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Commandante Che in Puerto Rico

Bull Run

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OOC: Closed to The Disco Commandant & myself



Entering Puerto Rican airspace, El Commandante Che, in representation of the Dominican Republic plans brotherly and open relations with their cultural brothers just an island hop away. Although the Dominican Republic has spoken in defence of Puerto Rican independance & despite their close proximity, this would be the first time official discussions would be held between the two nations.

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The Puerto Rican Airport is a comparatively small place with technology of a bygone era. But anyone, from above especially, could see losts of construction going around, the happy Spanish-Descended folks of an Island nation proudly working to build, expand, and put their funky little paradise out on the world Stage. The small Jet carrying Che was met with only a couple helicopters of the Republican Defense Forces; Some good ole fashioned cold-war Era Gun boats. The helicopters led the small jet to a specially cleared runway, past a very tall flag post proudly flying the FRPR's flag

The view from the small jet would give Che an Excellent view of San Juan, in the distance Carolina, and the many buildings they encompassed, as well as the natural tropical nature view of the island

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Landing roughly onto the runway, a large part because of pilot innexperience, the small jet came to a halt and El Commandante exited. Looking around, he didn't feel as though he was away from the Domincan Republic at all. He awaited the Puerto Rican's to greet him.

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A small delegation was awaiting him. A few nice old cars, probably from the 50's, and several suited men of varying colors (the suits were) were present. There were no heavy weapons or soldiers, and if the men in the suits were armed they didn't show it. The Lead Car man opened the back door to the car he stood next to.

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Appearing from the small plane came 5 of Che's hand picked guerrillas. Chosen for their loyalty, bravery, and their adept skill in guerrilla warfare. They saluted the Puerto Rican delegation while Che decifered the mans action as an invitation to enter the vehicle. He assumed all would be transported to the meeting place.

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OOC: BUMP, skip to the meeting :P

Commandante Che took his seat amongst the Puerto Rican delegation and his own team of revolution officials. They handed Che a folder with several documents inside. After scanning carefully over the documents he lifted his head and smiled, [i]"Let me begin by saying it is such an honor to be welcomed in Puerto Rico amongst our beloved cousins. This is a beautiful island."[/i] The guerrilla troops nodded smiled friendly to the Puerto Ricans. [i]"Well, I am here in representation of the Dominican Republic and the free people of Latin America and Caribbean. First order of business I had planned to discuss was the exchange of embassies between our nations. Would you be interested in such an agreement?[/i]

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OOC: sorry my funky funky Revolutionary. This DJ has been busy with Station maintenance; can't broadcast that pumpin' signal if all the business ain't taken care of, ya dig?


Juanito sat across from Che, and beside him were the other heads of state;
Department of Defense Head Alexander Quantico, and Maya Segriguez head of Internal State.

The entire group was sitting in the freshly built Lounge Seats high up on one of Puerto Rico's just recently finished Stadium's; the Estadio del Atlántico.
Juanito Looked at the notes, and set them down.
"Mr. Che, before we even get to this, I must give my Apologies for El Presidente's sudden change of venue. When he heard you were coming he immediately demanded that we all meet here. I can't even begin to ascertain as to why"

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Juanito sat straight in the fine chair overlooking the stadium through the tall glass window.
"The exchange would be no problem; you would be the first nation in the entire world to actually do it. We've had a couple minor offers of diplomatic relations but nothing else. It works very well for us" he said.

At that moment a beat could be heard.
"Ah, El Presidente is here" Juanito said, looking down into the stadium, where another old fashioned car was driving through the field. Clearly the bass was coming from the car. Way down below, a figure was scene hurrying to get out of the car. He vanished into the stadium.
Several minutes later, the doors burst open, and before them stood El Presidente Eriksen Frey.
"Sorry I'm late, compadre, I was about to leave for Washington for some Peace Summit. I just got the call an hour ago"

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Che stood to recieve El Presidente. [i]"Not a problem, Presidente Frey. I know this meeting is a bit short notice. I'm very glad you were able to make it. We were just in the dicussion for an embassy exchange, and there are several other topics I wish to touch on, should time permit. I am in no rush."[/i]

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"Then Neither am I" El Presidente Said, taking a seat at the head of the large table, in between Juanito and Che.
"what other topics you have on board, funky revolutionary? Don't worry about embassies for now, Juanito can give you the location where you can set yours up later. You guys would be the first, you know"

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[i]"That sounds excellent, and we would be honored to be the first to do so."[/i] Che revealed a cigar and offered it to El Presidente, [i]"I wished also, to speak with you on trade and free travel between our islands..but more importantly out of sheer curiousity, I am interested to know your view in regards to the Revolution for which we struggle: the freedom of Latin American countries from total consolidation from imperialist control. Our efforts have maintained the freedom of a handful of nations in Central America, & Puerto Rico counted amongst those free in the Caribbean."[/i]

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El Presidente waved away the cigar.
"If by imperialist hands, you mean the North Americans, then I'm not sure what yo say, Commandante. My little island paradise here isn't a fighting one. Our technology is old and to be honest we have no interest in sending troops or raising armies. That funky Holy American Empire seems pretty strong, and even if they have some silly notion about Puerto Rico being some kind of 'Daughter-State' (by the Way, Juanito, you're gonna still have to explain that to me), they strike me as pretty independent. Then of course there is all the nations between HAE and Texas that have formed, and all seem pretty set against a foreign intervention" el Presidente Paused, leaning back in his chair, his hands together in thought.

"I think, in the end, it depends on what your looking for in a free-independent latin country. I can support any and all freely elected governments by their people, if that's your drift, my funky comrade"

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[i]"By imperialism I mean domination by the several empires that have currently divvied up the Americas. Thankfully it appears we may have a new ally in the United States, tensions have cooled with Louisiana, and I hope to meet with the HAE very soon to discuss independance in teh region and bettering relations. My..eh..drift, is precisely free election and self-determination of all people. We fight to break the subjugation placed on the people of the Americas and Caribbean and allow them to follow their own free will." [/i]

Commandante Che puffed on his cigar, attempting to dull the emotionally provocative subject. Che saw himself responsible for leading the liberation movement. Was he doing enough? Cuba still has not been granted its independance, and so much energy towards one nation has freed no one. He had, though, helped unite the nations that where free and wondered what his next move could be.

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"But if it is American nations dominating other American regions, is it still subjugation? Is the liberation movement an [i]ethnic[/i] liberation movement? to give all ethnicities their own countries? or is it a region liberation, to make all political borders their own countries?" El Presidente asked, leaning back again. He took a vew moments to let silence in the room settle. Juanito was a little shocked; this was the most political, indeed philosophical he had ever seen El Presidente.
"The movement sounds nice when the purpose is vague, but in the end you must be clear on that stance, lest the revolucion dies. When you next ask me what I think about the revolucion, have that clear purpose in mind, commandante" El Presidente finished. There was more silence. This was clearly not El Presidente as he often presented himself.
"So, what is the next topic you have to bring to the table, my dominican friend?"

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[i]"When it is imperialism dominating free peoples, yes whether they are Americans within America or not." [/i]Che dropped his cigar and beat his fingers on the table. [i]"that's it!"[/i] he muttered clearly in deep thaught. He stood quickly and with a wide smile and renewed spark in his eyes, [i]"Mr.Presidente, I thank you so much for your time and your opinion. I must be heading back to the Republic...something or great importance has arisen. We will organize the embassy exchange and continue talks in the future. Forgive me, I know I told you I was in no rush, but there is something that needs to be done."[/i]

The group shook hands, and Che handed the Purto Rican president a pin of a Cuban flag, engraved with the word, "¡Libre!" before returning to their plane and swiftly heading back to the Dominican Republic.

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"El Presidente...that was...that was...truly remarkable" Juanito said in awe. el Presidente stood looking over the field, drink in hand.
"It's how you handle revolutionaries, Juanito. You gotta ask them to be clear of their purpose, or else its all just propaganda..."


OOC: :awesome: thread was :awesome:

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