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Welcome to CN!

Trading is relatively simple, but it is very important for the growth of your nation.

Each nation has two resources that their citizens work diligently to produce. Yours are Gold and Lumber, which are good resources.

To trade with another nation, use the "advanced search" function at the bottom of your nation screen. Search for nations that have resources you need. When you find someone (ideally within the Blue team, since you are Blue and Blue is so unbelievably full of win!) click on the button at the top of their nation screen that says "trade." You can offer them a trade and hopefully they will get their lazy, incompetent butt online and accept your trade.

This is a simplified version of trading, it can take forever since not everyone checks their nation every day.

Read the nation building guide for advice on what trades to get:


Stay in peace mode until you join an alliance. Without an alliance your nation will become target practice very quickly.

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