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The Canadian Empire - A working history

Zoot Zoot

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On the 20th January 2010 a message was sent to the State of Viniland before its collapse requesting independence. The Letter was from the Canadian province of Nunavut, the city of New London from a Mr Jack Hawk. The response was positive and Independence was declared across what was to be known as “New Canada”.

Due to the Geographical location of New Canada, the CAN or “Confederation of Arctic Nations”, was the local Alliance, and Mr Hunt believed it to be in the Nations best Interests to join this Alliance, and on the 25th January 2010, the application was accepted and New Canada became a full member of the CAN.

Soon after New Canada became a member of the CAN, wanted war criminal Barney Stone was traced into Canadian waters taking refuge on an Island just off the coast with a private army of around 15,000 people including men, women and children. Prime Minister Hawk sent a task force under the command of General Bonaparte to eradicate the threat and bring Stone in to pay for his crimes. So on the 9th February, Operation Malvinian Revenge was launched, which yielded the capture of Stone on the 13th of February, but sadly, he ordered the genocide of the civilians taking shelter with him.

With the realisation that criminals and an armed force of that size could reside in the Hudson Bay, the Canadian Government for the Hudson Bay Maritime Institute, which was comprised of all Nations around the Hudson Bay. The Organisation, founded 16th February, was a great hit in the region, providing stability, economic and militarily.

On the 26th of February Jack Hawk resigned as Prime Minister following a scandal involving the Dragon Cult, which caused a massive rebellion in the capital, resulting in the deaths of thousands of civilians and hundreds of Soldiers at Senate Square, New London. During his speech, Mr Hawk declared General Napoleon Bonaparte was to become First Consul for Life. A move which changed New Canada forever.

On the 6th and 16th of March, New Canada became a fully fledged naval power, with the buying of two Corvettes and two Battleships, HMS Vanguard, HMS Belfast HMS Sheffield and HMS Thunder-Child. The four ships of war were deployed swiftly with the HBMI patrols around the bay in anti piracy actions.

On the 22nd March, a day forever remembered as the greatest day for the Nation, First Consul Bonaparte and his Spouse, Josephine Bonaparte are named Emperor and Empress of New Canada. With the backing of the people, the senate and the military, it was put to a vote of whether the public wanted an Emperor, and it was a landslide victory for the Bonaparte's as they were coronated at St Michaels Cathedral New London.

On the 29th of March, more good news for the Bonaparte's as Josephine gives birth to her baby girl, Jessica Bonaparte. Almost loosing her life in childbirth however weakened the Empress and she didn't return to official duties for some months. Colour Sergeant Barnes saved the Empress's life as she went into early labour and began bleeding heavily, staunching the flow of blood, he managed to keep her alive long enough for the professional doctors to take over. He was awarded the Imperial Flower, the highest medal that can be awarded to serving soldier. Also on this day, a deal was struck with the Australian Government over a land purchase in Antarctica, the Empire expands to a new Continent.

On the 6th April, the war criminal Barney Stone was executed for his war crimes in New Eden, and against the civilians taking refuge with him on his Island fortress during Operation Malvinian Revenge.

The 7th of April, Emperor Bonaparte pledged $300,000,000 towards a massive culture project in New London. Plans to rebuild the Colossus of Rhodes were revealed at an Imperial announcement from the Palace. Bonaparte wants to make the Canadian Empire a major cultural destination, and to awe visiting delegations from around the globe. The ancient Colossus of Rhodes, which collapsed in an Earthquake thousands of years ago, was scrapped and sold to Arab merchants in pieces, Emperor Bonaparte is going to rebuild it.
It will stand astride the harbour entrance in New London, both legs planted 100 meters from each other, allowing for ships of all sizes to enter the harbour. It will stand at 350 meters tall, making it 24 meters taller than the Eiffel Tower.
It will be constructed out of Titanium Alloy, Steel, and gold plating.

On the 9th of April, After many test flights on the Coats Island facility, the military has successfully begin mass producing a new cruise missile. Dubbed "the Rod from God", the new missile can reach speeds of 550mph and can reach a range of 2,500km. Several variations are currently being built to replace the now,out dated cruise missile system, the Kh-55 or "Cheap shot" as it was named by its users.
Whilst the Kh-55 has a 500km range bonus, is it slower almost 100mph than its new counter part. The UGM-109, or "Rod from God" will be entering service next year, and will replace the Kh-55 missiles on the HMS Vanguard and HMS Belfast aswell as the B-52 bombers which have been modified for air launch cruise missile launches, approx twenty of the fifty plane group.

On the 10th of April the Government released this years consensus, and the Canadian Empire has now swelled to three million people. This number of citizens dwarves the previous consensus of when the Empire was still "New Canada", which was only at two and a half million.
April 12th was a sad day for the Empire, when Emperor Bonaparte, with support from the Senate, de-recognised the Nos Tre Republik and enacted the immediate ban on all NTR products, all NTR Nationals to be deported, all ships and aircraft turned away and refused entry to Canadian Airspace.

War envelops the Empire and the 13th of April as Emperor Bonaparte declares open war on the Tahoe Republic shortly after the Crimean declaration. A task force with 160,000 men was deployed to Alaska for an invasion of the region and the capture of Anchorage. Over 37 surface vessels took part in the operation, including four warships and the entire air force, which was based out of Blue Heavens western bases.

On the 14th of April, construction began on the Colossus project in New London, the date was brought forward to take peoples minds off the war. The entrance itself is being widened to 100 meters to accommodate the foundations and feet of the giant statue, and to allow ships of all sizes into the harbour beneath the statues legs. Massive amounts of gold have been bought and taken to the smelters and forges to create the thin sheets of gold that will cover the Collosus over its steel and titanium framework and internal infrastructure.

The 15th of April, the Fosters treaty is signed with Australia. The Fosters treaty was a simple Economic and Non aggression pact, but it brought the two nations together in an act of intercontinental friendship, which the Emperor hopes one day will flourish into an alliance.

On the 19th of April, National Service was implemented, the Army has grown in size from 190,000 to 250,000. The war with Tahoe has also brought at the many patriotic Canadians who simply needed the floodgates to open for them to sign up themselves. Whilst it was selective National Service, and the people can say no to conscription, almost 82% of all noticed handed out were met with recruits. Many bases sprang up around the nation to accommodate the growing military and train them. Also in the early hours of the 19th, the city of Anchorage was liberated from Tahoe after days of vicious street to street fighting, and fighting into the city right from the beachhead.

The 21st of April marks another great day for the Imperial Navy as another Corvette, christened the HMS Josephine and a new Battleship, christened HMS Napoleon Bonaparte complete their sea trials and join the armada in the bay of anchorage at the war zone. This increase in naval fire-power brings the Canadian Navy up to six active duty warships capable of dealing massive amounts of damage to an enemy.

Im not good enough iwth maths to transcribe the dates listed and change it to my own timescale
One day in CNRP is 3 hours, 25 minutes real time
One real life day, is 1 week in CNRP
Seven days in a week, transcribes to a month and a half in CNRP
Two weeks transcribes to 3 months in cnrp
Four weeks (Month), transcribes to 6 months in CNRP
Eight weeks (Two months) transcribes to a Year in CNRP

So just assume that its spread out over the course of just over a year.

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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