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Dispatch to the Minilla Islands


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To: The Minilla Islands
From: Wei Hai, Premier of the People's Republic of China, Foreign Ministers of the People's Republic of China, and Member of the Standing Committee of the People's Republic of China
Subject: Establishment of Cordial Relations


Greetings leaders of the Minilla Islands. In the spirit of Comrade Jia's Speech on the proper stance of foreign relations fellow Asians, I have been instructed to relay a message to the People's of the Indonesian Archipelago. That is, that Comrade Jia and the Standing Committee of the National Political Consultative Conference wish to establish strong diplomatic ties to the Minilla Islands. We believe that there have been strong historical links between China and Indonesia and we wish to see them continue to this day.

Our historical ties go back centuries. There are many Chinese descendants in the Indonesian Archipelago and we have had strong trading relationships dating back to the historic voyage of Admiral Zheng He in the Ming Dynasty. We also recognize that their have been periods of mutual tension. It is the desire of the Chinese People to have harmony reign in Asia. We therefore hope to build on historic ties and move past any areas of historical grievance.


Premier Wei Hai on behalf of the Standing Committee of the NPCC[/code]

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To: Wei Hai, Premier of the People's Republic of China
From: HRH King Raymond II, Head of State of the Royal Republic of Minilla Island
Subject: Foreign Relations


We in the Royal Republic would very much like to establish relations with the new Government of the People's Republic of China. It is time that we put aside many of the grievances that our peoples have had. I, on behalf of the people, accept the invitation to establish relations with the People's Republic of China.


HRH King Raymond II[/quote]

Edited by Minilla Island
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To: HRH King Raymond II
From: Premier Wei

Excellent! We hope to sign an agreement on the status of the Eastern entrance to the Malaccan Straits, regional fishing rights, and hope to see an agreement on non-aggression and trade rights either through ASEAN or through a bilateral treaty.[/quote]

Edited by Triyun
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From: HRH King Raymond II
To: Premier Wei

That sounds good to me. We would like to have some privileges regarding Singapore, and possible F.I.R.E. and Commodity privileges within the City-State. I mean, some of our islands are so close that if someone sneezes, it lands in downtown Singapore. Also a possible tri-partite rail/highway linkage between Sumatra, Singapore and Malay Republic.

We can sit down and go over the details.[/quote]

Edited by Minilla Island
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Premier Wei sat in the conference room which had been prepared as his temporary office on the executive floor of the Singapore Government building. Perhaps the hardest working technocrat in all of China, Wei's charcoal suit jacket and light blue shirt both had become wrinkled and had several coffee stains on them. He had been working most of the night reviewing papers dealing with trade law for Singapore province.

One of his aides walked in. "Mr. Premier... sir you need to change, the Minillans will be here within the hour." he said. The premier looked up, "What time is it?" "Seven sir." he replied. "!@#$." he said. The premier would go take a shower and change his suit and shirt. He would then await the arrival of the King and his delegation.

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HRH King Raymond II and his staff is a bit flustered in the limo after the rough flight from Minya. It is the rainy season, and the turbulence over the islands was murder. He is sitting with Foreign Minister Gualtieri and Trade Minister Niemann going over what is to be discussed with the Chinese.

"Paulie, it is a mess. How do I look?"
"Your highness, you look fine. Just whatever you do, do not give the store away to the Chinese."
Niemann chimes in, "Yeah. We do not need that !@#$%^& Rockwell to have any more ammunition than he already has."

The King turns to Riemann, "&&%$ Rockwell.I am not worried about that lunatic. I am more concerned with getting business for the banks. Besides, Grant will blow him away
in the Elections."

They arrive at the hotel where the Chinese are staying at. The King and his cohorts enter the penthouse suite where they will be staying. The Kings' personal security detail is standing guard outside the door. Gualtieri pulls a bottle of scotch out of the wet bar and pours some glasses. With a couple of bottles of water, Gualtieri starts handing out glasses of scotch, and gives the King a bottle of water with his scotch.

They start discussing the deatails of the meeting with the Chinese. After entering some agreement, the King hops into the shower after downing his glass. Once done, they will go straight to the Chinese' suite.

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The much better kept Premier Wei, changing into a white cotton suit, new shirt, and tie greeted the King of the Minilla Islands as he entered into the large office meeting room, "Your majesty, welcome to Singapore. I hope your journey over was pleasant." he said as he shook his hand. "I am very glad that we could arrange this meeting."

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"Yes lets get right down to business, in regards to a possible rail line, I believe that this should be done underground. It will take longer and be more expensive, but a terrorist sabotage of a bridge closing the Straits of Malacca would be a devastating blow to world commerce." he said.

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When we first discussed with Singapore about the rail line, it was meant to be a setup that would allow for separate sections for passenger and freight rail, as well as twelve lanes for auto and truck traffic through tubes in the Straits of Malacca. It was thought that it would be better going through Malaysia as the distance was shorter, and we would be able to have more room to develop. The roadway would split into two parts on our end: One to Bandeiras, Formerly Banda Aceh, and to an expressway connecting to the Sunda Strait Bridge, which is near completion. On the mainland end, they would split into areas where one part goes to Singapore, the other to points north.

The problem was that nobody could agree upon financing this. We were willing to fit the bill via loans for the countries that needed it to develop. The upkeep was to be a jointly run Authority that would collect tolls from users. But, again, nobody could agree how. In the meantime, billions of dollars are being pissed away by not have this project come to fruition.

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"We would agree to a tunnel across the Straits. For financing, this is not as big a problem with us if a tunnel concentrates on Singapore. China's viewpoint is that the some sort of land access is preferable, but that we should also be wary of endangering proven shipping operations in the region." Premier Wei said. "Our view of the economics is though that it would be smarter to have one entrance which could be tolled in order to make such a costly project actually make sense, at least as far as tunnels go. We are prepared to share this cost."

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"This will only aid the aquatic traffic by making things move faster." The King said. "You will always have container cargo that will need the water as they could not be efficiently moved underground in mass quantities and be done safely. So that concern is covered. As regarding the one entrance: You are not thinking long-term expansion. A while back, there was a proposal to move via rail into China from what is now Malaysia. The intent of this system was to give a direct road and rail link to China from the Straits and Singapore. This way, it will be easy to move freight not only from our nation to Singapore, but to make an entire Asian network where we all benefit."

"You need to remember, this is about dollars and cents and lots of both. This setup is gonna take a while, but there is a major jackpot at the end of the rainbow that is going to propel the economies of all involved, not just certain groups."

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"Perhaps you do not understand my point. When there was a debate about the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, the US Navy opposed it because they feared a foreign fleet could destroy the bridge to trap the US Navy Pacific Fleet in the bay. My concern is this, just as warships could be denied access by a sinking of the bridge, so could commercial ships.

In regards to the rail system we are building, the conception is to have Singapore be the central hub in the South." Wei responded.

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"The bridge will be on the Sunda Strait side. The bridge part will cover Sumatra to Java. Anyone attacking it will be attacking us, so it is basically safe for commercial shipping as long as Krakatau does not blow up again. As for the Straits, we are talking about deep water tubes that will not be susceptible to attack. It will be very difficult, if not impossible, to disrupt commercial sea traffic in the Straits.

Singapore would serve as a hub of this system. It would have to be, or this whole system is meaningless. But, the long range goal, is to connect the system to not just Singapore, but to Beijing and Bangkok as well. Once that happens, we will be spending many nights counting money.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OOC: Sorry this took a while. My dog became very ill this week, so I'm playing catch up now with all my threads now that he seems to be on the uptick.


"Excellent I believe we have a deal on transportation then. We would also like to discuss the formation of a military treaty. Our desire would be for an agreements on not allowing powers hostile to either side to pass through the Straits of Malacca, Non-Aggression, Counter Piracy and Terrorism particularly around the straits, Intelligence, and general military cooperation." Wei Hai said.

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