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The adventures of Albert_Bent101010

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Chapter 1 pt 1

It was a small nation of the yellow sphere, with a few wonders, and a crummy collect of infastructure. The only person that it held any importance to is Albert_Bent_101010, and that just so happened because he is the one who lives in it. He had moved his formally great top-three-hundred nation after fighting with NPO in the Dave War, to Umbrella, after being hideously ZIed in the preformentioned Dave War. Then the Equalibrium War started and he was promptly again IZed, he then joined Anarchy In




On the uncharted backwaters of the internet, in a game known as "Cybernations", existed an alliance so amazing primitive that they still thought trade circles were "a pretty neat idea". Now this alliance had a problem. Most people in it were unhappy for pretty much most of the time. Solutions were tried, mostly involving little yellow circle with three black triangles, but this usually served to make things worst, and it wasn't the multi-colored shapes that were the ones who were upset in the fi



Let me explain....

Hello, So your probably wondering what this is. This is a parody. Of The Hitchhiker Guide to the Galaxy. Since there's no major war to make a highly controversial blog entry about, I figure I might as well entertain the masses with this. I will make a blog entry each week on each different chapter of The Hitchhikers Guide to the galaxy (you know what? Screw, the a mouth-full to say, so I'm just going to abbreviate it to HHGG from here on out) starting with the prologue, and each will be cy



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