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Stats ITB: 5



Apparently there was an error that caused lines 17 and 18 on the Equilibrium side not to be counted for the last spreadsheet. I'm not sure how long it had been there. I think it sprang up from me improperly changing the SUM formula after adding a blank row for new alliances.

So I'm not including changeNS or changeTECH screenshots. Just posting to say that GDA and APP have been added to the live spreadsheet and all other alliances have been updated. Link as always: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AljpRsRmfwjmdDUwbGo5LW1sam5uVmYzTmo0LW42UXc

For the next update, I'll include change (since 02/20) as usual. Also, I think I may add 50-60k NS and 5-7k tech. Someone suggested such to me recently, but I brushed it off, because I don't want to end up categorizing every nation in both coalitions. But going down one level lower doesn't mean it has to come to that, right?


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For equilibrium the changes from feb 12 to feb 20:

NS range = Total at the tier(change since feb 12)

150k+ = 7(0)

150-100k = 69(-21)

100-80k = 202(-47)

80-60k = 435(-20)

For Competence the changes from feb 12 to feb 20:

NS range = Total at the tier(change since feb 12)

150k+ = 24(-5)

150-100k = 67(-20)

100-80k = 71(-17)

80-60k = 123(-19)

The feb 20 suggests that Competence still dominate 150k+. 150-100k seems to be a statistical tie. While 100k-80k, Equilibrium lost more 47 vs 17 yet still retains numerical superiority. At the bottom rank there seems to be a tie in losses but Equilibrium seems to be numerical superior

The one thing I noticed is Equilibrium seems to have lost its ground at the 100k-80k which is suppose to be the meat grinder or the DMZ as others suggested. If this patterns continue (Equilibrium loses 2.76 nations from 100k-80k NS vs Competence 1), things will not look good within month for them as the losses at this tier was done within a week.

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The one thing I noticed is Equilibrium seems to have lost its ground at the 100k-80k which is suppose to be the meat grinder or the DMZ as others suggested. If this patterns continue (Equilibrium loses 2.76 nations from 100k-80k NS vs Competence 1), things will not look good within month for them as the losses at this tier was done within a week.

Yeah, but you forget that there's 2.85 Equilibriums for every 1 "Competence" in the 80-100k range.When they all get brought down into the 60-80k range, the overwhelming number of Equilibrium nations will crush them.

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Yeah, but you forget that there's 2.85 Equilibriums for every 1 "Competence" in the 80-100k range.When they all get brought down into the 60-80k range, the overwhelming number of Equilibrium nations will crush them.

Eq does have numbers at the 80-60k tier. However, if you read the stat thoroughly, you will see that those numerical superiority is not affecting competence much. Accdg to this stat, The losses at 80-60k ranges are equal.

Not everyone in eq is as good or as efficient in war as Pacifica, DUckroll or DT. numerical superiority becomes only an advantage if everyone is as good as everyone.

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Eq does have numbers at the 80-60k tier. However, if you read the stat thoroughly, you will see that those numerical superiority is not affecting competence much. Accdg to this stat, The losses at 80-60k ranges are equal. Not everyone in eq is as good or as efficient in war as Pacifica, DUckroll or DT. numerical superiority becomes only an advantage if everyone is as good as everyone.

I was actually referring to the 80-100k strength range in my previous post, because you were saying something about Equilibrium losing nations at a greater rate than Competence.

And even if the losses in the 60-80k range are equal, that doesn't matter to Equilibrium. They might not fight better, their losses might be the same even though they have more members, but the very fact that they have more members means that they'll be able to outlast Competence.

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I was actually referring to the 80-100k strength range in my previous post, because you were saying something about Equilibrium losing nations at a greater rate than Competence.

And even if the losses in the 60-80k range are equal, that doesn't matter to Equilibrium. They might not fight better, their losses might be the same even though they have more members, but the very fact that they have more members means that they'll be able to outlast Competence.

We shall see one week to one month from now if whose strategy is working: accdg to Eq; superiority numbers at 100k-80k tier while Acddg to Co: DoW down by higher Tiers. Based on the one week happened this week at the 100-80k (-47) Eq vs (-17) Co. There was a total change from the week of feb 4-11 where (-17) Eq lost less Co(-42). As there was a 60% percentage decrease with Co and a 247% increase in Eq at the 100k-80k losses. This is vital since Eq is expected to dominate this Tier area completely. If the pattern continues for this week and the next week, Eq will lose a lot of ground at that NS range. So, for this week Eq needs to control that area and stop losing an increase of losses.

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