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A FARKing NEW kind of tech opportunity


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So your looking for a tech deal, while I have an opportunity for you. In this tech deal you send me 3mil and I use it to remove tech from Farkistan. As an added bonus you will be aiding in the removal of 2-300 infra aday. If this opportunity is for you send 3mil under the title FARKing tech deal.

If you'd like a normal 50tech for 3 mil put that in the title and I will send 50 tech, hopfully in ten days. If I am delayed by minor problems like ZI, rest assured I will get you your tech ASAP. Unlike certain other lost alliances I will give what I'm paid to give.

One aid slot available right now, don't delay!

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Yes, I totally want to paint a gigantic bullseye on my nation by giving you money in return for tech raided from a sanctioned alliance - raids that you yourself admit will probably earn you a ZI (and judging by your wars screen, are doing so as we speak). I always wanted to get rid of the burdens that are my several thousand units of infrastructure and my respectably-developed army, and doing it this way would be a blast! :awesome:

Edited by Synge
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[center] :lol1:[/center]
My opportunity is not for the faint of heart. From my own experience I can tell you that you only need to worry about FARK coming after you if they have a couple of nations with 2 times your infra.

Edit: WOW a virgin. There's no better way to pop your cherry the diving into the deep end.

Edited by Lupine
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