes on the edge of my monitor with reminders such as improvement swapping or tech deals. And I agree that we should be able to add CN things to our resume!

CN truly has become such an integral part of my life, that I know I wouldn't be the same person without it. It's the first thing I do when I wake up, and the last thing I do before I go to bed. Dang Smartphones >.>

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I think admin should read this if he hasn't. If I had made a game and read responses like this I would really be proud of what I made.

I agree there are many things that transition over to my RL.

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