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It may look like I was the aggressor, but I was not. OBLIVION sent me threats and said he would declare war if I did not pay him, so I thought it was best for me to attack him first before he could attack me. How does my alliance have to do with the fact that I'm being attacked?

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I think that anyone who looks at your war screen and sees that you declared the war is going to have a hard time with your "Well he said words to me, so that makes him the aggressor even though I'm the one that attacked" thing.

I don't like tech raiders, but I have a hard time feeling sorry for someone that attacks first. You should have tried to talk to him. Then, if he attacked you anyway, maybe you would have a chance at sympathy. Now, not so much.

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Well thanks a lot. Since you are too lazy to help out, you find any excuse you could to not help my nation. But it doesn't matter, because I am defending myself quite well. I won back 1/4 of the money he took, and now I am 300 strength more powerful. So next time you need help from me or any other Rogue Nation, don't expect it.

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I sent this guy some advice. I got a response. I found it humorous, so I'm posting it here.

PM, from Baldr to Vladimir Spencer...
[quote]First off, you declared war on someone who is bigger than you, and who is in an alliance with 78 people. Your alliance has 5. That isn't very smart.

I wouldn't have paid the extortion money, assuming that's what really happened, but it's awful hard to get anyone on your side when you are the one that declared war. He might have attacked you, as he promised - but at least then you would be the defender, not the attacker, and that might generate some good will.

Next : If you want to win the war, and you've got the money, then you should sell off your bank and your stadium, buy guerilla camps. They boost your combat strength by 35% each. It adds up quick, and will give you a chance at winning.

But even if you win, you're probably in trouble. His alliance can feed him money, and he can buy G-camps too. His alliance can also send other nations to hit you, assuming they have any more who are both small enough and active.

To me, your best option would be to re-roll. Pigs are an OK resource, not great, but not bad. Oil isn't a very good resource. Re-rolling would let you start again, take you out of sight of the guy who is attacking you, and get you new resources. Hopefully, better resources.

Your 5 man alliance is very, very likely to be tech raided. (ie, attacked by people in bigger alliances who want your tech, land, money.) Grow to 25-30 people and they'll be far less likely to attack. Better yet, get a larger alliance to agree to act as your protector, and put "Protectorate of ABC Alliance" in your bios. (ABC Alliance being whatever alliance offers protection.)

Tech raiders are scum, but they aren't going to stop just because you want them to. And attacking them only guarantees a war. it doesn't stop them from fighting you, it makes you more of a target. By attacking, you've pissed them off (most likely) and you've killed what little chance for sympathy you might have gotten if the tech raider had declared on you.

Good luck. [/quote]

Reply, from Vladimir Spencer to Baldr :
[quote]Well, your high and mightiness, I managed to defend myself, and win back about a fourth of the money he took; and without your unsympathetic self too! I'm sorry if I have "offended" you by attacking him in self defense, but it was the right choice.

I'm now convinced that giving this guy advice is a waste of time. But I'm sure his attitude is going to make him very popular with tech raiders. :D

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[quote name='Vladimir Spencer' date='09 March 2010 - 05:46 PM' timestamp='1268171517' post='2219662']
I have defeated all tech raiders that have attacked me. I no longer need help from YOU; I am destroying OBLIVION. Thanks for selfishly taunting me, and blaming me for the war. I'll take it into consideration next time YOU need help
I notice this kind of attitude from a lot of new players. What you don't realize is he will never need your help. Small nations don't have the economic or military means to help bigger ones. Some mid range nations could possibly hand out free tech every now and then, but that's it.

Edited by King Hendrix
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[quote name='King Hendrix' date='09 March 2010 - 06:26 PM' timestamp='1268177525' post='2219820']
I notice this kind of attitude from a lot of new players. What you don't realize is he will never need your help. Small nations don't have the economic or military means to help bigger ones. Some mid range nations could possibly hand out free tech every now and then, but that's it.
That makes sense. But I also refer to your alliance, and your alliances will rue the day when my nation is in the top 5%!

Edited by Vladimir Spencer
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[quote name='Fizzydog' date='09 March 2010 - 06:22 PM' timestamp='1268180894' post='2219964']
Next time, give the man the money, thats what I di, and me and him became amazing friends.

Give me $9M and 150 tech or die! :ph34r:

Meh. My aid slots are full. I'll let it go - this time.

I wouldn't recommend giving in to extortion. If you've paid them off once, what's to keep them from making another demand, or telling a friend "Hey, if you threaten him, he'll give you stuff", or simply using the money you sent to fund an attack on you anyway?

I also don't recommend a preemptive attack on a larger alliance. But I'm going to watch and see how well that works out for him.

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[quote name='Vladimir Spencer' date='09 March 2010 - 07:45 PM' timestamp='1268178646' post='2219872']
That makes sense. But I also refer to your alliance, and your alliances will rue the day when my nation is in the top 5%!
I hope to see you there, but this takes a lot of time. How long do you think it will take you?

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@Fizzydog and Baldr
I might've payed the money, except that it was too much, and what Baldr said probably would've happened. Besides, this guy hates me because I put his nation into anarchy the week when he and I started :P.
@King Hendrix
Probably a year at least :P

I have pretty much destroyed OBLIVION; he attacked me earlier today and lost. I got about 0.75 mil back from him, so I'm not in too bad shape. He just keeps sending cruise missiles at me which is pretty annoying, but I'm not worried about him any more

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1. I seriously doubt the whole 'he told me to send him money'-thing.
2. If that would be the case, a simple message towards me or another iFOK gov member would've been enough.
3. It's a shame that you are so small, it's actually hard to find folks who can declare on you.
4. ... Profit?

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[quote name='Vladimir Spencer' date='08 March 2010 - 06:51 PM' timestamp='1268096233' post='2218617']
It may look like I was the aggressor, but I was not. OBLIVION sent me threats and said he would declare war if I did not pay him, so I thought it was best for me to attack him first before he could attack me. How does my alliance have to do with the fact that I'm being attacked?
Hence the ROUGE part of Rouge Nations. Maybe people think that you are a rouge? Duh?

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I find it interesting how weak the iFOK aggressor against me is (I had already made peace with OBLIVION [i]and[/i] OBLIVION had profited from our war, therefore Bezservinn is an agressor) he attacked me after sending some cruise missiles at me, and he lost even though he was 1,000 strength stronger than me and I got 1 mil in "abandoned equipment"

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[quote name='Vladimir Spencer' date='10 March 2010 - 07:03 PM' timestamp='1268269739' post='2221566']
I find it interesting how weak the iFOK aggressor against me is (I had already made peace with OBLIVION [i]and[/i] OBLIVION had profited from our war, therefore Bezservinn is an agressor) he attacked me after sending some cruise missiles at me, and he lost even though he was 1,000 strength stronger than me and I got 1 mil in "abandoned equipment"
when you attacked him? You probably were not strong enough!

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