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An Invitation from the Confederation

Lady Cierra

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Honourable leaders of Planet Bob-

Greetings, and blessings upon you!

I am Lady Cierra, Madame Presidente of the Seven Cities, and Paladin and co-founder of the Confederation of Allied Nations. I come to you today to invite those of you whom may be seeking a new home for your nation to take a closer look at the Confederation.

We are a small alliance, but we are close, and we are one of the oldest on this great planet. We were founded on July 1st, in the First Year of Bob (2006) by seven close-knit friends who wished to cement the relationship between their nations. Our goal was to strengthen and protect our sovereign rights as leaders and nations, and to create a peaceful, friendly haven for respectful, intelligent, peace-minded nations. Our membership numbers have fluctuated, and while we have always been small, we are content. We seek not huge, impressive statistics, but rather, diplomatic and personal respect as an alliance, and quality members who know and look out for one another. We have solid friendships with a wide variety of alliances, large, medium, and small, and are quite established diplomatically. As the oldest sovereign entity in the Purple trading sphere, we have no doubt that our stature in the realm of diplomacy will continue to grow in the months and years to come.

Membership in the Confederation comes with very simple but very essential benefits. Every member has a vote in alliance decisions. In those few matters that are not under the general membership's purview, every member still has the right- and is expected- to voice their thoughts, opinions, and concerns on the matter. Advancement opportunities are always available; at this point in time, there is a wide array of positions within the government open and available for worthy members. We also take a personal interest in the economic developement of every nation, offering guidance and tutoring for each nation, as well as generous grants for full members, once they've completed their training. Also, as each member nation is a sovereign entity in its own right, we place very few restrictions on the right of our members to wage war.

If you feel that the Confederation may be a good fit for your nation, we invite you to come visit us in our capital, Great Jim City, in the Imperium of Jim. We would be pleased to speak with you and learn about your nation and your peoples.

May the blessings of Freyja be always upon you thrones, your homes, and your lands.

OOC: our forums can be found here, and our charter, the Great Jim City Accords, here. you can also come introduce yourself and hang out in our IRC channel, #coan on esper. oh, and, uh, don't be upset if you get slapped with a trout upon entry into said channel :unsure:

we also give special LC cookies for friendly bumps! :)

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