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Operation Viking

Il Terra Di Agea

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[i]0100, North Sea[/i]
“This is the KNM Hammerfest, checking in.”
“Roger, keep with the others, GPS shows you falling behind.”
“Increasing speed to 31 knots, full speed ahead Admiral Westrum. Is that all?”
“Yes, carry on Captain.”
The sound of waves crashing along the smooth, steel surfaces of the boat were still faintly audible throughout its halls. The Hammerfest and her crew were one of the luckiest in the fleet, only having to travel one thousand kilometers, but the voyage was still a tiring one.
“Permission to go above deck, sir?” Erik Jahr announced, more as a statement than a request.
“Permission granted,” The Captain replied, “You have fifteen minutes, then get back in here.”
As Erik stuck his head out of the doorway to the main deck, a rush of cold air flowed over his body. It was cold, far too cold to be summer by most standards, but a welcome change for the Petty Officer who grew up on the coast of Svalbard. Across the deck, and nearly 200 meters across the sea, a massive, military Landing Craft, and several large supply ships were moving far too close together to be safe. This was, in fact, the first naval deployment in the history of the nation, if one were to disregard the shelling during the Civil war. The crew was proud for themselves, finally an engagement, finally something to do other than drills. Off on the horizon, behind the boat, lay the last trace of Norway they would see before returning home, a small, derelict oil platform. It was not much to look at, but it still reminded him, and all the crews of all the ships that could see it, what they were leaving behind.

[i]0130, Above the North Sea[/i]
Land was in sight. After only an hour, they could see land again, a welcome sight for the weary paratroopers. There was a certain energy, almost electric among them. What else was to be expected, these were newly trained men, finally testing out their newly acquired skills, flying to a foreign land, possibly even seeing some combat when they landed. The Second Airborne Brigade was ready for whatever landfall had in store for them.
“Hello soldiers,” A weary voice rang over their radios, “Sorry to tell you, but you are not cleared to land for six hours. There will be a mid air refuel to top you off in a few hours, but until then, enjoy your stay in your luxury, First Class, military cabin. There will be drinks served whenever you want, just ask the canteen that currently is attached to your belt. At 1200, there will be sandwiches served; don’t let their looks fool you, they are edible. Thank you for Flying Norwegian Airforce, and please, enjoy your flight.”
A collective moan shot through the cabin. What was six more hours?

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[i]0650, North Sea[/i]
The KNM Mansfield was, in the eyes of its crew, barely seaworthy. Its creaking hull, temperamental plumbing, and cramped quarters made a voyage on it uncomfortable, but still relatively safe. The ship was of a solid build, abandoned by some unnamed military force in the seventies, and left to sit in Oslo harbor for decades. If it weren’t for a rich investor hoping to one day sell the boat, and his yacht keeper, who had the tools to keep the ship essentially in working order, the steel colossus would be a rusted skeleton sitting below the bay.
No, the ship had no real protection, save for the white flag, emblazoned with a red cross that flew above. The Mansfield was a cargo ship, carrying, for the occasion, crate after crate of medical supplies, food stuffs, and, most importantly, a staff of doctors and MPs to deal with the cargo’s use. The crew of the ship, the real crew, not the people hitching a ride, had one simple task from the Admiral given charge over their movements, “Don’t die before you get there.”
A lofty task for the aging vessel…

[i]0700, North Sea[/i]
“I hate boats,” Sergeant Falla muttered, “I run a damned APC, don’t belong at sea.”
The Sergeant tossed down a cigarette butt, and looked around the poorly lit hold. All around were smaller landing craft, all readied to be sent out when the moment came. Most, at least on this ship, carried only a fire team, most of the landing craft’s space was filled with the bulky armored vehicles needed to do… anything. The men aboard were all nauseous, and it seemed as if every wave that hit pounded the landing craft with more force than anything they could face during their landings. The entire experience was sickening.
Falla, already getting edgy once more, lit another cigarette. He peered down into his APC, five men, all armed, could barely stay awake. They were not tired, per se, Falla had seen this before. It was nerves, after three days frantically preparing for the movement, they were exhausted. Even with a good night’s rest, nerves had gotten to them, and, despite being excited, they had butterflies in their stomachs.
Falla chuckled as this though came to his mind. He was a veteran of the Swedish Civil War, fighting for the Monarchist front from day one. He had seen more death than all of these men would see put together, but they were still nervous. The only thing Falla was afraid of was sinking.

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Nearly one year ago, a deadly disease, one never before seen in the world, struck Europe. Almost immediately, word began to spread, this plague, which had grown out of Scotland, was not of natural origin, but rather created by an organization of terrorists. While the plague spread across Europe, Scotland did nothing; they even left airports opened to spread the infection out into the world. Whether this was a deliberate action, or a sorry result of the chaos thrown out by a recent, massive government reform is up for debate, but the action had still made its mark.

But as Europe recovered, Scotland fell silent. As if what was left of the nation simply vanished. Scotland was dying, if not already dead. No attempt at communication had gone through; no attempt at contact was met by a response. Whether the disease had wiped out the British Isles, or merely crippled their capacity to act as a nation, Scotland was in a state of collapse.

As Norwegian and Swedish soldiers neared land, one, final message would be sent out.
Scotland appears to be in a state of duress. After the spread of the Plague, your nation fell into anarchy. We are peacekeepers, moving in to help aid in curing the disease, and securing any means that it can spread. We will carry weapons for our safety, but we have no intention of firing them. We come to help, not to kill. Please allow us to help end this age of pain and suffering for your people.[/quote]
The message would be sent on all accessible radio frequencies, over numerous television frequencies, and across all possible HAM radio frequencies. The government hoped that there would be a reply, but did not expect one. All armed forces and medical personnel inbound to the islands were ordered to move forward.

[i]0730, 3 miles outside of, and 10,000 feet above, Glasgow[/i]
“This is Air Command,” The usual weary, hoarse voice announced, “The Second Airborne Brigade, currently above Scotland, is cleared to drop. The First Airborne, currently above Wales is cleared to drop. The Fifth Airborne Brigade, currently over South-western England is cleared to drop. The Sixth Airborne, currently above Birmingham is cleared to drop. All medical supply planes are cleared to drop their cargo. All Aid planes are cleared to drop their cargo. And planes carrying vehicles are cleared to drop, but do try to miss everyone who we’ve said so far with them. Remember your orders from the General, and try not to stir up anything you can’t handle. Keep your gas masks on at all times. I hope you enjoyed your flight, and please, choose the Norwegian Airforce for all your jumping out of airplane needs.”

[i]0800, London[/i]
The KNM Hammerfest neared her destination. All around her, the other vessels of the Norwegian Royal Navy moved forward. Many of the larger ships docked when they found a place, allowing their crews to begin the long process of unloading the burdensome crates of supplies, and medical vehicles. All the while the smaller vessels continued, heading up the Thames, in order to spread the message of Norwegian aid to whatever people still remained. The Hammerfest turned, a broadside facing back toward the mouth of the river, and out to sea. The ship’s mission was simple, secure the Thames. Make sure that no vessel could exit, and allow only cleared vessels to enter.

[i]0800, Edinburgh[/i]
The KNM Mansfield neared its temporary harbor in the once booming Scottish city. With a heavy creak, and at least one entirely unsettling crash, the ship had docked. Immediately, the crew rushed to unload supplies. To their surprise, the only new part of the vessel, a crane installed for just this occasion, started up perfectly, and rose into the sky. The cargo holds opened, and the crane lowered to pick up the pallets of food that lay in the hull. As the top layer was cleared away, medical supplies and prefabricated structures began to rise out of the hold. Behind them, the other naval vessels neared, blocking off the harbor, and unloading their own cargo. The Harbor was bursting to life for the first time in what appeared to be ages.

All across the country, in fact, harbors were springing to life with aid ships, and shores were springing to life with workers.

Edited by Il Terra Di Agea
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In the skies above Scotland, Tyre fighters circled at 20k, keeping an eye on things. With the war on the continent in full swing, they kept their eyes and EW systems peeled. Contact with the incoming aircraft was sporadic.

In the main cities and port areas, Taeunas soldiers would be meeting the Norwegian troops and aid workers. The recon elements that had entered the country just a few days before would share their maps and gathered intel with the newcomers.

From the opposite direction, Taeunas troops and supplies began to cross the Irish Sea. All along the western shoreline, soldiers landed and moved in to secure the main routes in and out of the cities. Light mechanized forces moved out along the main routes and through the smaller towns, dropping off small bundles of essential items.

Meetings between the Taeunas diplomats and local leaders had revealed a lack of central government and slight loss of services. Mostly the people had banded together to keep things as normal as possible. Most people welcomed the soldiers from both nations, and the aid that was coming in. Crime was lower than expected, mostly from concerns of the plague.

In the west, near Cardiff, the bulk of the Taeunas 11th Division was landing, mostly in light vehicles and MSV's. Medical units made their ways to hospitals to observe conditions and deliver drugs found by TRIAD to be effective in combating the disease. Taeunas intel techs went over patient records of plague vics to try and determine a patient zero and method of delivery. It was well known that the threat was still out there. To combat the threat, HCT teams spread out, and began covert operations to discover the so called "Illusive Man" and his Cerberus group.

In Scottish Portugal, the Taeunas 7th Division began to land. Quickly they spread out, doing much the same as their brothers and siters in arms were doing up north. The last intel from the Scots had said that the suspected HQ for Cerberus was somewhere nearby. In addition to the HCT teams already attached to the division, two companies of the Red Branch were sent as well. Maj. Cormac had taken personal charge of this part of the operation at the behest of Cmdr. O'Malley.

In London, a platinum blonde was sitting at a cafe, sipping a latte in the warm morning air. Her phone buzzed, eliciting a raised eyebrow as she answered it. "Yes?"

"Starlight, starbright, wish I may, wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight."

Her eyes narrowed at the line, even as a smile played across her lips. "Of course. Your wish is my command." She listened for a minute to the voice on the other end. "Very well, Wishmaster. Consider it done." She ended the call and settled back to enjoy her latte and watched the movement of people and soldiers in the streets.

In Dublin, a man sat looking east from his balcony as he hung up his secure phone and reached for a glass of well aged whiskey on the rocks. "A new dawn of our own then. Slainte."

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[u][b]Journal of Sgt. Falla[/b][/u]
[i]1543, Cowbridge, Wales[/i]
Well, turns out we aren't the only ones coming in to help out the Scots. About an hour after we landed in Cardiff, we got word from a little old lady who has been selling leeks for supplies that a bunch of Irishmen in military uniform were landing in the habour. I laughed at her, though she was kidding around. Now, we get to this little village, hasn't seen a bit of the plague, that they heard via Pony Express that the Irish had landed in Cardiff, and that they were moving out. I've sent word to command, but I still have one question for all of these folks, how did a damned horse outrun an army? My superior, Col. Laatikainen [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=74396&view=findpost&p=2016550](Yes, That Col. Laatikainen)[/url] has called in requesting to meet with whoever is in charge of the forces in Cardiff, but until then, my whole battalion is stuck in this little town. We started building a clinic in the city hall, getting our supplies out for the people in the village to use. So far, it looks fine, we've seen a few people who haven't had enough to eat, a few broken limbs (One Young guy is being medevaced out to Oslo, he broke a leg darn near six months ago, and it didn't set right. Our medic says he'll need it amputated because of the infection.) Worst case we've seen in an old fellow who cracked his skull about eight months ago. We've been trying to help him, but he and his wife are adamant that he'll be dying in their home. Medic from E company is giving him some morphine to ease the pain, but reckons the guy wouldn't live much more than a month with or without medicine.

We'll be moving out as soon as we can get some of the real doctors and aid workers out of Cardiff. Colonel says we'll be heading out to Swansea, it's a bigger city, needs more aid than we've been able to move out there. Apparently, there are some looters out there too that need to be dealt with, maybe the kiddies will get to see a bit of action after all.

[i]1235, Glasgow[/i]
Private Calland breathed deep through his nose. It reminded him of home, in a little village near Vanern, which was strange to feel in the middle of a real city. Glasgow was hit hard by the plague. Most of the buildings still stood, but only as lifeless shells of the bustling offices and apartments that they once were. The scent was a rural one, the smell of waste piling up, of moss growing in barns and sheds, the smell of pools of water long gone stagnant. The smell was like that of earth, after a harsh rainfall, not of a city. Most of the soldiers were sickened by the smell, most had grown up in Trollhättan, where the Brigade was stationed. The scent was one of filth, not of untouched meadows, rolling farmlands and springs near the lake.
The Brigade was spread out through the city, setting up clinics near abandoned hospitals, town halls, stadiums, anywhere where there was space to accommodate the flow of people. The main task for thee military personnel within the city was setting up signs listing where the clinics and aid drops were, and requesting that anyone who still had the plague should come also. Special quarantine areas were being set up also, to keep the sick separate from the healthy, and to ensure that the plague could no longer spread.
To most of the people who had survived that long, illness was no longer a threat. The speed that the disease killed, and its synthetic nature turned out to be a major issue for its survival. With the sick often dying before they could come into contact with the healthy, and the disease, carrying more than a little genetic similarity to the the Influenza virus, was unable to strongly affect anyone who had received a recent flu shot. Still, the death toll in larger cities remained high. In Glasgow, once a thriving city of 2 million (Including the Metropolitan area), had dwindled to under a million. The people had grown into close knit groups, salvaging materials to rebuild, and eat. Even after only a year, windows were broken, cars were rusting in the middle of the streets, and a thick layer of grime coated most of the city's surfaces. Rebuilding would be a short process once real construction crews could be moved out, but until then, the city would remain in shambles.
The first step to rebuilding, not just in Glasgow, but in all the cities that had been visited upon by Norwegian and Swedish workers, was to clean out the roads. Altered Twobglehornes, sporting bulldozers and cranes moved out to clear major roadways. the process would be slow; The small armored vehicles lacked the muscle to completely clear the roads, but even having room to drive was a welcomed change to the slow-going pace of moving vehicles one by one.
[font="Courier New"]
[color="#FF0000"][b]--< Message to the Taeunas Government >--[/b][/color]
We have been getting reports from out men in Scotland that your soldiers have moved in, offering aid services similar to our own. We would be interested in discussing logistics to help spread aid to Scotland as quickly and efficiently as possible. We are sure that you, like ourselves, are concerned about the future of the Scottish People, and we feel it would be best to discuss this now, before it becomes a major issue.
King Dayus Heimdall of Norway[/font]

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**Private Reply**

Your Highness,

Yes, Taeunas has begun to land troops and supplies. We care very deeply for our fellow Gaels and Celts. It's a simple matter for us to bring supplies over from Taeunas, as we are so close. Most of the formerly Scottish Western coast is being well covered by incoming Taeunas soldiers, and my people report progress in moving inland. Most of the southern areas seem to be quite under control, as far as the plague is concerned. Portugal is likewise settled, but of a more serious concern due to terrorist elements that are possibly hiding out there.

Oweing to the fact that many citizens from both nations have crossed the Irish Sea to live and work in the other, we propose to hold a public vote on making the two states into a single nation. This will happen as soon as we have fully restored public services that seem to have not suffered much at all, and so should happen shortly.

Christos DeSchaine, President of Taeunas


In Cardiff and all of the towns and cities where Taeunas soldiers appeared, people followed directives to be tested at the numerous medical centers. Tests for the plague were administered to all, and nearly 95% came back negative. Of those that did test positive, most were admitted to the hospitals, where TRIAD medtechs started treatments.

In the major cities, Taeunas engineers and communications specialists worked to repair radio and television stations. Soon they were up and running, broadcasting programming from Dublin, Galway and Belfast. Taeunas MP's started working with their civilian counterparts and even brought in a few Garda officials to evaluate the tactics and offer suggestions.

In Portugal, things were slightly different. Small pockets of resistance had been found in the north. Cerberus had gained a small foothold here, and had decided to not hide as much. Two Puma UATV's had been lost and three of 7th divisions soldiers had been hurt before a pair of Glory tanks had showed up and blasted the building the terrorists were hiding in. Due to this, the bulk of the division was moved up to the north and began to sweep for the fiends.

In London, a boat raced down the Thames, hell bent on reaching the ship at the mouth of the river. Onboard were three men with semi automatic rifles, one driving the thing. In the bow was a large quantity of high explosive, home made. Their plan was well thought out, and was bound to work, except for one little problem. From an office building overlooking the river, a muzzle flashed and the engine of the boat caught fire. Three more shots went off and the boat slowed, just bobbing on the water. Anyone boarding it would find the three men, each cleanly shot through the head. In the building, a platinum blonde finished breaking down her weapon and stowed it in a special case. Pushing a pair of shades onto her face, she smiled and walked out of the offices, making her way to a car and driving west.

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[font="Courier New"][color="#FF0000"][b]--< Reply to Taeunas >--[/b][/color]
Excellent, as you are securing Wales, we will begin to withdraw our men from the area and allow yours to complete their work. The majority of our men are currently stationed on Scotland's eastern Coast, and throughout southern England. Thus far, we have been working mainly to clear roads and distribute medical supplies. For the most part, we have also found that the Plague has died out, save for a small handful of isolated cases in more dense urban areas.

In the far North, where the Plague seems to have hit the least, in the Shetlands, and the Faroes, we have had numerous requests from both civilians and former government officials to remain under Norwegian protection. Much as your position with Wales, we feel that it would be worthwhile to organize a vote in these territories to see whether or not they truly wish to join our nation.

We are glad to be working with you.

Dayus Heimdall, King of Norway[/font]

OOC: Will do a real post a bit later

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