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Cloak and Dagger

Markus Wilding

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A Brotherhood's Fist officer knocked on Councilor Roybal's office door. A stone-cold "enter" emanated from inside, and the lieutenant stepped inside, closing the door behind him. "Councilor." Councilor Roybal turned to face him. "Lieutenant Sedillo. I trust you have a reason for entering." Sedillo gulped and explained another two dissenters had been found. "And they would be?" "Arquelao Vigil is rumored to be in the new nation of Avorez. And another has fled to Great Britain...his name is Setson Vienay. A teenager. Although he hasn't done anything yet, he was seen carrying a firearm onto a fishing boat and some say he ordered the fisherman to take him to Great Britain." The Councilor thought this over before giving the lieutenant an answer. "Find them both and eliminate them. You have full authority to turn Avorez over for Arquelao, but keep it simple and subtle for Great Britain. We don't need a war on our doorstep over this." The lieutenant nodded and left the office. Roybal had to do some serious maneuvering in the council meeting tonight to keep this "project" going.

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Scott sat in his car across the street, he watched as he saw three men exit the terminal and loiter around the pay phones. He dialed the number. When they answered he would simply ask [i]do you know who this is?[/i] if they answered viper he would tell them the black car sitting right beside them on the pavement was open with keys in the glovebox. The sat-nav was already programmed with the location of the weapons, a disused warehouse just outside Belfast and that he would meet them there to discuss the matter further.

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The lead operative, a lieutenant, smiled as Viper told him of the vehicle. He ordered the other two to get in and the three drove to the warehouse. After an hour or so, the trio approached the warehouse. Entering, the lieutenant asked for Viper to reveal himself, his Portuguese accent trickling into his English.

At night in Portugal, three men from the Marine Fist Division sailed their tiny craft into British waters. Hoping no British ships patrolled the area, the three abandoned the sailboat and dove into the waters. They walked onto the beach several minutes later, and they moved under the cover of night to find Setson. It was only hoped that the British wouldn't find them.

Edited by Markus Wilding
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The Royal Navy Corvette HMS England had detected the craft on radar and called it in as smugglers.
A small police squad began to check the beaches but found only a small boat and footprints in the sand going in land.

Within minutes two Blackhawks and four lynx helicopters were in the air sweeping the area. Spotlights shon down to the streets an alleyways and inquisitor Parax was informed.

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The three operatives knew they were caught when the helicopter began circling overhead, flooding their only chances of escapes with light. They decided their best hope of survival was to find a building (preferably two-story and abandoned) and hide there. If they were found by the police, their orders were simple - leave no one standing.

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After the nuclear attacks many people moved out info the countryside away from large built up areas, the operatives wouldn't find it hard to tale cover in an empty house.

Meanwhile in the air the Blackhawks thermal camera picked up three heat signatures on the move and flew over to investigate.

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The three operatives scurried into the abandoned building, and heard the helicopter approaching. Knowing it ha probably seen them in some way, the CO ordered a soldier to fire his weapon at the helicopter, but knowing the unlikeliness of actually penetrating the helicopter's armor, the trio tell themselves that this would be what Councilor Roybal wanted them to do, if they were to die fighting, then to bring down a British soldier or two with them.

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Agents Zeta Eta and Upsilon were not anxious on the flight to Lisboa on the plus side Arquelao had no idea where they were going since he was knocked out in the cargo area of the plane. Upon landing Zeta Eta and Upsilon retrieved Arquelao and woke him up. once leaving the plane they had thirty minutes to get him to the extract point upon which hey would go to the next plane back to Avorez. It didnt take them long to find a man with a stone cold exterior with three soldiers with the Brotherhood emblem so they approached these four men with the package.

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Bullets bounced harmlessly off the helicopters flanks but one round breached the observation glass at the co pilots feet. The bullet passed through the mans foot and shaved a line of burnt flesh up the mans dace before burying itself in his helmet.

Half blinded by blood the man passed out in shock causing the blackhawk to back off and return to base.
A call when out on the radio to the local police station aswell as the nearby encampment of guardsmen.

Barely 15minutes would pass before the air was buzzing with helicopters as soldiers roped down and began laying siege to the building.

Army jeeps and Saxon armoured cars created a ring of steel. Helicopters in the airhad every window and door covered with their machine-guns and spotlights.

Finally a lone blackhawk returned and hovered directly over the building, 12 figures in black roped onto the roof and began to make ready to storm the building. The SAS did not take prisoners, but orders were specific, debilitating shots only. Those men inside would be held prisoner and questioned by the inquisition.

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[quote name='sandman9913' timestamp='1296180374' post='2606488']
Agents Zeta Eta and Upsilon were not anxious on the flight to Lisboa on the plus side Arquelao had no idea where they were going since he was knocked out in the cargo area of the plane. Upon landing Zeta Eta and Upsilon retrieved Arquelao and woke him up. once leaving the plane they had thirty minutes to get him to the extract point upon which hey would go to the next plane back to Avorez. It didnt take them long to find a man with a stone cold exterior with three soldiers with the Brotherhood emblem so they approached these four men with the package.
Councilor Roybal stood with the three soldiers flanking him, PAR-39's by their side. One held a PSR-88 in his hands. Councilor Roybal greeted the two agents, pulling a suitcase from a Portuguese Army truck not far from them. "1 million Portuguese Euros, as promised. I have been told that each euro will correlate to one of your currency. We will take Vigil now." Once Arquelao was theirs, their job would be complete and he would be loaded onto the truck, where he would be taken to the Lisboa air base and executed, silently.

[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1296180425' post='2606490']
Bullets bounced harmlessly off the helicopters flanks but one round breached the observation glass at the co pilots feet. The bullet passed through the mans foot and shaved a line of burnt flesh up the mans dace before burying itself in his helmet.

Half blinded by blood the man passed out in shock causing the blackhawk to back off and return to base.
A call when out on the radio to the local police station aswell as the nearby encampment of guardsmen.

Barely 15minutes would pass before the air was buzzing with helicopters as soldiers roped down and began laying siege to the building.

Army jeeps and Saxon armoured cars created a ring of steel. Helicopters in the airhad every window and door covered with their machine-guns and spotlights.

Finally a lone blackhawk returned and hovered directly over the building, 12 figures in black roped onto the roof and began to make ready to storm the building. The SAS did not take prisoners, but orders were specific, debilitating shots only. Those men inside would be held prisoner and questioned by the inquisition.
The three knew their job was a lost cause at this point. The CO, a captain, told the other two (a corporal and a sergeant) that if they were not committed to the Brotherhood's cause, then they should go out and surrender themselves immediately. Only the corporal exited, leaving his PAR-39 resting on the floor of the building. The other two found defensive positions, barricading themselves behind any furniture if any was left and constantly on guard for what they knew would be the last night of the last operation of their lives.

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The soldiers spotted a man leaving the building, his hands in the air. When he was close to the ring of steel, an Inquisitor grabbed him, injecting him with a knockout drug.
When he awoke he would pray for a death that would not come. Strapped to a cold steel table in a black room, unableto move, the slow but steady drip of water on his forehead a constant reminder of the world of crap he had entered.

Back at the house, with one of the men taken prisoner it was deemed a waste of resources and a stupid risk of life to storm the building.

The SAS planted charges on the roof before clambering aboard their helicopter and moving to a safe distance.

Every gun surrounding the house opened fire, 50cal rouse shredding the building, helicopter door Gunners firing through windows. The sky illuminated a bright White before turning orange and red as the explosives were detonated and the building blew apart, collapsing on the men inside.

Several secondary explosions took place as gas leaked into the ruins and caught the flames of burnig debris.

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[quote name='sandman9913' timestamp='1296182409' post='2606531']
Zeta and Eta brought Arquelao over to the Councilor while Upsilon took the suitcase from Roybal. While Zeta and Eta brought Arquelao over a man came over the soldiers radios "Hello Councillor Roybal."
Roybal glanced only once at the radio before addressing Zeta and Eta; "Tell whoever is speaking that I am not interested in talk. We have our man, you have your money, there is nothing left to discuss. Good day, gentlemen." The third Fist soldier gave the three agents a glare through his keffiyah, before hopping onto the truck with Arquelao as the second started the truck, Councilor Roybal in the passenger seat.

Edited by Markus Wilding
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[quote name='sandman9913' timestamp='1296183807' post='2606578']
Upsilon Zeta and Eta stood for a minute and boarded the next plane back to Avorez. While boarding the man came back on the radio "Councillor this is omega. I've been looking forward to speaking with you."
Roybal grabbed the radio and pushed the "talk" button. "How you managed to get on this frequency is beyond me, but let it be known that this is the first and last time we will speak. Either speak to me directly, or do not speak to me at all. Whoever you are, we will meet after we are finished with this rat of a man."

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"Good afternoon gentlemen, my name is John Green. I am an administrator for the People's Republic Secret Intelligence Service. I discovered Miss Clotilde Guerra has been granted asylum here. I detest the strain the constant influx of asylum seekers has put on my nation. This is just the beginning for me, but I digress. I have here everything you will need to know about the whereabouts of Miss Guerra. She is currently guarded by two officers at a time in plain clothes in the block of flats she lives in, they rotate every six hours. I have photographs of the current and next shifts who are due to swap in two and a half hours time. It is essential they are not alerted, if they discover you they will have back up in next to no time. You will strike when they are swapping, they meet at the door and generally chat for a few minutes. They will be most vulnerable at this time, out in the open and easily recognized. Clodlite is in room 19 on the first floor. Once it's over I have a flight waiting to leave for Portugal with diplomatic clearance, no check-in. We just arrive and get on the plane no questions asked. I will meet you there. Your weapons are in a box by the door. You have one hour to get ready, then you need to leave."

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The three operatives smiled like madmen at this chance.

In an hour's time, the three approached the flat, weapons concealed to not draw attention. They watched as the two guards welcomed and chatted with their replacements, and it was time. The leader gave the order to open fire and the two leadmen attached silencers and began shooting. The four guards went down in two bursts from each AK. The three calmly walked inside almost as if nothing had happened, stepping over the dead, bleeding bodies of the guards. They rushed to room 19, kicking the door open. The lead breacher put a bullet in her leg, causing her to fall. "Clotide Guerra...your time has come." A single shot ended her life. In an instant they were gone, ditching the weapons and at the airport, headed back to Portugal.

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As the three men boarded the plane Green popped open a bottle of champagne.

"I thought this would be reason enough to celebrate! To a new life, one Clotilde Guerra less, in Portugal!"

He poured four glasses and smiled. Little did he know of the real intentions of the assassins from Portugal.

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