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My blog of my CyberNations country, feel free to comment!

Entries in this blog

CyberNation is crippled

Hello CyberNation members, It seems this game is crippled, with the key to having a successful nation is to make war with every nation. This is why I have chosen to leave CyberNations and do fun stuff on Facebook. Maybe one day I will rejoin when CyberNations is good. Goodbye, President Wilfred Test

Wilfred Test

Wilfred Test

I've been offline for a while...

Hey Cybernations I am a member of many other games and websites, so keeping the blog up isn't easy. I will still write entries and have a giggle but really I don't have time to add a new entry every day. In other news the general election in the UK was unsuccessful and ended up in a hung parliment. I hope that Clegg will join Cameron, not Brown. President Wilfred Test

Wilfred Test

Wilfred Test

It's May Day and I learned something that really annoys me!

Happy May Day to all! Somebody was very kind and dropped a bombshell (not a real one) on my country. He sent me a message saying 'Don't stay on Peace Mode, you will lose economy'. OMG WHY? I am a peaceful nation, ACCEPT IT. In other news I just noticed it was May Day! I don't really know what people do on May Day but who cares President Wilfred Test

Wilfred Test

Wilfred Test

U smell? Worst reasons of war EVER!

When you are going to war HAVE A GOOD REASON FOR IT is what I say to some users, these are some of the worst reasons of war ever! "u smell" from President Noah Taylor of Entia "just to see how war works " from President Storme of Storme "OMG What does this button do?" from Commissar OrangeAvenger of Orangeveria So when you get the s ready, DON'T JUST SAY 'because'! President Wilfred Test

Wilfred Test

Wilfred Test

Why all of my trades are for [None Specified]

Hello everybody While logging on this morning I traded with a friendly looking nation and searched for a nation that can trade me Gold and Spices. I found it on the front page and Traded. At the top as you know there is a text box that says at the side 'Trade Reason'. Why in the world does it need that? I was thinking of something to put because I don't know how to explain it and put 'None Specified', it's so simple and takes seconds. Why didn't anybody else think of that. It reduces the chance

Wilfred Test

Wilfred Test

Welcome to The Nymphadoran Blog

Hey everybody, Wilfred Test here. After joining the United Purple Nations and creating Nymphadora I decided to create this blog to show you all how hard it is to manage a country in the deserted land of Novaya Zemiyn just north of Russia. The country is Nymphadora and has about 60 people in it. Not a metropolis you'll agree. If you wish to trade I have a place open so feel free to. See you soon! President Wilfred Test

Wilfred Test

Wilfred Test

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