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Maroon trade circles,


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Ok, so its that wonderful time of year when we try to improve maroonity by making a dedicated trade circle service.

So some rules: You need to check your in game PMs once a day, so that once we get you into a circle, the circle can be completed quickly, if for some reason you can't do that, PM me an email address that you can check.

Please don't ask for things you can't have, only certain resources fit in a given circle.

Only circles that have at least 3 people will be placed up on the forum, to avoid proliferation of incomplete circles with only one person. If there's no circles up that you fit into, we can still find a place for you, just leave your name and resources, and what you want, and we'll add you to a circle you fit into once we have a couple more people.

If you get a circle from a different service, or on your own, let us know.

If you want us to take over trying to finish your circle (maroon circles only), PM me in game with the details, including the names of the people who have agreed to join, as I'll need to confirm with them.

Circle actively being built:

Circle 1 AP/FJ/FF

Fur - Gen Beagle
Cattle - Gen Beagle
Coal - Sir Bjoern
Spices - Sir Bjoern
Gems - Captain Crunch
Sugar - Captain Crunch
Uranium - lozingstreak
Wine - lozingstreak
Pigs -
Silver -
Fish -
Gold -

PS: Yes, I know about the program pinned in this forum.

Edited by Requia
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