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Diplomatic Sanctions


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[size="7"][font="Book Antiqua"]Imperial Decree de Zaboor[/font][/size]

The Sovereignty of Zaboor hereby declares Diplomatic Sanctions against the underlying nations. These nations have proven to be Disrespectful, Low Classed, Uncivil, and Provocative. We want nothing to do with them. This is only a diplomatic sanction limiting all communication between the following nations to/from Zaboor to be restricted. Civilian Communications are free to be established. Trade will continue to be established due to we are a free economy and do not limit our civilians to trading with a few nations. We believe in complete freedom and respect. We give respect and we only wish to communicate when we have it returned.

Due to their allies and followers, We will expect to see nations also put diplomatic sanctions upon us. We simply do not mind. We wish for respect to be established and being a band wagoner is frowned upon. Do as ye will.

Xinyang Republic
Kongeriket Norge[/quote]

OOC: Just a message that ill be ignoring the above nations due to they lack respect OOC and IC, This is to prevent drama as seen by the last war. :)

Also put on Ignore on IRC for the OOC Drama they like to start <3

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"Not a declaration of war? Disappointing."


You still spell our name incorrectly. Perhaps Zaboor should figure out what each nation in the world is called before they start levying random and entirely ineffective sanctions.

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[quote name='LBT88' timestamp='1299729558' post='2658244']
Nova Scotia condemns Zaboor's attempts at sanctions against two totally sovereign nation.s

OOC: Seriously do you still not read? Didn't you learn your lesson from the last war? Good lord.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299732832' post='2658274']
OOC: Seriously do you still not read? Didn't you learn your lesson from the last war? Good lord.
OOC: It was an IC response to an IC action. If you gonna !@#$%*, then do it IC.

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