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The craft was barely more than a yacht. Hardly noticeable as things went. Not large enough to carry much of a cargo, just big enough to weather any storms that might come up.

The Conundrum wasn't there to bring any cargo. The only cargo was a very important person, one who was actually below right now as they came into port and called ahead for their arrival.

OOC: Forgot to say, this is closed to myself and Kevz

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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The Conundrum wasn't stopped by the patrol boats of the Principality as it was deemed nothing more than a minor threat and the twin AA guns on the harbour entrance could easily turn the vessel into nothing more than pieces of floating wreckage. The vessel quickly made its way through the harbour and was told to pull up next to a section of the dockside which was occupied by a team of heavily armed soldiers, waiting nearby was also a jeep with a .50 cal machine gun for support, who waited for whoever was on the yacht to disembark.

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The Conundrum wasn't stopped by the patrol boats of the Principality as it was deemed nothing more than a minor threat and the twin AA guns on the harbour entrance could easily turn the vessel into nothing more than pieces of floating wreckage. The vessel quickly made its way through the harbour and was told to pull up next to a section of the dockside which was occupied by a team of heavily armed soldiers, waiting nearby was also a jeep with a .50 cal machine gun for support, who waited for whoever was on the yacht to disembark.

The Conundrum complied with the docking procedures. Whoever was at the helm looked unconcered, even after seeing all the weaponry in place to defend the harbor. When the gangplank was lowered, a single figure disembarked. Whoever it was seemed to merely be average-sized, though the clothing was too bulky to allow for ready identification of their gender, and a hood obscured the features of their face.

The figure stopped once they stepped onto the dock, clearly taking in the security measures. A low chuckle emanated from behind the hood until it was lowered, revealing piercing gray eyes, short, dark hair--and a young face. This person could not be any older than eighteen, and yet they were clearly used to being in authority by the way they held their back straight--and was unafraid of meeting anyone's eyes.

They finally spoke, revealing that he was male. "I'm impressed," was the first thing out of his mouth as he nodded. "Now, if the person in charge isn't here, I'd like to be taken to speak with them."

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The team of soldiers had immediatly brought their assault weapons to bear on the young man, though they were slightly impressed by the way he didn't flinch or seem bothered at all. The team leader relayed the young man's request to headquarters and after recieving confirmation they lead the young man to the port office where Snake waited looking out over the harbour complex.

"I hear you wanted to see me" he said without turning around to face the young man.

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So, it wasn't a long distance. This man liked to keep a close eye on his operations, no doubt. "You heard correctly, then," he said with a small smile.

He held out a piece of paper with a symbol on it, one that might prove familiar to some of the Principality members.


"Our respective organizations had a fairly profitable first contact in Darina. I came here to see if further business was possible."

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"Oh further business is indeed possible, right now we are supplying a mutual friend of ours who will need some serious grade vessel munitions, corvette sized to specific, and we ourselves are preparing to take this country into our control by military force. I can tell you now the Principality will be willing to buy whatever munitions you can spare" replied Snake.

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The smile widened. "Excellent. Though I don't think The Guild can supply enough weapons and ammunition for an entire army, we can certainly outfit a good portion of your forces, and your friends. What would you have to offer in exchange? Other than safe passage for ships belonging to my organization, of course. That has to be a given."

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