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Within the Mesogeios


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[i]The center of the world...[/i]

Hence its name, the Mediterranean Sea. For more than two millennium this expanse of matured water bridged the tension of man across its ethereal tides. Through war and strife, blood came and went, diffusing into the cackled abyss of the now-trawled depths, letting the world lose memory of the days of old. Where the Carthaginians had been conquered, or the campaigns of the Greeks through the sea's twin daughters, the Myrtoan and the Aegean. It had a ripe history of war, but also for culture; the fell Egyptians and travelers of the Phoenicians crossed this centered sea, spreading their wealth of knowledge and goods, sometimes fossilized at the bottom of the great blue.

And perhaps for some time, the strain of ethnic divide and dissidence brings both the best and worst in some people. Within the Athenian Federation, after years of mental-isolation, the people of the Balearics, Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia had finally resolved to secede from the Athenian union, seeking an independent future in which their own destiny could be determined, separately. In the parliament building constructed within the city limits of Corte on the island of Corsica, representatives from all four islands were present in the large grand hall. Standing atop the audience, though, rose a prominent banner and in front of it a tattered individual.


[i]"My fellow representatives, it is on this beautiful day that we do hereby convene! For the sake and unity of our own people, it has become apparent that we cannot be governed by the apathetic virtues of Athens. Many of us already know the harrowing rule of the now deceased Junio Borghese in which his fascist regime rained oppression over our frightened heads. And we all know too well the insurgency that fascist will rear its ugly head in defying persistence, such as was Malta. And despite the best efforts of the Sicilian League, we also know all too well the back-breaking horrors of anarchy. The fact is that our island-states have been subject to the subordinate politics of our leaders, almost as if we were on leashes tied to a truck driving into a ravine! Although we no longer live in a fascist state, we are oppressed culturally! We are held back by the bureaucracy hundreds of miles away from our closest shores in Sicily. It is time that we choose our own destiny instead of relying on the will of others. My brothers, my sisters, today marks the assembly in which we finally secede; today we will make it known to Athens that we are as geographically separated as we are ethnically. Though not physically, for years now we have felt the isolation from our own government! That is not an atmosphere we should be subjugated to and I refuse to lose propriety all the while politicians whom none of us have ever met parade around in their gubernatorial victories."[/i]

Lifting up a document laid out on fine parchment, the man held it over his head with great pride.

[i]"Moments ago we all signed this document declaring our secession from the Athenian Federation. Let it be known in these chambers that liberty can be attained through peace and measure. This document, our birthright, will clearly lay out our grievances that can no longer be tolerated. We are as different as we are Athenian and although we have much debt to be paid to this country, it is in the best interest of our people to forge ahead on a different path. Rejoice, my brethren, the time of awakening has arrived. It is with this document that we, the founding fathers of [b]New Cadia[/b], create a new future for our children and their children and their children and so on. Now we must sit and wait for a response from the government..."[/i] his voice trailed off as he stepped back from the podium and sat down at a table with six other individuals, presumably the government-elect who, should the secession succeed, take the helm of the newly formed government of New Cadia.

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While Athens didn't like the idea of losing this core region in its sphere it also knew that creating an enemy would be worse. As such rather than refuse independence the leaders of the movement were informed to come to Athens to discuss their concerns and possible independence. For now however official comments would not be voiced.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1293067210' post='2550760']
While Athens didn't like the idea of losing this core region in its sphere it also knew that creating an enemy would be worse. As such rather than refuse independence the leaders of the movement were informed to come to Athens to discuss their concerns and possible independence. For now however official comments would not be voiced.

The New Cadian delegation, consisting of five representatives, were immediately dispatched to the capitol of Athens via private aircraft.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1293151050' post='2552145']
Upon entering Greek airspace the plane was informed to land at the Athens International Airport. Once there they would be escorted to the building of the office of the Empress in the Parliament building.

OOC: My next post will be more detailed :P

OOC: No problem; only so much you can do with the flying stuff.

The five delegates entered the Parliament building dressed accordingly, looking professional in their esteemed attire. One of the five, Victor Ariosto, led the delegation, hoping to achieve his people's goal of secession. As they were escorted to the Empress' personal office, he noticed the lavish decoration and architecture of the building and admired it, but also took due note. He had traveled much of the world and had seen the results of similar-minded architects. At the ripe age of 67, he had seen much of the world two times over and met the gaze of a many diverse individuals. Approaching the office, he scratched his chin hidden underneath his scruffy beard and took a relaxing sigh of relief.

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Nikita sighed as she received notice from the Imperial Guard that the delegation was coming. Only her Chief Magistrate matched the age of the leader and the delegation itself had a higher average age than her entire government. However this would not be allowed to affect their negotiation position. Dressed in formal clothing and with a general close she would take a folder from the desk and quickly glance over some information before the Lieutenant of the Guard entered the office.

"Mister Ariosto and company, your Highness"

The delegation would be let in as she nodded, once in Nikita moved away from her office and walked to Victor.

"I would welcome you to the Federation but technically you have always been here so I will just welcome you to my office."she said extending her hand.

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Ariosto gave a warm smile as the four others followed into the room. [i]"I think you for your time and kindness, Highness,"[/i] his voice generously bolstered as he met her extended hand with his, firmly shaking it. [i]"If only we could have met under a different set of circumstances, but alas here we are, discussing such a seemingly grave issue."[/i] Looking back to one of his attendants, he was handed a manila leather-bound folder in response, which was left in the cusp of his lap.

[i]"I will cut right to the point as I understand your authority of office demands a lot of you. I take it you understand the reasons for our want to secede, yes?"[/i]

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Nikita nodded as she moved back to her desk.

"I appreciate it when people do not hide their intentions, we understand why you want to secede and are not against it. However there are matters that need to be handled first before we can formally have you leave the Federation."

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"Well I will start with the most heavy one first, too often have we seen great states in this region fall, we both have known the pains of anarchy and we both know how easy it can rise in a state. As such we need to arrange an agreement should for whatever reason your state fall into anarchy. However the second matter is a less sad one.

Our people are family, my citizens are married with your citizens, my children play with your children. Our states will always be connected through this way as such in our opinion it might be best to officially make dual citizenship, free trade and mutual defense possible.

If you can agree to these provisions I see no further reason to not grant you your independence."

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[i]"Naturally should our state fall into anarchy, the Federation would hold the greatest stake in retaking order, so we'd be more than happy to adhere to such a provision. Likewise, as is the closeness of our two people, we feel it to be entirely reasonable to sign a treaty of mutual defense, free trade of sorts, and dual citizenship for current citizens all of whom are allowed to leave our country should they wish to remain under sole Federation rule, and non-aggression for our two states' prosperity."[/i]

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"Very well"she said as she nodded to Picard, the MoFA, who took a paper from a different folder and gave it to the delegation.

"This is the arrangement the Federation proposes"

[quote][center][size="4"][b]The Athens Accords[/b][/size]
[i]Confirmation of independence and agreement on mutual defense, trade and citizenship.[/i]
With the signing of this accord the Athenian Federation confirms the independence of New Cadia as a sovereign Mediterranean and European state. While moving away from each other formally both governments will do their best to preserve relations those citizens with links to both states have.
Article I:[/b]
The Athenian Federation and New Cadia agree to avoid any kind of hostility, be it a direct or indirect attack or offering support to a third party with plans to attack the other.
Article II:[/b]
For the protection of both states intelligence which might affect the sovereignty of one must be shared, in addition intelligence agencies from both states are recommended to work together on matters that affect the security of both states.

[b]Article III:[/b]
Citizens of the Athenian Federation and New Cadia will have the option of obtaining dual citizenship. Movement of civilians and military through the land of a signatory by the other must remain unrestricted.

[b]Article IV:[/b]
Both states will open their borders to trade from the other, such trade must be considered equal to internal trade.
Article V:[/b]
Should either signatory come under attack it is the obligation of the other to provide military and economic support. In case of a potential treaty conflict the conflict must be evaluated on a case by case basis.

[b]Article VI:[/b]
Should New Cadia for whatever reason fall to anarchy and lawlessness it will revert to the control of the Athenian Federation.

[b]Article VII:[/b]
All portions of this treaty with the exception of article 6 and the arrangement on dual citizenship can be cancelled provided 168 hours before cancellation notice has been given. Articles 6 and the arrangement on dual citizenship can not be cancelled.

Signed for the Athenian Federation,

Signed for New Cadia,


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[i]"I believe this is something we can accept..."[/i] Opening the leather binder, Victor removed a preordained stamp. Soaking it in the ink pad, he lightly pressed it against the document, revealing the New Cadian governmental seal. [i]"And accept it we have. Thank you for your time and hospitality, your Highness."[/i]

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