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The television flashes a few more boring SNAFU commercials, when suddenly the television goes blank.

A non-threatening english spokesperson slowly walks into the frame, and turns and looks directly at you.

[i][b]"This is an interruption from the usual SNAFU commercials, for an exclusive coverage on the herd of nations often reffered to as the SNAFU.

These SNAFU herds have existed on Planet Bob for as long as any human can remember, and their existence has always played a large part in the success of the different ecosystems throughout Planet Bob.

The order of power in SNAFU is similar to what we humans reffer to as monarchies; there is one set leader, and this leader chooses lesser nations to help keep control over the herd, and to make sure that all nations are properly provided for. However, the herd also decides which nation is allowed to be seated in lesser positions within the herd, proving that the power within the herd truely rests within its many members.

The nations within SNAFU are very social creatures, and tend to seek companionship at the waterhole, often reffered to as SNAFU forums. These SNAFU forums can be found by visiting the website http://cn-snafu.com/ .

At the SNAFU website, one can witness various actions being performed. One of the actions most witnessed at the SNAFU forums is the trading of food and other resources between smaller SNAFUians and the more dominant larger SNAFUians. It is amazing to witness the use of a bartering system being used in SNAFU; often, a larger nation will give protection to the smaller nations, often reffered to as 'money', and the smaller nations then give 'tech' to the bigger nations, thus ending the trade.

Often at these SNAFU forums, one can witness various conversations occuring, and if one waits long enough and remains quiet, you just might witness a game being played amongst the herd!

Another odd behavior found in SNAFU is the creation of sub-groups, often referred to as trade circles. Within these trade circles, one can witness six different nations providing various resources for one another, so as all six nations benefit from the companionship from each other.

However, while trade circles are a sub-groups based around resources, SNAFU also contains Companies. These Companies, while similar to trade circles, are several different nations who work together so as to hunt for food, and to more efficiently protect the SNAFU herd.

Oh! Look! If you look through the trees and bushes, you can see various members of different herds confronting the SNAFU herd! We must be close to an embassy, or a gathering of nations from different herds.

Finally, one cannot talk about the SNAFU tribe without commenting upon the acceptance of new members into the SNAFU herd. Often, lone nations will wander far and wide across Planet Bob to find a suitable herd, and many have joined the SNAFU herd over time.

Look! The leaders of the SNAFU herd have approached a lone nation, and are conducting a thorough examination of the nation! After much butt-sniffing, the nation is allowed to join the SNAFU herd!

Of course, one cannot examine SNAFU without talking about the more hostile, primitive behaviors of its members. When threatened, a SNAFU nation will often-"

The channel changes to a spanish SNAFU commercial:

[i][b]"Hola, senores and senoras, estoy Murder, un miembro de el gobierno de la alliance de SNAFU!
SNAFU es un gran grupa de gente, y SNAFU puede ayudarle convertirse un nacion de fuerte! Y-"


You go back to the channel with the show about the SNAFU herds, but the show has ended, and the SNAFU commercials are again airing. You throw your broken remote (hence the channel change) at the television, and walk away in a combination of anger and frustration.

Edited by murder
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