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A very special invite.


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[quote]To: Blue Water
From: Labrador

Your majesty,

We would love to have a representative of your nation, or you yourself, to come and talk with our leaders. Please do respond,

~ Mari Gullen[/quote]

Well, that was the 5th letter sent today. Only a couple million papers left to mail, write, read, translate, whatever job she was told to do by her lazy boss. Boss as in Thomas. King Thomas.
If you ask her how her job is, she'll reply with one word: horrible. That's what you would say if you only got payed 30 dollars an hour(ridiculous amirite?) to make about a hundred phone calls, mail about a hundred papers and talk to about ten thousand people. In one day. No lunch break, in fact no breaks at all. She works 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. One day off so she can have a break. She claims because it's a holy day she wants to celebrate. It works though, and she gets a day to sit on a couch watching day time television.
Off to her next leader:

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[color="#4169E1"]Queen Eve gave a warm smile to the letter. She turned to her Foreign Affairs Minister and gave a smile, "I'm giving you the week off. I'm going to Labrador."


The plane took off late at night. It was the private jet of the Queen. Since the nation was rather new she didn't have a large 747 or Concord to bring her around so for now she settled for a double engine craft with anti-missile defenses concealed on it. She enjoyed the flight to Labrador; even though she was leaving her homeland witch she loved so much. She walked up to the cockpit and a woman piloet spoke to her, "We will be landing shortly your Majesty. Thank you for flying Blue Water Royal Airlines." Eve gave a warm smile and went sit back down.
Once she had landed she stepped out with her luggage and two armed men on the sides of her. They were not in military uniforms but simply were in suits with pistals concealed under their jackets and sunglasses over their eyes. It was a little warmer here, but it wasn't anything the Queen couldn't handle herself. [/color]

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OoC: I'm actually higher up then your nation, I'm right next to Disparu, and wouldn't that mean I would be colder than your nation?


A small group of armed men pointed her to a limousine. It was beautiful but huge, big enough to cover two parking spaces horizontally. Inside sat Mari Gullen, who was just happy to be out of the office. Ever since Hamada became Emperor she has had a much better time at work, meeting with foreign officials and reviewing government plans rather than typing letters, the job which was handed over to a eager secretary of hers. Inside were many wine glasses, a radio and a small TV which was tuned to the news. She turned it off.

(ooc: you can reply to all that then reply to this next part:)

After the queen was in the vehicle, Mari started some usual chit chat(how are you, hows life, thats a nice outfit, etc). They pulled up to one armored Hind, the last government owned one in the nation. The Hind was made much more luxurious, with leather seats and a small fridge in the troop compartment. It was more of an armored transport than a fighting vehicle. The missiles have been removed, and all that is left is a small turret just in case the helicopter comes under fire or is threatened. The doors lock securely and there is very little noise coming from the helicopter. A small laptop sit on one of the seats, turned off. A little television is pulled down automatically but a small click of a button sends it back up. They are on their way to the capital building.

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[color="#4169E1"]The Queen walked out of the plain in her aqua-colored clothing. Her shoes, her top, her bottom, hey eyes; they all matched. Her long blond hair was down, not restrained by a ponytail, and was beautiful is a breeze blew it and it jolted to the right of her body. When she reached the last step of the temporary stairs she smiled at the men, "Hello gentlemen." The men were very friendly to her and guided her to a limo. It was very nice with a very nice inside as well. The sleek, long, black car began to drive and the began to have the occasional "chit-chat". Nothing major enough to be repeated.


The Queen sat in one of the luxurious chairs and enjoyed the beginning of the flight. She figured she would break the silence and said, "I thank you for taking time to come get me from the airport. I know your people will take good care of me here considering the war just to the south. Will I be meeting with the Head-of-State?"[/color]

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