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Commander Yang Xu had to get out of the Xinyan Republic.

Commander Xu was and had been the Republic's primary nuclear researcher, the man in charge of the program that set out to create a nuclear weapon under the control of the Xinyan armed forces. Xu was not a military man by any means--but in the Republic, only the military had access to the best scientific material and opportunities, and so the only way viable path for anyone looking to a career in science was the military, which had a special wing set aside for scientific endeavours. When Xu graduated college with a degree in nuclear engineering and physics, he hadn't thought much on it; he was quick to join the Xinyan Military Research Corps. He had not envisioned then, that he would be placed in command of a top secret military project, one which was known entirely only perhaps to the highest ranking officers of the Department of National Defense. Xu was not altogether worried when General Cheng Nangjia ordered him to begin a project to design and construct a nuclear device.

He had been a naive fool at that time. Xu had still been a young, optimistic officer; like many of the Research Corps, he was firmly an advocate of Nangjia's policies of nationalism; he firmly believed in Nangjia's statements that the Republic could not allow itself to be bullied by larger powers. The vast majority of the armed forces that was not in Colonel Feng Chao's faction swallowed Nangjia's ideals whole...and those few high ranking officers who knew what Nangjia's ideas truly encompassed were firmly in his pocket, entirely his puppets. When Xu had been permitted to understand more of Nangjia and his motives, his plans concerning the Republic and Asia at large, it frightened him. The starry-eyed admiration for Nangjia was replaced with a fear of what this man could be capable of doing. And Xu had been designing a nuclear weapon, the ultimate weapon of devastation, never knowing the true purposes of what this weapon may be used for.

Xu was afraid to work on this weapon, afraid of what its effects could be. He had to get out of the Republic, keep his research from falling into the military's hands. He had to prevent Nangjia from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

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The Korean Chamber of Commerce in Xinyan had been established successfully. Using the experience of the old Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency from the Korean Empire, things began running smoothly, and the Chamber already had lots of contracts signed with the local business sector. It seemed this project was going to be a profitable success.

Yet, there was another side to the innocent commerical aspect of the Chamber. Some of the members were agents of the KCIA, and there were also members of the Liaison Department of the Chosun Workers' Party. While the former was somewhat aware of the latter, there was almsot no interaction between the two. Either way, the Chamber served as the intelligence headquarters for the Koreans in Xinyan, to gather any information that might be useful in dealing with this "rogue" (in the eyes of the UFE) Chinese state.

Sector Chief Kim Seung-gyu had been focusing on the military aspect of Xinyan, since the republic was a de facto military dictatorship. It didn't take long for him to notice that General Cheng Nangjia was ambitious, perhaps too ambitious. This man wanted power, and with how he jumped at the chance to get the Koreans to build nuclear plants, most likely he wanted nuclear weapons. A review of all scientists with a nuclear-related degree led him to keep an eye on a certain Yang Xu. Two agents would trail the Commander, to see what Xinyan might be doing.

OOC: Just to make this clear. This RP is closed to all except dotCom and myself. Thank you.

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Commander Xu, as of December 23, was currently stationed at a highly secret military research centre located about ten kilometres from the city of Xuhai; it was surrounded by a largely plains-like landscape that allowed the military to detect virtually any vehicles that entered a certain radius around the base. Civilians and uncleared military personnel, in fact, were not even permitted to enter a 'locked zone' that surrounded the area around the base, small enough not to be noticed outright by satellite imaging.

At the moment, this base, designated Military Research Base 3, was the centre of the Xinyan nuclear weapons program.

Currently Xu was within his own office, sitting before a computer. There was nothing he could do now--soldiers filled the base's halls and rooms like ants in an ant farm, and security cameras monitored every inch of the base, including his own room. If anything, the soldiers were now more useful for keeping Xu in rather than protecting him from external threats.

The nuclear weapon was nowhere near completed--the military had yet to even obtain to plans for its production, plans that currently Xu possessed. General Nangjia had been waiting for the completion, but he was now becoming impatient; the military was pushing Commander Xu harder and harder to get finished and deliver the completed plans to them. Xu was conflicted--if he attempted to delete the plans, the military would simply use the backup data that was being updated on his own computer, and then Xu would likely be convicted of treason and executed. But he also knew that if a nuclear weapon was delivered to Nangjia's hands, far greater consequences could be felt--by far more people.

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Getting into the base was actually quite easy, depending on how you look at it. The low technology of Xinyan, combined with the relatively corrupt military, meant that it took only a bit of hacking and some small bribes to get two people in as miltiary personnels. Add in the fact that the new sergeants were very attractive, and it was simple.

The two agents who were trailing Xu were Xia Yu Fan and Xia Yu Lan, of Division 215 (the State Security Department). They had been transferred to the KCIA following the orders of Premier Kap, who also happened to be the top military person in Chosun (even above President Kim). Being ethnic Han Chinese, they fit perfectly with the people in the base, speaking the Dongbei dialect that was slightly different from the standard Mandarin.

The Xia twins owed everything to Kap, for whom they served with their body and soul. If they were ordered to kill themselves, they would do so without hesitation: this was how deep their following of Kap was. So when the order came for them to leave for Xinyan under a new leader, they followed immediately, and so here they were.

It was easy to find Xu, given his relatively high status. Any move he might do, they would follow.... or perhaps grant him a wish should he come to them.

Edited by Kankou
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The soldiers who passed by the Xia twins seemed to pay little attention to them; their training had ensured that they were unswayed by things like the attractiveness of a woman while on duty. Of course, there were those very few officers who did not share this dedication to their military and their nation....and these few officers, unfortunately, were also willing to take bribes if it suited them. As the execution of five officers only a few months previously showed, however, these soldiers were shown no mercy when they were found, and so those who did not share the dedication of their fellow troops at least pretended to save their own skins.

As Commander Xu walked from his room towards one of the resting rooms, he became aware that someone was watching him. Without turning his head, he saw, from the corner of his eyes, the Xia twins. It was not Xinyan military practice to conscript females as...[i]distracting [/i]as the Xia twins. Add to that the fact that Xu had never seen them before (they rather stood out amongst the stony, faceless soldiers that patrolled this base) and had gotten no notification that new troops were arriving, and he began to suspect that perhaps someone from outside the Xinyan military had managed to infiltrate this base. It would not have been altogether difficult, what with the Xinyan military still in organisation. But this could be his way out.

As they entered the resting room, Xu gestured discreetly towards one of the tables with seats. When they were seated, Xu muttered in an undertone, "You're two are not Xinyan military personnel, are you...?"

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Xia Yu Lan made a sly smile at Xu's question, and made sure that they would not be overheard. "Perhaps we are, perhaps we aren't. What matters is why you would ask such a question, Commander Xu. After all, you're in a very privilaged position, being the head of a project that would make Xinyan a power in its own right. You would be honored above all, a hero to the people of Xinyan and the source of fear to those that wish to destroy the republic. And yet, you are stalling. Is it that you are perhaps..... reconsidering your role, despite the outcome that might bring to you?"

[i]Xia Yu Lan[/i][/center]
She paused a bit to let the information sink it. "If you are thinking of bringing yourself out of your situation, maybe we can be of help to you. After all, not many knows what your are doing, and those outside the circle would certainly be eliminated. Our presence here could mean only one thing, wouldn't it?"

She was half bluffing, of course. They didn't know if Xu was actually related to any nuclear research the Xinyan military might be doing, and only guessing based on the nervous behavior he showed during the past few days. Plus, the transmissions from Nangjia which they had intercepted told that the General was impatient for results from something. Most likely Xu was important, and hence why they approached him. It would be Xu's actions which would determine the next moves.

Edited by Kankou
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Definitely not Xinyan military personnel, Xu decided. He also ruled out the possibility that the military was testing him or his loyalty; when the Xinyan military suspected someone, they were not the type to dilly-dally around with intrigues or tests. They would simply arrest the suspect and they would likely never be heard from again. Whoever these people were, they could be the opportunity he needed. If they could get him out of the Republic along with the research and all records of it, and prevent the military from recapturing him...

"What you say is true," Xu replied. "If I finished what I'm working on, I'd be awarded Hero of the Republic, first class, and I'd be hailed as a hero by all the Republic--but Nangjia has no need for heroes. He wouldn't want to risk having someone else with all that public admiration. He'd get rid of me; but that's not my worry. If I deliver a nuclear weapon to General Nangjia, he would use it to destroy peace in Asia and across the world in the name of turning the Republic into a world power. Giving such a powerful weapon to a madman ultranationalist like Nangjia...it would be like putting a gun to Asian peace and pulling the trigger." Xu sighed before looking back to the Xia twins. "I do not know who exactly you are, or where you are from, but if you can get me and my research out of here and out of Nangjia's reach, then I'm willing to go along with whatever you have."

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The twins felt dumbstruck at the honesty of Xu. Just what kind of idiot would say that he was actually developing a nuclear weapon to people that he just met? Either he was stupid, or very desperate. Probably the latter.

"It seems you are very eager to get out. Very well, we shall try to grant your wish. Listen carefully and commit this to memory.

Have you noticed that the provision truck comes every other week? The day after tomorrow is when the truck is scheduled to arrive. Since that is the only civilian vehicle allowed to be around this area, that's the sole escape route for you. So, the matter is for us to get you in that truck. We've already have the provision company in our hands, meaning that they'll close their eyes and ears to what we do.

Then, the question is how to get you there. The truck will be coming at around dinner, when most of the troops will be down at the mess hall eating, meaning most of the halls will be empty. After eating quickly, go down toward the north entrance. We can manage the security cameras so that you don't get caught. When you leave the building, turn right and go straight towards the provision truck. The workers there will get you on, and drive you toward Manzhouli, right across the border from where the provision company is.

To make sure that none of your research is left in electric form, plug this USB into your computer. It'll generate a small scale EM field which will wipe out the circuits of your computer completely.


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It was a good thing that he had this opportunity now, Xu thought to himself. After the next cycle, the provisions truck would be staffed by military soldiers who would certainly not have allowed anyone to even attempt to bribe them. Once the military was entirely reorganised, there would be absolutely no civilians near this base. Escape from this base, by then, would be utterly impossible. The military was becoming more and more powerful, though President Jiang remained and would continue to remain the ultimate, true power within the Republic. The power that was going into the military was being sapped from the Cabinet.

Xu nodded at the instructions of the Xia twins. It was unlikely that the halls would remain unpatrolled, but given his status, Xu didn't think he would have to worry as long as he did not run across any of the NCOs who received instructions from the Guofangbu--instructions that Xu was not to be allowed to leave unattended.

"Just one question...where are you from and who do you take orders from?"

Two days later, the day the last civilian provisions convoy would enter the base. Commander Xu fingered the USB drive in his coat pocket as he walked down the halls. Glancing up at the security camera focused, it seemed, right on him, Xu found himself hoping that the Xia twins had indeed managed to somehow take out the surveillance system. Once the military was finished updating this base, of course, the primitive cameras would be replaced with a far more efficient system. Apparently, the military did not think anyone would be attempting to escape from this base in that time--indeed, not a few weeks ago Xu would not have expected to find himself escaping from this base.

When he reached the provisions trucks, he felt himself tense up a bit, and his eyes widened with anxiety. Standing there, flanked by two soldiers armed with assault rifles, was an NCO, watching over the convoy. Xu had taken the liberty of casting off his officer's garments and donning the uniform of a corporal, but this scant disguise surely would not prevent him from being recognised up close...

"Hey! Corporal, you there!" The NCO had noticed him. Xu pulled the patrol cap low over his eyes, casting a shadow over his face, as he approached the NCO. If he disobeyed a direct order, he was liable to end up in a worse situation anyway. "Sir," he said, saluting the NCO but keeping his face low. "I was ordered here to conduct a quick check on the inventory in one of the provisions trucks...some kind of a mix up. The Commander wanted a report." He waited--if the NCO asked for his identification number or his ID card...

"...then get to it, Corporal," the NCO ordered harshly. "The less time I spend in this blasted cold, the better." Taken aback, Xu gave a hasty salute to the NCO, who sneered back in response, and then he walked into the convoy's midst to find the designated truck.

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"That will be answered perhaps in the future. What matters for now is getting you out in one piece first."


The method for protecting Xu from the security cameras was very simple: looping. A security camera usually only feeds what it sees to a computer/security system/server, making it a one way transmitter. Of course there are tapes for records, but in general if what is transmitted from the camera can be changed, even the tapes would record what is being fed to it. So basically, to "feed a loop" one would have to either hack into or modify the receiving end of the camera. Because security cameras generally do not have the greatest resolution, the chances of one cutting into the system, modifying the display, and having it noticed are greatly reduced. Add in the relatively penetrable network system of Xinyan, and you get a near fool-proof looping operation.

The Xia sisters easily got this managed, and later the Xinyan military would be spending quite a bit to procure hack-safe cameras, all from Korea through importers, ironically.

When Xu got to the designated truck, the harsh-looking workers gave him a single glance and fingered at some crates inside the back of the vehicle, which had a few overalls hanging from the walls. When the Commander stepped inside, one of the workers covered the entrance with his body and spit out a short order: "Strip and get in the overalls."

Once Xu had done that, one of the more clean looking coolie got into the corporal's uniform and went inside the base with the other workers, carrying a crate. The NCO would notice the "corporal", but just let him proceed back into the base. When all was said and done, the truck was droven off the premise, with Xu inside. When the truck stopped near Manzhouli, Xu was let out, but as he took a few steps, a cloth full of chloroform was put over his nose from behind. He was knocked out almost instantly.

Back at the base, the Xia sisters received an order to transfer back to the capital. Immediately departing from the base, they vanished from Xinyan, appearing back in Korea the next day.


A few days later, when the rage of General Cheng Nangjia been given time to subside a bit, a handwritten letter was sent:

[quote]To General Cheng Nangjia

I have heard that you had been wanting to possess some mushrooms, and that you hired a cultivator who had run away. I happen to have caught the cultivator. If you wish to meet him, please come to the Manzhouli border, alone. I'll have someone pick you up.[/quote]

Edited by Kankou
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When he learned Commander Xu had attempted to escape the Republic...to say General Nangjia was furious would be an understatement. Nangjia, however, was not blinded by his anger. He could tell there was no way Xu could have escaped on his own--which meant the Commander had gotten aid from another group or person. As for the Koreans knowing of the top secret nuclear projects, it was likely that spineless coward Xu had cracked under interrogation--that, or perhaps the Koreans had been involved; Nangjia could not discount this possibility.

Nangjia went to the border accompanied at first by a military convoy. Once he was within a radius of the border, he proceeded alone, though his troops were not far off and more than capable of reaching him if trouble began.

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The General would find a small van waiting for him. Once he got on, the van would take him to a small villa on the shore of Lake Hulun, the source of fresh water for Xinyan. He would go up to the second floor of the villa escorted by two security guards, and when he entered a dark room, red eyes would greet him.

"Thank you for coming at such short notice, General." It was Kei Shojitsu.

[i]Kei Shojitsu[/i][/center]

The General could see that Xu was sitting on a sofa next to where Kei was standing. The Commander seemed to be between dying of fear and living of security.

"As you can see, Commander Xu had attempted to deflect to another country. We've been astute enough to catch him before he succeeded in getting to Zargathia with his research, and so here he is. I've looked over what he has so far, and I have to say, I'm impressed. Even with low technology and limited resources, he's managed to create a design that is even more advanced than what Korea has at the moment. He is quite a gem, to say the least: No one else in Xinyan has any skills close to Xu.

I've [i]persuaded[/i] him to deflect to us. Yet, I also recognize that Xinyan has been working for self-reliance in defense, a very good thing to do. So here's the deal I propose: Xu will be considered a [i]de facto[/i] citizen of Korea, and be under our protection. In exchange, we will have Xu work for Xinyan, and so provide Xinyan with three nuclear weapons, which can only be set off with our permission. What do you say? Given Xinyan's limitations, don't you think this is a good deal?"

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When Nangjia saw Xu, the urge to draw the pistol at his hip and shoot the Commander was powerful. Xu clearly could tell this, and seemed almost to withdraw back as Nangjia glared at him; the wrath was apparent in the black, stone-like eyes of the General. However, Nangjia kept himself calm, and turned back to Kei Shojitsu to hear his proposal.

The expression on the General's face changed gradually--calm expressionlessness at first. Then, slowly, a smirk crept onto his face--the smile of a ruthless opportunist. With three nuclear weapons at the disposal of the Ultranationalist faction, the coward Feng Chao and his group would not dare to make a military move. Not only that, but if Xinyan were to suffer a threat...

"As much as this cretin deserves painful death for his betrayal," Nangjia's lip curled in a sneer as he glanced sideways at Xu. "Yours is a very...tempting offer." Nangjia knew, though he would not say it, that the Republic had been far from being capable of producing a working nuclear prototype. Xu's skills, applied to Korea's industrial capabilities, would produce results far better than the Republic alone could. "I find your proposal acceptable. This thing," he said in reference to Xu. "would be more productive this way."

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Kei smiled slyly at Nangjia's reply. It seemed the General was smart enough to realize his limitations. This made things much easier.

"Very good General. I shall consider your acceptance as an understanding to negotiate. Here are some things you are to understand.

First, the Korean government has no part in this discussion, nor does it support a nuclear Xinyan. While I am part of the Cabinet, that is my daytime job. I am working on behalf of a certain organization which happens to believe that a “rogue” Chinese state would be beneficial to its goals. Therefore, consider this as dealing not with a government, but a private group.

Second, under no circumstances are you to touch Xu. While officially he will remain a Xinyan citizen, he will be considered a Korean by the organization, and thus be under its protection. Do anything to him, and everything is off.

Third, Xinyan is manufacture everything using only domestic materials, except for what the organization gives you. This is to make sure that the UFE cannot track the nuclear program through the surveillance of trade. It is very easy to see what a country is up to by watching what it imports, so do not even think of getting any foreign technology.

Fourth, should the nuclear weapons be revealed to the outside world, you are to never state that you have developed them yourselves, nor reveal the real origin. You shall blame a certain nation for your holdings of the weapons, which you should figure out yourself.

And finally, the organization will have the final say on the use of the weapons, by holding one of the keys to activating the weapons. This is to prevent you, General Nangjia, from being aggressive, thereby causing nuclear chaos to erupt in East Asia. Should any conflict happen because of an action of Xinyan giving UFE an excuse to “liberate” Xinyan using the Jia Doctrine, we would certainly not be willing to contribute to the mass deaths that will happen.

But of course the organization will have its part to do. On our side, we shall in the case Xinyan is in danger through no faults of its own. I can give you a guarantee on this: We will not simply ditch you just for our convenience. As long as you did not provoke a war, we will be by your side.

And second, the organization will be providing the most important components of the weapons. Allow me to show you an example."

Kei went toward the back of the room, where there was a sheet of glass. He went behind it, and then put three briefcases on a table, with the glass between the General and himself. Unlocking one of the cases, he opened it, revealing several balls of metal.

“25 kilos of highly refined Zargathian uranium per case. Since the geography of Xinyan prohibits the construction of secret enriching facilities to hide from UFE, the organization will be providing you with the nuclear cores on the house. In addition, $15 million in precious metal will be in the truck outside this villa, which you may take with you.

So General, how are the terms for you so far?”

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Nangjia's sneer intensified as his lip curled. Xinyan may be leaning towards Korea to gain its capabilities, but in the long run President Jiang did not want the Republic ultimately being allied with any of the conflicting forces in East Asia--and since Nangjia, much as he did not wish to think of it thus, was entirely under Wu Zen Jiang's control, he could not allow any binding or otherwise commitments to Koryo [i]or[/i] Zargathia. Nevermind that this deal was currently occurring away from the eyes of the all-powerful president--he would soon bring it to her attention, and it was highly unlikely she would disapprove. After all, she had approved the project to develop a nuclear weapon in the first place.

"We are not a 'rogue Chinese state'," Nangjia spoke authoritatively. "That is but the imperialistic propaganda put out by the greedy UFE and its syncophantic lapdog allies. Xinyan, while ethnically and culturally Chinese, is in no way affiliated or attached to the UFE, nor is it 'rogue' from the UFE.

"As for Xu, if it is discovered that the Commander is attempting to pass on nuclear information or military data concerning the Republic, or in any way acting contrary to the Republic's interests, he must and will be extradited to Xinyan to be dealt with as we desire. The Republic takes treachery very seriously--had you not acquired the Commander before I had, he would be long and painfully dead." Nangjia cast a sadistic grin to Xu that clearly unnerved the Commander even further.

"Your third point, I am in agreement with. Xinyan has the material to produce the weaponry and its accessories, if not the capacities.

"As to the fourth point, I cannot on my own judge that. President Wu Zen Jiang has made it clear she intends for Xinyan to remain neutral as far as this little...conflict between Zargathia and Korea goes. I am not able to determine that without first consulting the President herself.

"You needn't worry about 'my aggression'. I may be the most powerful man in the military, Kei Shojitsu, but I highly doubt the President would allow me to so much as look at any nuclear weapons without her express permission; otherwise I'm sure she'd have me promptly arrested.

Besides what I have said, all else will be fine."

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"I'm sorry if my sarcastic rogue state offended you. I should have gave that word more of the ironic emphaisze it deserves. And of course, if Xu goes against either Xinyan or the Organization, that would be treason. Then obviously you may do whatever you want with him. My statement was based on his maintaining his proper position.

And something you should remember: Xinyan lacks the nuclear material, hence why I've provided you with the Zargathian HEU. Trying to build enrichening facilites will certainly be noticed, something we both don't want. Don't overestimate your position: Making nuclear weapons is a tricky job, especially when hiding it from one of the most advanced and powerful countries on earth.

The fourth point as nothing much to do with the conflict between Korea or Zargathia. It is rather to protect Xinyan and Korea under the accusation of threatening the peace of East Asia. After all, with the UFE is searching for any reason to crush you, the revelation of the weapons could also throw Korea into a mess, something the Organization wishes to avoid. Try persuading the President about this.

I believe my role is done for now. Xu and the two Chinese guards will be going with you. Provide them with the best you can offer. In the meantime, I shall start having the Organization prepare its side of the bargain."

Kei then left the room as the two guards entered, ready to escort the General and the Commander. As the Chairman got into this personal car, he looked toward the southeastern skies.

"So it begins, the second phrase of Operation Hokubatsu."

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