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Some questions


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Had my nation running for 100 days today... thought I'd ask some questions since after reading answers and getting to certain points and not seeing those results... I'm kind of curious.

Anyways, my first question is about Tech. I read a few weeks ago on these forums that once you're above 75 Tech that you'd no longer be considered a 3rd World Nation, but I have 77 Tech and I'm still 3rd World. Did this change and if so, what do you have to get to and is there a big jump in population income when you get there?

I'm also currently at a point where Infra costs me so much I can only get roughly 60 new citizens a day, when about a month or so ago I could get well over 100 day with no issue. I dumped a ton of money into Tech to try and up income and that seemed to do absolutely nothing. Are there any tricks besides Trade Agreements to increase this effort? It's getting rather boring to try and increase my population when the number seems to go nowhere fast. Right now I have over 3,600 citizens and it'll take me another week to get to 4,000 if I dump all the money into Infra.

Are there any "preferred" Improvements to go after early on to increase income? I have 2 schools and a Border to increase happiness and daily income but they seemed to do next to nothing in the long run.

I'm just kind of stumped as I went through to fill an empty Trade Agreement this morning and I see Nations half the age of mine that are twice as powerful and I have no clue what I'm doing wrong. Thanks!

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you are 3rd world because the tech you have is to small for your infra

get rid of the schools and get stadiums and factories and they are +3 happiness and infra reduction then you will get more money and infra will be cheaper

when you reach the next jump save up to buy 200-300 infra then you will make more of a profit.

yes trades help a lot in happiness and infra reduction


hope this helps


p.s feel free to pm me or ask your allaince for help

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First things first delete the border wall. BW's should be amongst the last improvements you buy. Schools aren't the best but they will have to do for now.

You need to drop the tade for fur because fur is a poor resource.

Fish, Wheat, Lumber, Aluminum, Marble are all resources you should be aiming for.

Make sure your government positions are set to the most profitable options. Change one at a time and check to see fi the happiness goes up.

If you get a trade for fish and wheat you may even end up with enough citizens to buy a new improvement before buying any more infra,

Try for the population increasing trades while saving for new improvements as you really need to get a harbour by now.

Try a tech deal for a quick cash boost

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Do not destroy the schools. Its not worth it now. They were not the best buy but to destroy them and spend that much money on the Stadium for what will essentially be a small gain.

Stadium may be +3 but you already have the bonus from the schools so in reality you already have at least half of that bonus.

Trades and a Harbour are your first goals.

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Well I waited a week at one point, had no trade offers and for the past 3 weeks I've been trying to get some Trade Agreements and not one person has taken me up so far, I've been turned down 3 or 4 times already.

I have no idea what a tech deal is. The way it's been explained to me goes so far over my head it's almost ridiculous. :P

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To answer one of your questions not answered yet; not sure where you saw 75 tech as the border to get out of Third World status, the charts I've seen it is 88 tech. And it's not strictly tied to tech, it's tied to Literacy Rate (which having tech improves, but schools/universities also improve Literacy Rate). Your Literacy Rate needs to be 55% or higher to move up to "Progressing Moderately" from Third World. And it has no bearing on income at all at this point other than tiny .02 per point increase in happiness tech will give you up to 200 tech.

The biggest improvement you can make to your nation right now is the do as suggested and delete that Border Wall and replace it with a Harbor. Trades give you a lot of power in the modifiers resources give you and the Harbor allows you an extra trade. With your starting resources you should be striving for the three resource build of:

3 Resource Build

[Aluminum] [iron] [Lumber] [Fish] [Wheat] [WATER] [Marble] [sugar] [Cattle] [PIGS] [spices] [Gems]

Which results in bonuses of: Fast Food, Construction, Beer

This build will really see your nation's development take off. Most of your problems with trades are less related to your resources (afterall, both are needed for this build and it is the most desired build in the game) but to do with your being on the pink team. The pink team unfortunately is one of the smallest color spheres in the game, giving you access to less nations willing to trade since most nations attempt to trade only with others of their color group to gain the +1 happiness such trades give. Nations only trade outside of their color as a last resort. That could explain your trading experience.

Your focus on buying tech may be the reason you see other nations of your age being so much more powerful. Early in a nation's development, it's having the right improvements that will improve your nation's development. And the only way to get improvements is by buying infrastructure (well, land does give you some citizens but not in any appreciable numbers). At this point you really should learn how to conduct tech deals. One, you're in an alliance that conducts tech deals, hence you have access to both the know-how and the deals to bring in extra income to plow into infrastructure. The schools made some sense being in a tech alliance since one more school will allow you to buy the two universities which give you a discount buying tech. Typically schools are a poor choice early on since 5% of next to nothing in income will still be next to nothing, it's only after income has been boosted that the power of the 5% becomes more powerful. And besides, Banks are a better choice since they grant you 7%. So your improvement schedule will largely depend on whether you intend to become a tech dealer as many in your alliance are (in either event Factories should among the earliest improvments you buy. While not increaseing income, they do reduce the cost of infrastructure allowing the income you have to buy more, typical starting improvement schedule would be Harbor, Bank, 5 Factories, Bank, Bank, Stadium, Stadium, Bank, Bank, Stadium, Stadium, Stadium). That in turn could further explain your trouble trading since the best resource building for tech dealers is the eight resource build. Your alliance constitutes over a quarter of the nations on pink and if most of them are tech dealing and looking for the eight resource build, it makes even tougher since your Pigs are not a part of a typical eight resource build. The other reason to learn how to tech deal is even if you decide not to be a tech dealer, your tech level is now at the point where it is cheaper to buy the tech from one of your tech dealing alliance mates than it is to buy it yourself.

Good Luck in your second 100 days.

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