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The German Empire Announcement

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[quote]looks like your problems run deeper than simply finding more friends/members/ns. Unless you figure out exactly why your members have stopped responding and become apathetic then you will continue to circle the drain, and finding new friends won't solve that.[/quote]

Honwestly, if they really wanted to figure that out, there's a line of people out the door that would love to shed some light on why TGE seems to have had more internal issues in its existence than the rest of the Cyberverse combined.

Normally I never say good luck, but as I actually see a familiar (and friendly) face in the government, I'll do so in the hope y'all don't ruin it for Ethan. Oh, and Adam as well, I suppose. :P

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[quote name='AvengingAngel256' date='14 March 2010 - 11:15 PM' timestamp='1268623225' post='2225960']
A New Government announcement without a minister of War or Minister of Foreign Affairs? hmmm...[/quote]

Oddly tho, they (Adam & Toku) are listed as Ministers on their CN wiki page and wear the Minister tag on IRC not deputy! :rolleyes:

And for once, I couldn't agree more with Valdemar!

[u]Bonne chance[/u]

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[quote name='Valdemar' date='16 March 2010 - 05:49 PM' timestamp='1268776146' post='2227622']
This part:

really makes me :mad:

It was an unnecessary re-opening of an old wound, and a bad show altogether. Further, if Victoria actually [u]is[/u] that incompetent, what does that reflect upon the judgment of the one who placed her on the throne?

Further, while it would be a commendable, and perhaps even useful, [b]internal[/b] exercise for any alliance in crisis to take stock of what caused what when, this public airing of dirty laundry seems like making excuses, nothing more or less.

You know we love you, Hardenberg, but you make it so difficult sometimes.

Ehhh... Valdemar, you know I like you a lot, but you're nitpicking there. If that was a pot shot, I think the vast majority took it to be more of an admitting of a failure on their part. Exacerbating the comment only makes me think that it might have more truth to it than a sentence I read in passing.

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