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A Commie's Tale

The Disco Commandant

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El presidente Erik was very busy with some papers on his desk, as he had been for the last few weeks ever since that freak hurricane hit the Republic. He was in a particularly unfunky mood; his little island paradise battered by nature, at a time of economic troubles. Suffice to say, the hurricane was exactly the sort of thing that the Republic was in bad straits to handle. It was fortunate that the local industries were able and willing to cooperate with the Internal State department with aid, and that there was aid coming from the HAE. Still, El Presidente didn't want to have to be so busy, dealing with disaster. Vice Presidente Juanito then walked into the office bearing what appeared to be a document.

"Juanito! Just in time. Quick, tell me what you think" El Presidente said, holding up the document on which he had been working tirelessly for the last few hours. It was a crayon drawing of a stick figure version of El Presidente, standing on a badly filled in half-oval of grass, next to smaller stick figures which appeared to be children, with a happy faced sun in the right hand corner, and the words "everything will be alright" written under the sun, followed by el presidente's signature.
" Do you think the children in the San Juan Children's Hospital will like it?" El Presidente asked, clearly worried that they might not.
" I'm sure they will love it, Erik" Juanito said, keeping his own opinions to himself (he personally thought it was a masterpiece). A visible sign of joy spread across El Presidente's face, from ear to ear to the tips of his toes.
" Fantastic, I'll have it sent right over. I spent hours on it; might have been the best thing I've drawn yet. Anyway, juanito my good friend, how can I help you?" El Presidente asked, knowing Juanito these days never showed up for nothing.
" Well, I thought I'd show you this" Juanito said, waving the document he was holding
" I was checking my e-mail and I got this strange message from an unknown source"
" Well what does it say?" a curious El Presidente asked eyeing the paper
" It says 'Hola el perro! I have placed a futbol inside of your futbol so you may score
Goals while you score goals'. El Presidente, what the hell does that even mean?" a very out of sorts Juanito asked. El Presidente thought hard on it, tapping his fingers and even pacing a little.
" Could be a song" he said " Ahhh throw it away. Probaly something a stupid person came up with anyway" El presidente suggested with a wave of his hand.
"seems as good a plan as any" Juanito replied with a shrug

Carlos Arigonles and his top advisors of the Communist Party were sitting on their bean bag chairs in Carlos's dorm room at San Juan University. After the bowl was passed around for the third time, everyone leaned in to hear what Carlos had to say.
" Compadres, the message was sent" he started. There were whispers of 'awesome' and 'sweet' and 'dude don't smoke all of it!'
" our agent sent it on the dean's computer under no name, so we should be good. Knowing the oppressive, capitalist, authoritarian, meat-eating !@#$%^&* in the government, they are gridlocked in trying to find out who sent it, you know, threats to power and all that. Luis, the message DID say that if they didn't give into our demands, we'd start a revolution, right?" he said, looking to his advisor Luis, who lived down the hall.
" yea I think so" Luis replied
" good" Carlos said " then our plan is in motion; El Presidente is going down"

Edited by The Disco Commandant
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OOC: as promised, here is the next segement :)


Carlos and his Communist Party leaders once again gathered in Carlos's dorm room, sitting on bean bag chairs and drinking coffee to wake up. Carlos seemed excited and with good reason, for he had some excellent news.
"Amigos, Do any of you remember Esteban?" he asked, looking around to his conspirators.
"Si, don't you guys have the same dealer?" asked a boy named Pico, scratching his stubbly chin in thought.
"Ya, and he's almost graduated. He's a cool guy. Well, he got an internship in the Capitol building as a courier" Carlos told them, a gleam in his eye.
"Awww that's so cool. I bet he gets to wear a tie and that internship will get him a really good job once he graduates" Luis said, clearly jealous as he shook his beanie-capped head.
"Yea it will. Well, I got a call from him, cuz he's in on our plan you see. Just this morning, when he was running documents from El Presidente's staff to the Department of Defense, he took a look at some of them on the way. According to him, there's gonna be an AK rifle shipment coming in for the Police and Army at the military docks tomorrow night. He said that was all the important details, all the rest was a bunch of personal bullcrap he didn't care about" Carlos regaled, thoroughly pleased with this announcement.
"Dude, if we took that shipment, we could totally storm the Capitol building, end our Oppression and start the Revolution!...and stuff" Luis cried
"Right, cuz it's what Marx wrote, I think. Anyway, yea! So, Tomorrow night, be there...we're gonna take this nation with Revolution!" he said, finishing with pumping his fist in the Air


Department of Defense Head Alexander Quantico was busily going through his in-box on his desk. There were many papers that he had not yet seen to, and he wanted to finish most of what was there before late-afternoon so that he wouldn't have to stay late at the office again. He noticed a curious little yellow document in the pile, almost a little note and hardly a document really, and picked it up. He read the note and grumbled. It wasn't a thoroughly important note but it did require his attention; he was the head of the DoD after all. He picked up his phone and dialed a number which connected him to Senior Military Official Romeo Homnigal.

[color="#0000FF"]"Si, Romeo? How are you mi amigo...yes yes I heard, your little Julie and my Rubi will most certainly be entering Primary School with Honors at this rate...no I did not see that memo yet, but thank you for reminding me...ha ha of course, of course. I got it a bit late but fortunately not many were willing to pay for the Season tickets for FC San Juan...yes yes. Now then, I was calling to let you know that the AK shipment that was supposed to come in tomorrow night has been delayed. The manufacturer wants to send them along with munitions supplies, make less trips...yes I know. They ARE however sending the survival gear, medical supplies, and flare guns in this shipment though...yes you're welcome, compadre. Talk to you soon"[/color]

With that, he hung up and continued through his pile of paperwork

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