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Vauleyo-Buryatia requests a meeting with UFE

Imperator Azenquor

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To: Government of the UFE
Fr: Government of the Socialist Union of Vauleyo-Buryatia
Via: Vauleyo-Buryatian Embassy to the UFE[/b]

In light of the recent tensions between the governments of the UFE and the Kingdom of Cochin, regarding the situation in the former PRSEC (as well as later developments), the government of the Socialist Union of Vauleyo-Buryatia wishes to meet with the government of the UFE to discuss the situation and its ramifications for the region

It is our hope to use such a meeting to clarify the full nature of these events as well as to relay the official response of our government to these events.

Vauleyo-Buryatian Ambassador to the UFE



To: All Eastern Military Districts, B.S.N. and Yuktobania Autonomous Region, Regional Commands
Fr: Military HQ

As per the orders of the President of Vauleyo-Buryatia, all forces in the eastern military district are to move immediately to DEFCON 3. The President, after consultations with the Imperator, signed a Presidential decree ordering the change in the DEFCON level due to the rising tensions in Asia, particularly in the neighboring countries of the UFE and the Kingdom of Cochin. Strategic Nuclear Forces are to move to ready status immediately.

As per regular orders, all constituent forces of the Military of Vauleyo-Buryatia are to immediately increase DEFCON level and heighten security procedures. Further instructions shall be issued shortly.

[/b]To: Eastern Military Districts, Novaya Zemlya Autonomous Region, Capital Military Districts
Fr: Organization of the Zodiac (OZ) HQ

By order of His Most Orthodox Royal Highness the Imperator of Vauleyo-Buryatia, all OZ forces are to move immediately to DEFCON 1.5. There is a heightened possibility of a major conflict occurring in the short to medium term.

Reserve forces shall be ordered to report for duty, however there will be no major changes in the deployment of OZ personnel across the nation at this time. Further instructions shall be sent within 24 hours.

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The Vauleyo-Buryatian Ambassador arrived and got right down to business:

[i]"I convey the appreciation of the government of Vauleyo-Buryatia that I could be permitted to meet with you on such short notice. My government has been extremely concerned about developments in the region of late, particularly with regard to the PRSEC and the recent actions by several other nations in the region. We have heard several rumors about the PRSEC situation, and a fair amount of propaganda.

In our assessment of what occurred in that situation, my government has asked me to inquire of your government, the circumstances which led to the current situation in the PRSEC from the perspective of your government. I understand that some information regarding this matter may or may not be classified, however we request to be informed as much as possible about the situation.

Secondly, my government has given me a message which they wish me to convey to the government of the UFE. And finally my government wishes to clarify the status of the Mutual Defense Pact which existed between our nation and the PRC, which is now a part of the UFE. It has come to our attention that this matter was not clarified prior to now.

I once again thank you for agreeing to this meeting on such short notice, despite the current regional situation."[/i]

OOC: Been a bit swamped lately, sorry for taking so long to reply.

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"Yes, I can tell you in regards to the PRSEC, as you and your government know and have acknowledged China maintains a One China Policy and the Jia Doctrine. Our historical policy on the PRSEC was that because unlike the defunct Northern Occupier regime it still refered to itself as part of China we would regard its reunification with the rest of the country as something that could be done politically. We used force to reunify the North because the Northern occupiers attempted to separate themselves from Chineseness. Historically China has always been a single country, it has experienced periods of disunity such as the Warring States, Three Kingdom, the Warlord and Civil War periods of the early 20th Century, it however has always forged itself back together, the method it does so has always varied. We were hoping to take a more peaceful route with the PRSEC, however it came to our attention recently that their government was setting up a total dictatorship and implementing policies which would violate the rights of the Chinese in Yunnan province. The Jia Doctrine gives China the right to protect the human rights of Chinese anywhere. Our forces gave their government notice that this policy would be taken as the most grievous offense against the People's Republic and our neighbors in the Federation. The PRSEC dictator refused to comply, we moved forces across the border and their government subsequently arrested him.

We then agreed to meet with their new leadership who stated their wish to improve with the UFE. While their plane was enroute, the King of Cochin interfered once more within internal affairs of China and claimed that their government had the right to violate the human rights of the Chinese people. Their government still in Kunming did a complete 180 in their position while their leader was supposedly enroute to talk with one of my principal vice chairmen. Their forces opened fire on our forces and we returned fire." Jia explained.

"In regards to the United Federation of the East, the People's Republic of China still exists and I am the leader of it. The People's Republic has entered into a Federation with its close southern allies which gives us political and economic unity. This is following the principles of the People's Republic's founding philosophy: Zeonism which calls for the eventual establishment of a pan-asian Commonwealth to protect Asia from colonialism, ensure the fair equity and distribution of resources in Asia to lift its large population from poverty, and end exploitative practices on the Continent.

As the People's Republic of China still exists, our preference is that the pact continues. The UFE continues the ideological and political goals of the PRC, however, the UFE is the first step on the path to a pan-Asian commonwealth that we hope all peoples of Asia will eventually work together in. The goals of Zeonism is not Chinese domination of the continent, hence it is a Federation, rather our hope is that we are able to persuade other countries to join the Federation preserving their own culture and tradition while protecting the continent which we share from the dual evils of exploitation and imperialism."

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