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The Atlantic Sphere Union


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[center][size="6"][font="Arial Black"]The Atlantic Sphere Union[/font][/size]


[size="5"][font="Palatino Linotype"][i]The Atlantic Sphere Union is a new alliance,
and we're looking for member nations![/i][/font][/size][/center]

Here are some reasons to join that might fit you:

[size="2"][b]Financial Aid[/size][/b]
New members are given $3,000,000.00 to develop their nations. Members at war or need help economically are supported. Members that are active will get further aid on a case by case basis.

[size="2"][b]Economic Growth[/size][/b]
We organize tech deals and trade circles for our members, at their convenience.

We defend our members from aggressive and unwarranted attacks of all kinds. Our alliance affiliation itself is a deterrent to any malignant raider that wishes to take a quick loot off you.

[size="2"][b]Help & Advice[/b][/size]
We will help any and all members so that they are armed with the right information to run and manage their nation the best as possible. This includes war strategies.

[size="2"][b]Our Treatment of Members[/b][/size]
We are not giant. We don't treat our members like cannon fodder, or bricks-in-the-wall. Because of our size, we can help and talk to each and every member. This is who we are, and besides, we couldn't afford treating our members like crap! If we did, we wouldn't get anywhere, and we intend to succeed, for the sake of all members.

[size="2"][b]Government Opportunities[/b][/size]
When you join an alliance and you have skills that you can bring to the table, more often than not, you are ignored. They pass you over because of the sheer number of people they already have established in all their government positions, not because you are less competent or have less merit. On top of that, they probably won't be giving up their position any time soon; a ruling clique has formed. In the Atlantic Sphere Union, we believe in merit, and we have a bunch of government positions anyway.

These government opportunities include:
[*]War Organization, Leadership & Planning
[*]Tech Deal Management
[*]Trade Circle Management
[*]Other interior affairs jobs
[*]Foreign Affairs (Diplomacy, Treaty writing, etc.)
[*]Graphics & Art
[*]Many other miscellaneous jobs

[size="2"][b]A Fresh, New alliance[/b][/size]
Personally, I would rather join a new, small alliance and be apart of it as it grew bigger, rather than join an old, big alliance that is already at its apex. In the first, you get to see the history unfold and be apart of the building process; the other has seen all of that already past, and you probably won't be given the opportunity to help form it in the future.

Here is a copy of our application critera:
Nation Ruler:
Nation Name:
Nation URL Link:

Nation Strength:
Team Color:
List any Previous Alliances:
Who recruited you:
Are you involved in any wars?:

Do you understand you cannot attack nations
in alliances or that have protection in their bios?:

Do you agree to the following statement?:

I pledge allegiance to the Atlantic Sphere Union and will obey the charter first and the orders of the leadership second. IF the government wishes myself to pay back any financial aid, I will do so before resigning and leaving the alliance.[/quote]
This isn't anything too intrusive into your privacy, and if there is something that does come up, there should be no issues if you are in the right and can explain yourself properly. We won't be hard on you.

Our Forum Link: http://cn-asu.forumotion.com/
Our IRC Channel: #cn-asu (On coldfront servers)

If you would like to learn more information, feel free to contact me in this thread, in-game, on IRC, or on our forums.

Edited by 2burnt2eat
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[quote name='FearUnited' timestamp='1291585346' post='2531207']
Burnt, i need to talk to you. Please message me on CN about what time you can talk to me on IRC.

1st Fleet Commander
Ministry of Destructor Fleets
Mostly Harmless Alliance

I talked to someone else in MHA since I wasn't around for your query and you got off when I got back. Have you been told about that?

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