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Telex Supercarrier takes to the seas.


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The Ivorian fleet launched today, with thousands of sailors and aircraft preparing to protect Ivory Coast at all costs.

The Ivorian Navy has joined the air force and ground defense division as part of the United Land's army. The Telex supercarrier, along with 2 Bismarck battlecruisers, 2 Hudson Missile Class Frigates and 2 Graf Speer Class Littoral combat ships, all Soldanian made vessels, made a pass along Abidjan, pleasing children and adults alike. The navy did a splendous show for the bystanders, such as firing missiles into far off water, launching aircraft and "rescuing ship wrecked sailors." President Abou Roland addressed citizens himself from an extremely high tech "Hawk" Attack Helicopter, purchased from Soldanian. The current spike in the economy has caused for increased military, infrastructure and health spending.

1 "Banshee" Attack helicopter wowed the crowd after sneaking up on them, using its silent ultra-stealth technology to sneak up on the crowd, and frighten them after unleashing its 30mm cannons. The rounds were, of course, blanks, but their loud noise proved for the Banshee to be a deadly and efficient stealth killing machine.

Gary Hutyle, an Ivorian construction worker, commented on the situation. "I was really surprised by the new ships. (The military's vessels) looked so alien and were incredibly fast. That heli scared the daylights out of me. I couldn't believe our own Ivorian country is so advanced so soon."

Deputy of War, Martial Evoline, said, "the military has begun immediate construction on multiple military air bases, barracks and docks." She also has stated that the Ivorian army was currently in the process of producing and distributing ammunition and small arms. The military is expected to be fully functioning by early next year.

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"My my my..." Kevin said to himself as he leaned back in his chair. watching the display of firepower....all crafted by his own company, "I see the assembly lines pump out these things...but i never really get to see them actually being used." A sense of pride flows over him as he watches...

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