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The Beginning of Spatial Cooperation


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OoC: This has been approved by JEDCJT.

Please note that the following post will most likely have scientific errors and inaccuracies, since I'm not really an expert on space technologies.


Springfield, Massachusetts

Federated States of America

After several months of research and development, the work of the geniuses behind the Leclerc-Sarkara Space Telescope had finally paid off. The Ariane 5 rocket carrying the Space Telescope was rolled out to the launch pad several days ago, and after several delays due to problems that ranged from severe weather conditions to rocket leaks, the Space Telescope was finally ready to be launched. Hundreds of civilians spectators as well as officials from the National Space Administration and the Disparuean Space Agency were at the launch site in order to have front-row seats for the rocket's liftoff.

At the Mission Control Centre, specialists made last-minute preparations as the countdown continued to tick towards zero. Anticipation began to increase as the countdown passed the one-minute mark, and after fifty incredibly long seconds, a voice began counting down the time over the PA system.











"Lift off!"


At that moment, the explosive bolts holding the rocket to the launch pad were detonated as the rocket's boosters ignited, slowly lifting the rocket into the sky. The deafening sound generated by the launch could be heard even from afar. The rocket began to soar upwards into the sky, leaving smoke trails in it's wake. Back on the ground, Mission Control's specialists and officials cheered - it was a successful launch.

The Ariane 5's main stage would soon be jettisoned. The rocket's second stage fired soon after, sending the rocket even higher. Upon achieving escape velocity, the payload was launched into space and began to head for it's destination - L2. It would take the Space Telescope at least six months to reach it's destination before it began it's science mission. It was expected to last for at least five years, however the goal was to extend the mission to ten years.


Soon after the launch, the Disparuean Space Agency would release the following statement:


Agence Spatiale Disparuenne | Disparuean Space Agency

Today, at 4:50 PM, an Ariane 5 rocket carrying the Leclerc-Sarkara Space Telescope was launched near the city of Springfield, Massachusetts in the Federated States of America. Named after two Canadian rulers, the Leclerc-Sarkara Space Telescope was jointly developed and constructed by the Disparuean and American governments, and was launched with the help of the American government. The Space Telescope will perform in the near-infrared range, and will be designed to look for light from the first stars and galaxies formed after the Big Bang. It will also be used to study the formation and evolution of galaxies, stars and planetary systems. The Leclerc-Sarkara Space Telescope is currently en route to Lagrangian point 2 (L2), which is a good spot for space-based observatories, as objects around L2 will maintain the same orientation with respect to the Sun and Earth, making shielding and calibration much simpler.

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Shortly after the announcement by the Disparuean Space Agency, the National Space Agency made its own announcement:



We confirm that we, indeed, have helped to develop and launch the Leclerc-Sarkara Space Telescope in a joint project with Disparu. It has been an utmost pleasure to work together with our Disparuean counterparts in the Disparuean Ministry of Space and Technology and now the Disparuean Space Agency (DSA). Through this endeavor, we have made an important milestone in the field of science and opened up a new chapter in the book of space exploration.

- John Kinney, spokesman of the National Space Agency.

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The Kingdom of Cochin congratulates Disparu and New England on the launching of this space telescope which is an example to the spirit of international cooperation that should exist between the space faring nations of the world.

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