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A variety of unfair bugs...


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During a war, I drag myself out of bed at 5am (here in Scotland) to meet update, only to find out of late that the game is not accessible, yet I keep trying and trying, then suddenly get on to see my nation in a mess as it seems Americans (that I know of) an still get on and attack etc. It could be argued that update is such a rediculous time for a large percentage of the game users... however this just makes it rediculous. Why is this happening? I have been playing the game for 3 years and have paid the maximum donation nearly every month, surely not so that the game can be weighted in favour of one continent over another?

Anyhoo, I then go on to try and fix the mess, and build up to fight back, and suddenly parts of my armoury go missing with no explanation at the time. Later I find a PM that has come very late. This is both unfair and frustrating.

What on earth is going on... please address these issues for a very loyal customer.

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Massive wars, like the one currently going on, bring a huge influx of traffic to the site around update time. If you've been playing the game for 3 years that shouldn't be any surprise to you. When big wars occur certain game features are disabled around update, such as instant PM notifications. The messages are there if you check your inbox. As for your ability to login at update, it's luck of the draw as the site only allows in a certain number of players as the servers can handle the load. Otherwise everyone would come rushing in all at once and the site would crash. I assure you that no one group or continent is favored over the other.

I've done everything within my ability over the past 4+ years to make big war updates run smoother and what you see is what you get.

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