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From the horizon, Dorothy would notice a helicopter approaching her home; upon closer inspection, she would notice that it was a V-22 Osprey helicopter marked with the Disparuean flag and coat of arms. The helicopter landed a couple hundred metres away on an open field. A man whom she would recognize as the Disparuean Minister of Defence, Todd Snap, disembarked from the helicopter, along with one officer from the Judicial Police and Deputy Minister Terry Palkia. The three men briskly walked towards Dorothy's garden, and after a few minutes, finally arrived there.

"Hello, Mrs. Smith." said Minister Snap. "I'm Todd Snap, the Disparuean Minister of Defence, and this is my...assistant. Sorry for our dramatic arrival. Anyways, I believe we have some important things to discuss."

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[quote name='Pikachurin' timestamp='1292816450' post='2545408']
From the horizon, Dorothy would notice a helicopter approaching her home; upon closer inspection, she would notice that it was a V-22 Osprey helicopter marked with the Disparuean flag and coat of arms. The helicopter landed a couple hundred metres away on an open field. A man whom she would recognize as the Disparuean Minister of Defence, Todd Snap, disembarked from the helicopter, along with one officer from the Judicial Police and Deputy Minister Terry Palkia. The three men briskly walked towards Dorothy's garden, and after a few minutes, finally arrived there.

"Hello, Mrs. Smith." said Minister Snap. "I'm Todd Snap, the Disparuean Minister of Defence, and this is my...assistant. Sorry for our dramatic arrival. Anyways, I believe we have some important things to discuss."

"Pleased to meet you Misters Snap and Palkia." She nodded at the JP officer. Please come in and take a seat. After entering she sat down, as there was tea already waiting for them, piping hot.

"Currently, the President is quite worried about the UKIM having nuclear weapons, due to its unstable government and imperialist tendencies."

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"Thank you for the tea, Mrs. Smith." said Todd as the two men (the Judicial Police officer merely stayed behind with the helicopter) sat around the table and began to drink. The tea was actually pretty good. The two officials sipped tea as they listened to Dorothy's concerns.

Once she was finished, Todd put the teacup down and said, "Well, Mrs. Smith, as much as the Government dislikes imperialism, that is not enough reason to prevent Idaho-Montana from developing nuclear weapons. Otherwise, we will also have to diplomatically attack other imperialist nations from developing weapons of mass destruction." Todd took another sip. "However, if Idaho-Montana is, indeed, unstable, we will have a better reason to protest their development." Todd sipped a bit more. "Forgive my ignorance though, Mrs. Smith, but how exactly is Idaho-Montana unstable? Furthermore, how do you know that they are, indeed, developing nukes? I haven't been paying attention to recent events as of late, sorry."

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[quote name='Pikachurin' timestamp='1292817694' post='2545439']
"Thank you for the tea, Mrs. Smith." said Todd as the two men (the Judicial Police officer merely stayed behind with the helicopter) sat around the table and began to drink. The tea was actually pretty good. The two officials sipped tea as they listened to Dorothy's concerns.

Once she was finished, Todd put the teacup down and said, "Well, Mrs. Smith, as much as the Government dislikes imperialism, that is not enough reason to prevent Idaho-Montana from developing nuclear weapons. Otherwise, we will also have to diplomatically attack other imperialist nations from developing weapons of mass destruction." Todd took another sip. "However, if Idaho-Montana is, indeed, unstable, we will have a better reason to protest their development." Todd sipped a bit more. "Forgive my ignorance though, Mrs. Smith, but how exactly is Idaho-Montana unstable? Furthermore, how do you know that they are, indeed, developing nukes? I haven't been paying attention to recent events as of late, sorry."

Dorothy looked at her dossier and then said "Oh, I'm quite sorry, the nation was not the UKIM but rather Labrador who recently announced that they had acquired nuclear weapons. This deeply disturbs us seeing as how the head of state was recently assassinated."

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"Well, that'll make our meeting rather straightforward, then." said Todd, reshuffling his papers. He silently wished that their subject remained as it was, however; the United Kingdom of Idaho-Montana had recently made moves that were completely undesirable to the Government, and they had been meaning to look for a reason to dissolve their treaty with the United Kingdom. "You will find that both the Government and Gardenia have the same opinion regarding Labrador. They are currently undergoing instability, have recently acquired nuclear weapons and have shown their incompetence for the past few months...it's almost like the Great Lakes Provinces all over again, only worse." Todd paused and drank a bit more tea. "What do you propose we should do, however?" he asked, putting his cup down.

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"A missile defence system, the Aurasphere, is already in place within Disparu; in fact, the Aurasphere is more than ready to deal with any missile-based problems in the future," explained Todd. "Prior to the secession of Anticosti from the Federation, the entire island was also under the protection of the Aurasphere. However, due to your secession, the Aurasphere's defences in Anticosti have been disabled and dismantled for security reasons. I'm really sorry." Todd paused and sipped some tea. "We can, however, help you construct your own separate missile defence system? What would Gardenia think about that?"

(OOC: How far are you from building a SDI ingame?)

"Talking with Labrador about anything is like a debate between an evolutionist and a creationist, no offence intended," said Palkia, finally talking after remaining unusually silent for the entire time. "Furthermore, Trying to find where they keep their nukes will also be ultimately useless in the event that they use them against us. Therefore, I would like to suggest a more...proactive approach. Rather than simply talking with this rogue state, we can threaten to relieve their government of their duties, if you catch my drift, if they do not allow us to set up a supreme council of sorts in Labrador. It worked quite well in the former Great Lakes Provinces, mind you."

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[quote name='Pikachurin' timestamp='1293244662' post='2553214']
"A missile defence system, the Aurasphere, is already in place within Disparu; in fact, the Aurasphere is more than ready to deal with any missile-based problems in the future," explained Todd. "Prior to the secession of Anticosti from the Federation, the entire island was also under the protection of the Aurasphere. However, due to your secession, the Aurasphere's defences in Anticosti have been disabled and dismantled for security reasons. I'm really sorry." Todd paused and sipped some tea. "We can, however, help you construct your own separate missile defence system? What would Gardenia think about that?"

(OOC: How far are you from building a SDI ingame?)

"Talking with Labrador about anything is like a debate between an evolutionist and a creationist, no offence intended," said Palkia, finally talking after remaining unusually silent for the entire time. "Furthermore, Trying to find where they keep their nukes will also be ultimately useless in the event that they use them against us. Therefore, I would like to suggest a more...proactive approach. Rather than simply talking with this rogue state, we can threaten to relieve their government of their duties, if you catch my drift, if they do not allow us to set up a supreme council of sorts in Labrador. It worked quite well in the former Great Lakes Provinces, mind you."

OOC: I dunno, probably not even close.


"That may be a good option," Dorothy replied, "but we must beware of the unstable leadership in Labrador. If we do threaten them with military force, they may threaten to use nuclear retaliation, which isn't good for anyone."

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[quote name='kitex' timestamp='1293249643' post='2553280']
"That may be a good option," Dorothy replied, "but we must beware of the unstable leadership in Labrador. If we do threaten them with military force, they may threaten to use nuclear retaliation, which isn't good for anyone."

"Hence the reason why it is important to strike now, before the situation worsens," noted Palkia. "Their nuclear capability alone is a deterrent enough for a military response; however, if we let these shenanigans continue, it may be too late to stop Labrador in the future if things do get ugly."

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[quote name='Pikachurin' timestamp='1293249977' post='2553283']
"Hence the reason why it is important to strike now, before the situation worsens," noted Palkia. "Their nuclear capability alone is a deterrent enough for a military response; however, if we let these shenanigans continue, it may be too late to stop Labrador in the future if things do get ugly."

"Ok. How many troops do you think we'll need to enact regime change."

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[quote name='kitex' timestamp='1293296930' post='2553628']
"Well, we'll need to do some recon first."

OOC: Do you have satellites?

(OOC: Yus.:3)

"That can easily be arranged by the Disparuean Intelligence Agency. Which areas of Labrador would you want surveyed? I need to give those people at the DIA an estimate before they can do their jobs."

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[quote name='Pikachurin' timestamp='1293341587' post='2554117']
(OOC: Yus.:3)

"That can easily be arranged by the Disparuean Intelligence Agency. Which areas of Labrador would you want surveyed? I need to give those people at the DIA an estimate before they can do their jobs."

Dorothy smiled. "Good to hear. We need Labrador in its entirety surveyed, as well as we'll need to contact nations near Labrador so we can have discussions about logistics."

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[quote name='kitex' timestamp='1293396330' post='2554589']
Dorothy smiled. "Good to hear. We need Labrador in its entirety surveyed, as well as we'll need to contact nations near Labrador so we can have discussions about logistics."

"In that case, I will be giving orders to the Agency once I return to Jubilife." noted Todd. "As for logistics, the only nation that we will need to contact is Nunavut, if I got my geography right."

"On a related note, Disparuean officials are currently meeting with the Labradoreans at Eterna, just north of here." continued Todd."If you want, we can join in on their discussions."

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[quote name='Pikachurin' timestamp='1293427586' post='2555036']
"In that case, I will be giving orders to the Agency once I return to Jubilife." noted Todd. "As for logistics, the only nation that we will need to contact is Nunavut, if I got my geography right."

"On a related note, Disparuean officials are currently meeting with the Labradoreans at Eterna, just north of here." continued Todd."If you want, we can join in on their discussions."
"That would be great. We could do it via Skype."

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"Certainly," said Todd, turning to Palkia. Telling him to get something from the helicopter, Palkia sighed greatly, mumbled something about 'just because you're higher than me,' and ran outside. A few minutes later, he came rushing back, carrying with him three small laptop bags. Despite his lengthy run, Palkia still appeared fine and was not breathing heavily.

"Here you go," he said, passing out the bags to Todd and Dorothy. Inside was an Ultor laptop, each of them ready to connect to their counterparts back at Eterna.

(OOC: [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=95221]Here's the thread.[/url])

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