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[center][b]The Treaty of Dover
Treaty of Alliance, Friendship, and Cooperation

Article 1: The High Contracting parties, mutually recognizing the freedom and independence of the Kingdom of Delaware and Virginia, declare themselves to be uninfluenced by any aggressive desire in their agreement, and having in view their own interests alone, the High Contracting parties recognize that it will be admissible for either of them to take such measures as may be indispensable in order to safeguard those interests if threatened

Article 2: The Signatories shall issue formal declarations of neutrality if either signatory becomes involved in war or conflict due to those interests described in Article 1.

Article 3: The Signatories offer a guarantee of support in the form of military, material, or other means if either signatory should become involved in war with more than one Power through the actions of said foreign Powers.

Article 4: The signatories offer a guarantee not to enter into any agreements with other Powers to the prejudice of this alliance.

Article 5: The signatories offer a full guarantee of communication, frankly and fully, with each other when any of the interests affected by this treaty are deemed to be in jeopardy.

Article 6: This Treaty is to remain in force for three years as of the signing date, and it shall then be the option of the High Contracting parties of continuance at one year's notice at the end of the second year.

[u][b]For the Government of the Kingdom of Friedland[/b][/u]
His Excellency Karl Gustav, Duke of Pilsen
Royal Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Kingdom of Friedland

[b][u]For the Government of the Kingdom of Delaware[/u][/b]
His Excellency Caesar Hightower I, Duke of Dover
Master of Foreign Affairs for the Kingdom of Delaware- John Read

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The United States Government does not recognize this treaty as states do not have the authority to conduct foreign affairs. We would also like to point out to Friedland that Delaware is not an independent country, as it was not granted independence by the Federal Government.

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[quote name='KingChris' timestamp='1282264141' post='2423646']
The United States Government does not recognize this treaty as states do not have the authority to conduct foreign affairs. We would also like to point out to Friedland that Delaware is not an independent country, as it was not granted independence by the Federal Government.

His Majesty King Sigismund I of Friedland thanks the United States for their input in this exchange, but wishes to remind the United States that the Kingdom of Friedland is itself a sovereign state and therefore as a member of the international community free to recognise those states and governments it deems in appropriate position to recognise. His Majesty further asserts that it is his royal right as well as his right as a national leader to treat with whom he and his government see fit. It is, therefore, for posterity and the international community, rather than the United States, to decide whether this treaty with the Kingdom of Delaware is legitimate.

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[quote name='Acca Dacca' timestamp='1282288440' post='2424230']
Then you have engaged yourself in the affairs of a rogue nation that has not only violated our trust, but also our sovereignty. We really cannot believe you have support this nations actions.

As the treaty makes clear, the Kingdom of Friedland is not willing to offer endorsement of any aggressive action taken by the Kingdom of Delaware. Rather, it is meant to be a treaty of support in case of defensive warfare. The sovereignty of the United States is not called into question, rather its dominion over those lands now calling themselves the Kingdom of Delaware, having seceded legally from the United States as provided in your own country's legal documents.

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They did not secede legally, as there was no protocol to do so. They were bound by law to be apart of the United States, this rebellion is their own doing, and will, of course, be met with force.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1282371262' post='2425526']
China does not recognize this treaty as legitimate and urges the nation of Freidland to respect the principle of sovereignty.

His Majesty King Sigismund is very disappointed to hear of China's disapproval, hoping that close relations between the two nations might still be pursued. He has pledged to take the recommendation of the Chinese government under advisement.

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