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Shout-outs and an apology

I'm late here but that shouldn't come as a surprise given that I only got around to my holiday thank yous last night. :3 Despite the fact that Kashmir was smaller than just about all other parties involved in the ongoing war, and despite the fact that we warranted the focus of an alliance several times our size (while we were focusing our own efforts on another alliance a few times our size), we finished the war with a 1.64:1 damage inflicted:damage sustained ratio (as well as the 25th most da



Help me, for I am an IRCtard.

Despite multiple, generally differing instructions on several occasions (my recollection of all instances lacking), I find myself manually typing in and joining every desired channel any time I connect to IRC (I use mIRC). I've put up with it for months but figured it was finally time to do it the smarter way. Keeping in mind that I'm an IRCtard, can anyone please help me set up an auto-join list (with dumbed down directions, preferably)? Would be most appreciated.



It is what it is. This is why we fight.

First off, to those of you amongst the peanut gallery that are tired of micro drama or that are ROFLing about this one in particular, please accept my sincerest apologies. I realize how terribly engrossing your lives are, what with your treaty announcements, milestones, and infra-hugging in preparation for your once-a-year war. If only we ALL embraced the status quo perhaps this world would be at a mere 6000 nations. Think of how fun it would be then! Alas, our unwillingness to simply exist mea



GOONs nearly faced the consequences

Note: I'm shamelessly ripping off and slightly rebranding the Carlos Accords' "Derp of the Day" award to present one individual with the "Herp De Derp Award". While I should note that The Legion (their MoD specifically) ultimately ended up handling this situation a bit more intelligently than this entry's recipient, a few of the latter gentleman's comments nonetheless warrant this recognition. For a bit of context, a ghost flying The Legion AA - a ghost as confirmed by The Legion on IRC - atta



Help me, for I am a Wikitard.

In this month's installment of 'I don't know how !@#$ works', I seem to be unable to find the location of the GOONS Treaties box at the bottom of our Wiki page and as a result I'm unable to edit the very damn thing that I created. Anyone know how/where it can be accessed?



GOONS Tech-Raiding Policy Statement

As GOONS shifts from war into tech-raiding mode it has become apparent that Planet Bob needs to be informed/reminded of a specific aspect of our tech-raiding policy. From our publicly-accessible policy statement, one path to peace: I would like to emphasize two parts: 1) The war will be allowed to expire and everyone goes their separate ways. 2) Peace can be achieved sooner if the alliance accepting the target asks nicely. With this our tech-raiding policy should be clearer. Hopefully incid



Dallas representttttt

I wasn't rooting for them from the start, but as long as it isn't Miami winning it I'm stoked. It's nice seeing Dirk, and fossils like JKidd, get the gold anyhow. \o/ Mavs



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