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To Friedland

Kaiser Martens

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Ratsherr Tambarskjelve sends a handwritten letter to Friedland inviting them to Berlin to discuss an alliance between the two countries. In fact, in German minds, both countries were allied already simply due to the fact that Germany had given Friedland territory...but they felt that now, when the French war was over, it was time to officialize the situation.

He sits down at the Reichstag and waits, watching Berlin as he drinks some tea imported from the far east. In the meantime, he works on his Laptop to organize the ongoing reconstruction aids in Elsass-Lothringen as well as the manufacturing of new missiles. The place was isolated from sound, it was completely quiet, and that was something that the warrior appreciated. Loud noises, he claimed, only belonged in the battlefield.

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[b]In Versailles, France[/b]

King Sigismund was in the gardens of Versailles when the forwarded letter reached him. He has been strolling about in the open air with a small entourage for the entire duration of his time in France, waiting for the audience he had been promised at Versailles with the leader of that country.

"[i]Mea Rex[/i], we have word from Germany for a requested meeting between our two countries." A message runner announced after he arose from a hasty bow to the King, and handed Sigismund the letter.

"Ach so," the King grasped the letter lightly and read through it. "A meeting with Ourself is unfortunately quite out of the question, but good relations with Germany is certainly quite desirable." He looked up at his son, Prince Wenceslas, "Wenzel, what do you think of this?"

"His Majesty must surely already know the Prince's mind," Wenceslas replied coyly, "this is a tremendous opportunity for an extension of the canal and railroad system that the Prince has discussed with His Majesty these late weeks. Send the Duke of Pilsen to discuss matters; it will be a tremendous boon to gain ownership of a railroad running from Mecklenburg to Bohemia and a treaty of non-aggression between Your Majesty and Germany."

"We see where the Prince's mind lays. Yes, We will send the Duke of Pilsen." The King turned to the message runner, "Boy, relay this message to Our Ministry of Foreign Affairs: 'Karl Gustav is to go to Berlin in response to the invitation sent to Us by the government of Germany. He will negotiate a close relationship with the Germans, with the goal of obtaining territory sufficient to build a railroad connecting Gitschin to Stralsund.' Are We understood?"

"[i]Mea Rex.[/i]" The message runner bowed and returned to the palace to send the message.

[b]In Gitschin, Palace Wallenstein[/b]

"Your Excellency, message for you," an office assistant handed Duke Karel the fax from Versailles.

"Thank you, Adolf." Karel took it and gave it a quick once-over, "Well it looks like we'll be taking a trip. Damnable how they always seem to figure out a new errand to send me on just as I get a chance to get this back-log done."

Adolf, the assistant, glanced around the Ministers office. He had a point; stacks of loose paper and boxes filled with dossiers and files were piled almost ceiling-high throughout the office, obscuring the portrait of Albrecht Wallenstein that hung in the office of every Royal Minister. The mountains of beige and white made the otherwise ornate room seem quite plain.

The Duke caught Adolf's concern. "Don't worry," he said dryly, "This will be someone else's chore. You're coming with me to Berlin. I need someone reliable to keep good notes and you're the only person in this office that can use short-hand. Let the computer-monkeys fiddle around with some real office-work for a change." He pushed a button on his desk.

"Yes, Your Grace?" a young woman's voice crackled over the age-old intercom.

"Milena, will you have my entourage assembled and secure a train for me from Praha to Berlin? I need four first-class tickets, and inform Erika and Jaroslav they're coming with Adolf and myself to visit with the government of Germany. Quickly, if you please. That is all." The Duke quickly rattled off his orders. Milena was a pleasant girl, but not much could be expected of peasant stock so he kept orders simple.

[b]Five Hours Later, on a train departing from Prague's central railway station[/b]

"All settled in, Adolf? It'll be a short trip." The Duke looked across the aisle at his silent, portly assistant.

They would be in Berlin in just about three hours. It was slower than flying, to be sure, but the Duke was convinced that rail, like paper, was more trustworthy than planes, or computers, or any of these other modern bits of technology that seemed to result in so much death and trouble. He had forwarded a message to the German foreign office that he would be in the Berlin Bahnhof to meet the delegation before proceeding to a meeting place of the Germans' choice to discuss a Friedland railway and canal system along the Spree and Oder and a military alliance between the two states.

Edited by Sigurd Odinnson
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A number of soldiers await them, and they all spring to attention when they step down from the train, and then they salute. A lady in military uniform then approaches them, shakes their hands and salutes. "Welcome to Berlin. I am von Glücksburg of Foreign Affairs, and it pleases me and the rest of the Althing to finally see you here after all the trouble the Land has seen. Please accompany me to meet Ratsherr Tambarskjelve."

They would be lead to a large Armored Car. The Germans were beyond fancy displays like that of an expensive limousine. The transports were military, but as they too were top-quality they were comfortable anyway.

Berlin was a city like no other. It had been destroyed and rebuilt at least four times, and it showed. Many of its old architecture looked in fact very new because it consisted of replicas of the true buildings. When Berlin had been rebuilt, it had mostly been made to look like before, only that no division was visible between East and West anymore, and the monuments now had Runic Script. It would only take fifteen minutes to arrive at the Reichstag and into Tambarskjelve's office.

Something unusual was that the majority of the vehicles looked as if they were military and not civilian, and that most people carried either a bladed weapon or a kind of firearm. Some even carried spears, the namesake of the Germanic peoples. It was a combination between tradition, present and future.

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As Duke Karel stepped off the train, he was amazed to find how downright [i]spartan[/i] everything looked. He turned to Adolf and commented in Czech, "they don't leave much to the imagination, do they?" The assistant suppressed a chuckle and nodded.

The Duke then approached the lady who had just introduced herself as the Minister of Foreign Affairs and said in clear German, "Your Ladyship, it's a pleasure to be in a city of such history and among a people of such physical honesty. I look forward to our discussions."

They were then led to a comfortably accommodated armoured car and driven to their destination. Duke Karel was struck by the presence of men armed with what at first he thought were pikes but later realised were in fact spears. Such a fascinating culture he was about to treat with.

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She nods. "Indeed. What you see is what you get could well be our motto. In spite of all the weapons, murder is extremely rare somehow. We think that people being familiarized with weapons makes them respect them - and death - more."

They enter the Reichstag and are sent upwards by an elevator. Two Valkyrie stand at attention when the elevator stops and opens, leading to Tambarskjelve's office. He looks to be past his thirties although he is somewhat younger due to the rough reality of warfare having left scars on his face. His uniform is black and has a few distinctions, such as the usual Iron Cross.

"Please take a seat" Instructs von Glücksburg before doing so herself. Soon, Burning wine, glögg, coffee and various types of beers from northern and southern germany will be brought in by a waiter. Tambaskjelve then speaks,

"We ussually greet foreign representatives at airport. But it shows that you are down to earth people. That is why we believed that it would be best to let you be free, so as to make Europe a place with more variety rather than a sea of undistinguishable Teutonics and Slavonics. So far Martens' decision has been more than appropiate. I am Dietrich Tambarskjelve. Nice to meet you."

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Duke Karel followed the lead of the woman who received him at the train station, conversing along the way. Her comments regarding arming citizens made sense to him, but he could not endorse such an idea without arming his own peasants, a rebellion waiting to happen. As farmers they were already familiar with the cycle of life and death, that was enough for them. He stepped into the elevator, against his habit - he had taken the stairs his entire life. A man that could not have been much younger than the Duke himself stepped forward from the elevator.

The varieties of beer, wine, and other beverages laid before him were meant to impress, and they did their job. He selected the Augustiner Maximator, a [i]Doppelbock[/i] with the heavy flavour of hops. He preferred the bocks, but securing a Czech beer with the same quality was practically impossible.

At the reminder of the fact that he had been met at the train station instead of the airport, he was tempted to share his distrust of the technology but felt he would be better to ignore it.

"It's a pleasure, Herr Tambarskjelve. I try to give as much business to the railways as I can when I travel - the wealth of Europe is fed on diesel and steel. Indeed, that sentiment is part of what brought me here to you today," Duke Karel reached into his briefcase and removed a few documents and a map outlining the railroad path from Görlitz to Demmin, cutting a track through German territory. "Much of the track already exists, it would only require the transfer of the land grants to the present owners to the King of Friedland as CEO of the Royal Friedland Railroad and Canal Company. The King himself acknowledges the burden placed on the government of Germany and His Majesty has instructed me to inform your government that it is your privilege, should you find the deal acceptable, to name the price of the dealings."

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"We will do something which we had done for other nations before you in very similar situations. We will build you a highway and a railway connecting your nation's parts. The tracks and highway itself will be owned by your people and sovereign, but since the land below will be ours, it will not be showed on the map as such, for matters of not troubling our own people, they may get freaked out by seeing the land cut in two. We will couple this with a civilian and military passage through the zone in question. This is just a fancy word for sharing really. Your nation will not be subject to our taxes when moving back and forth north and south nor it will require our permission when military issues are concerned. The land privately will be owned by the King, but it will be still a part of Germany and subordinate to the German state. Do you think that this is a good idea? We have done this four or five times so far with good results..."

"This is indeed for free...we do not deal with money. For us, money is worthless. We think something better would be a pact for mutual defence and optional aggression. That way we will ensure that our nations will forever be brothers in arms and in the same page. If you agree to this, we could then sell you german-made military items of top quality, which I am sure will come to you in handy anytime anywhere."

He takes a Weissbier and drinks.

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Duke Karel pondered the offer for a moment. He examined the map once more, then placed his glass down and looked up, "Yes, this is essentially what we were asking for to begin with. Of course we are not interested in making Germany surrender any of its sovereignty; our claims on territory have been made already and we refuse to step beyond that. His Majesty the Kings should be treated as an individual in this exchange rather than as representative of a sovereign state." He stopped and thought for a moment, and then rejoined, "A major roadway, though, would be unnecessary. Something to allow military movement to the north would be sufficient, but most transport can be done by rail if sufficient land is allowed-- it was the hope of His Majesty that a three-track line of passage might be negotiated, so that one line can be devoted strictly to military movement."

He looked up and was met with a nod from the German official. "I suppose all that remains, then, is the discussion of price."

"This is indeed for free...we do not deal with money. For us, money is worthless. We think something better would be a pact for mutual defence and optional aggression. That way we will ensure that our nations will forever be brothers in arms and in the same page. If you agree to this, we could then sell you german-made military items of top quality, which I am sure will come to you in handy anytime anywhere."

Duke Karel looked credulously at his German counterparts. Any good ambassador knew what stepping into a military treaty would mean, and Germany did not have the reputation of a peace-loving, isolationist nation. Still, it had a tremendous reputation for being a military giant, and having just come out of one war the likelihood of another so soon seemed remote enough.

Finally, the Duke's expression changed to one of decision, "Yes." He said definitively, "Yes, this is certainly an offer beneficial to us both. Our military is presently well-equipped in the eyes of His Majesty, but I am sure our High Command would be eager to investigate the technological developments of your nation, knowing its reputation. We will pursue a Pact of Alliance, with provisions for both defensive and aggressive warfare. It seems appropriate, considering Germany is in a similar standing to Friedland as the USR, and we share an alliance for mutual military cooperation in all wars."

The Duke filed his papers away and said, "I will look to German officials to draft the treaty for review before the departure of my ambassadorial team from your country. I think these dealings have been more successful than I could have imagined, and I thank you for your invitation to conduct them. We may look forward to a close and beneficial relationship between our two nations!"

Edited by Sigurd Odinnson
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Tambarskjelve smiles. "I expected no less." He says, perhaps a bit cryptically.

"We too are very close to USR. They turned the southern chaos into a victory. The Slavs have for some time now been our most reliable allies. Your nation is a very particular one...between Germany and USR, having mixed cultures. It is only then logic that tells us all three should stick together. We will do so."

Germany was a very unusual nation. In terms of statistics, it could be only considered to be a medium power. But somehow its armed forces and its people seemed to be consistently strong enough to take on equal or larger foes and win. The world probably ought to consider itself lucky that the nation didn't amass more "statistical" might, if it managed what it did with only average might.

"The treaty will be handed to you soon. It will contain both the alliance factor and the infrastructural part of our agreement...it will have my signature on it already, for your convenience."

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OOC: Ravens, I'm lazy...


A treaty is brought forth, which serves as a standard issue MDP with Optional MAP clause. It also has a NAP section, a military passage point, and finally the only unusual points are those describing how the North-South Friedlander connection will function. It seemed simple enough, and it is then signed by Tambarskjelve. It is all very clear, using simple language as opposed to the usual deliberatedly complicated legal texts.

"..That was faster than I expected!"

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Duke Karel looked over the document. It was long, but as spartan, frank, and clear as the city of Berlin. There was absolute clarity in every article.

[quote][b]Czernin-Tambarskjelve Pact
For Military Cooperation, Alliance, and Infrastructure Exchange[/b]

Article I.
1. The government of Germany and the government of the Kingdom of Friedland each recognise the sovereignty of the other.
2. The governments of the two contracting nations guarantee neutrality in all conflicts which would bring the two into open war and affirm non-aggression between the two nations.

Article II.
1. The government of Germany guarantees military aid and material assistance to the Kingdom of Friedland in all conflicts in which the Kingdom of Friedland is not the aggressor.
2. The government of the Kingdom of Friedland guarantees military aid and material assistance to Germany in all conflicts in which Germany is not the aggressor.
3. The governments of the two contracting nations recognise that to protect their individual interests as well as the interests of the other, it may be necessary to offer military aid and material assistance in conflicts in which one or the other contracting nations is the aggressor.
4. In accordance with the above, the governments of the two contracting nations guarantee to each other that military aid and material assistance will sometimes be provided in conflicts in which either the Kingdom of Friedland or Germany are the aggressor.

Article III.
1. The government of Germany guarantees free passage of Friedland troops and military supplies across German lands.
2. The government of Friedland guarantees free passage of German troops and military supplies across Friedlandic lands.
3. The government of Germany guarantees to Friedland free use of all present and future German ports for the Friedlandic navy and merchant marine.
4. The government of Friedland guarantees to Germany free use of all present and future Friedlandic ports for the German navy and merchant marine.
5. The governments of the two contracting nations guarantee diplomatic and legal immunity to all military officers of the other country; in all cases of suspected criminal activity of a military officer, that officer is to be extradited to his native country and subjected to the justice of his native country.

Article IV.
1. Upon the signing of this treaty, the government of Germany will transfer a plot of land measuring 807.72 metres wide and 463.5 kilometres long, totalling 374.378 square kilometres or 92,510.8 acres of land to the ownership of His Royal Majesty King Sigismund I for development as a railroad of three track-lines, whose use shall be determined in accordance with the laws governing the Kingdom of Friedland.
2. This plot shall be used for railroad and transport and no other purpose.
3. This plot shall remain subject to the laws of Germany and shall be considered to remain the sovereign territory of the government of Germany.
4. This plot cannot be sold or purchased without the alteration of this treaty and the expressed agreement of the governments of the two contracting nations.
5. This plot and business conducted within it shall not be subject to taxation by the government of Germany and shall upon the signing of this treaty become a tariff-free zone.


[i]For Germany[/i]: His Excellency [b]Dietrich Tambarskjelve[/b]

[i]For Friedland[/i]: His Highness [b]Karel Gustav Czernin von Chudenitz[/b], Duke of Pilsen

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