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An Announcement From The Movement


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[b][size="5"][center]An Announcement from The Movement[/center][/size][/b]

We, the people following The Movement would like to make our presence known. We are an organization fighting for freedom from the communistic ways of the People's Republic of Africa.

We currently are engaged in combat with the PRA and seek support in our plight in order to continue our struggle for freedom for the enslaved people of the PRA and the world's true proletariat.

-Abdul-Hadi, Leader of The Movement

OoC: See [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99911&view=findpost&p=2666725"]here[/url] for background.

Edited by Axolotlia
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The PRA warns any nation or organization that involves itself with this terrorist organization will be dealt with through due course of law within PRA courts. This uprising is not for the people, nor does it lack popular support from the people.

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[quote name='LBT88' timestamp='1300334989' post='2666929']
Nova Scotia is curious as to what government and economic systems The Movement wish to establish should they succeed in overthrowing the Communist government of the PRA.

We wish to instate a republic, with free-market economics.

-The Movement

Edited by Axolotlia
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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1300334770' post='2666921']
Let it be known that the Xinyan Republic's support in crushing these enemies of the people goes fully to the PRA.

Private to PRA:

If needed the Xinyan Republic is prepared to send troops and supplies to aid in destroying these bandits.

[quote]Response to the Xinyan Republic:

We graciously thank the Republic for their support in this time of crisis. At the moment, we do not require any additional support, but you will be kept updated on whether we will need support in the near future, pertaining to this crisis.[/quote]

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[quote name='LBT88' timestamp='1300398683' post='2668219']
In that case, you have our diplomatic support, provided you switch to more peaceful methods.

We cannot change to more peaceful methods when dealing with a deeply entranced society. These people do not understand what they really want or need.

-The Movement

Edited by Axolotlia
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[quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1300402621' post='2668368']
We cannot change to more peaceful methods when dealing with a deeply entranced society. These people do not understand what they really want or need.
In that case, do not target civilians if you wish to win over the hearts and minds of the people.

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[quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1300335196' post='2666942']
We wish to instate a republic, with free-market economics.

-The Movement

We doubt the sincerity of this statement, as your rise to power is through unpopular violence how can you expect to function as a ruling body without more instability or more likely more violence and oppression.

[quote name='LBT88' timestamp='1300398683' post='2668219']
In that case, you have our diplomatic support, provided you switch to more peaceful methods.

The PRA condemns such actions. Actions such as these will only leave a stain on any future relations with the true and popularly backed government of the PRA.

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[quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1300403300' post='2668390']
The PRA condemns such actions. Actions such as these will only leave a stain on any future relations with the true and popularly backed government of the PRA.

The PRA need not worry, for we would only support The Movement if the people are truly oppressed by a government they oppose and The Movement does not target civilians.

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