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Disparuean Research and Military Developments


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  • 1 month later...


At the behest of Chancellor Atkin, the Ministry of Defence has begun a complete overhaul of Disparu's defence systems as well as the Disparuean Forces' bases. To start off, the MInistry had to map out the exact location of the installations in question.

[u]Map 1 — Missile-Based Defences[/u]

The map refers to defence installations that primarily relies on missiles and other projectiles, though these defences are generally aided by other systems, such as satellites and automatic control systems.


[*]The blue dots are installations of the Aurasphere, Disparu's anti-missile defence system. Aurasphere is composed of four main components; SLADS (which protects the southwest), BADS (protects the north), AADS (protects the east) and the BMNDS (uses space-based and ground-based systems to protect the nation from nuclear ICBMs).
[*]The red dots are ICBM launch sites. Some of them contain two missiles, while the rest only contain one. These sites are heavily defended to prevent unauthorized launches.
[*]The orange dots are nuclear ICBM launch sites. Each contain two missiles. These sites are also heavily defended.

The Aurasphere installations primarily communicate through landlines, however, in the event that these lines become unusable, they can switch to communication via satellite. Both methods are encrypted. The installations can be controlled individually or collectively, and can be controlled on-site or remotely. In paper, only Government networks are able to control the system remotely since the system first authenticates the connecting server several times before allowing access. Plus, the connecting server must be properly configured to receive and decipher signals from the system.

The ICBM launch sites are manned individually and cannot be controlled remotely.

[u]Map 2 — Disparuean Forces Bases[/u]


[*]The blue dots are bases used by the Land Force Command and the Expeditionary Command.
[*]The red dots are Aerospace Command bases.
[*]The orange dots are military ports used and/or operated by Maritime Command.

[u]Map 3 — Land/Sea Defences[/u]


[*]The yellow lines are anti-ship defences along the coast. A somewhat significant of these defences have already been built.
[*]The purple lines are land-based defences, if you can even call them that. This will consist of three separate fences. Two parallel barbed wire fences will be constructed on the areas highlighted on the map. On the middle of these fences will be an electric fence. To prevent civilians from accidentally getting killed in these defences, warning signs in English, French and Spanish will be posted along the border. Of course, all of this will be done within Disparuean territory.

[u]Additional Defencive Measures[/u]

Camouflaged and armed military outposts, as well as anti-tank and anti-infantry defence installations, will be constructed along roads and paths leading to the Atlantic States, the Great Lakes Provinces and the Republic of York. Just in case. In addition to this, Czech hedgehogs, sandbags, barricades, turrets and anti-air defences will be installed in important Government locations, such as the New Parliament Building. the Disparuean Forces' HQ, the provinces' Parliament buildings, Jubilife's rue Kennedy (which houses several federal ministries) and other locations.

To ensure the survival of the Disparuean Government in the event of a major security breach, the Government has begun the construction of fortified underground bunkers. These bunkers will be EMP-proof and will house all the necessary equipment and furnishings needed to ensure the survival and operation of the Government. There will be seven bunkers in total, each of them located a few miles outside of a particular city. They will be located on the outskirts of Jubilife, Montreal, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Rimouski, Quebec, Eterna and Ivujivik. They can be accessed via an enforced tunnel that will link important Government buildings to the bunkers/ They can also be accessed via a hidden entrance aboveground.

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  • 2 weeks later...


After years of (somewhat) painstaking work, engineers at the Ministry of Science and Technology have finally (somewhat) mastered the concept of computer-controlled weapons. The system they've developed, which was officially known as digitAL, was far superior to the technology originally used in the kamikaze UAVs they've developed in the past and the sample technology provided to the Coruscantans. The new technology would be deployed in most of Disparu's UAVs, missile launchers, artillery and more.

Meanwhile, the Ministry's computer engineers had finally developed a beta version of the operating system they've been tasked to code. The new OS, known as Blue Maple, uses an architecture similar to UNIX, which is less vulnerable than Windows-based OSes. It features a built-in software and hardware firewall, as well as anti-virus software that uses signatures from the top three antivirus companies. With the exception of those that will be installed on Internet servers, the OSes will prevent the computer from connecting to the Internet and can only connect to computers in the Government intranet. Meanwhile, those installed in Internet servers will have limited access to the Government intranet itself. The OS's also uses an extremely secure communications protocol to communicate with the intranet.

Of course, it was still in beta, so many more features could be included in the future.

Meanwhile, the military has begun replacing its electronic equipment's screens with [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corning Incorporated#Gorilla_Glass"]Gorilla Glass[/url], which can be more durable and thinner than the normal glass and plastics used for their equipment.

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Th Government has commissioned the Ministry of Defence to construct an array of passive sonar and ultrasound stations in order to help them track down vessels within its waters. This new system will be complemented by existing equipment such as radar stations, satellites, thermal imaging, surveillance cameras and more. The Government has also commissioned the Ministry to construct three pairs of SOSUS listening stations along the St. Lawrence River. They will be located outside Montreal, Quebec and Rimouski. SOSUS stations will also be constructed between Akiminski Island and the mainland, and Akpatok Island and the mainland. In addition to this, the Government has also began to take steps to protect its valuable assets near bodies of water from frogmen, or combat divers/swimmers. They can be detected through thermal-based or ultrasound-based detectors, and can be dispatched through...more conventional methods.

The Government has also commissioned to develop a weapon akin to the Active Denial System. This can primarily be used against violent protesters and rioters, though can also be used in a combat situation. The Ministries have also been commissioned to develop a series of robots akin to the PackBot. Four robot designs will be developed and made: one that can detect, identify and dispose explosives, one that can detect radioactivity and harmful chemical agents, a robot that can be sent to a dangerous area to investigate, and a robot that can calculate the exact location of a sniper. All of these can be used in both civilian and military scenarios. The Ministries will also develop two more robots to be used in warfare: the XM1219 Armed Robotic Vehicle and the TALON. Both can be used for reconnaissance and attacks against enemy forces.

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[quote][font="Courier New"][center][b]Ministère de la Défense | Ministry of Defence
Jubilife, Coronet, Disparu[/b]


[b]Sujet / Subject:[/b] [u]Audit on Ministry Assets in the Former Protectorate of Labrador[/u]


This audit has been written and published as per Minister Snap's request to create a report on the Ministry of Defence's, as well as the Ministry of Science and Technology's, various assets, equipment and institutions in the former Disparuean Protectorate of Labrador.

I am pleased to say that all Disparuean Forces bases in Labrador have been shut down and all equipment and troops have been returned to Disparu. The bases have been handed over to the local Labradorean government; they may choose what they want with them. The same goes for the planned sea-based defences we had in Labrador. All Aurasphere defence towers have also been taken offline and disconnected from the rest of the system, and control has also been handed to the local government. These towers are now independent of each other and cannot be used against Disparu. The two nuclear ICBMs in our nuclear silo in Labrador have also been vacated and taken offline; the ICBMs were successfully retrieved and returned to Disparu. Also, our military dolphins were also successfully acquired and have been shipped to a secret military base near Trois-Rivières.

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[quote][font="Courier New"][center][b]Ministère de la Défense | Ministry of Defence
Jubilife, Coronet, Disparu[/b]


[b]Sujet / Subject:[/b] [u]Concerning Project Arceus[/u]


Minister Snap,

We have secured a stable source of uranium during the past few months; hence we were able to restart our construction of nuclear ICBMs. A total of fourteen more ICBMs have been constructed and added to our existing stockpile. They will be deployed to our new nuclear silos within the next few weeks.

Operation NEUTER has been prepared and is ready to launch. We are only waiting for your authorization.
[quote][font="Courier New"][center][b]Ministère de la Défense | Ministry of Defence
Jubilife, Coronet, Disparu[/b]


[b]Sujet / Subject:[/b] [u]Report on Artemis Global Products[/u]


Minister Snap,

This report is to follow up your request to audit our recent transaction with Artemis Global.

[*]The 20 Forge units have been given to Land Force Command.
[*]The 10 Sparrows and 3 2062 UAVs have been given to Aerospace Command.
[*]The 1,000 Artemis Philtre units have been given to Special Operations.
[*]The 1,500 Artemis Two-Wave units are officially owned by Aerospace Command, however they would also be used by Maritime Command. We are planning on installing two units on each fighter aircraft, heavy transport aircraft and helicopter, while the rest will be installed to our surface ships.

Burnell Labossière
Chief of Defence
[quote][font="Courier New"][center][b]Ministère de la Défense | Ministry of Defence
Jubilife, Coronet, Disparu[/b]


[b]Sujet / Subject:[/b] [u]Concerning Aurasphere[/u]


Aurasphere's range, sensitivity and success rates have been greatly increased due to recent upgrades and expansions on its systems and equipment. It is now complimented by more over-the-horizon radar systems, conventional radar, thermal sensors, two new Rayquaza satellites and more anti-missile towers throughout the nation.



The Disparuean Space Agency is pleased to announce that the Disparuean Martian rover, [i]Gallade[/i], has successfully landed on the Martian surface and is now beginning its scientific mission there. The data it has sent back to Earth has been extremely useful and exciting so far. The data is being relayed by [i]Giratina[/i], our Martian orbiter.


The Agency is also pleased to announce that we have successfully launched [i]Jirachi[/i], a space probe. Over the next few weeks it will calibrate and test out its equipment while being guided through interplanetary space by our engineers and scientists. It is currently headed for Jupiter, where it will perform observations on it and its satellites before using gravity to slingshot itself to Pluto. When it reaches the planet, it will perform observations and experiments on it and its satellite, Charon, before heading out into interstellar space.


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[quote][font="Courier New"][center][b]Ministère de la Défense | Ministry of Defence
Jubilife, Coronet, Disparu[/b]


[b]Sujet / Subject:[/b] [u]Organization of the Disparuean Forces' Aerospace Command[/u]


Aerospace Command is currently in possession of 721 military aircraft, distributed into 60 squadrons, as well as 480 logistics aircraft, distributed into 40 squadrons. All 100 squadrons are distributed to four wings, as shown below.

[b]1 Wing Coronet - 21 Military Squadrons, 10 Logistics Squadrons[/b]

[*] 1[sup]st[/sup] Zapdos Elite Defencive Squadron (12 T-50s)
[*] 2[sup]nd[/sup] Zapdos Elite Offensive Squadron (12 B-2s)
[*] 3[sup]rd[/sup] Fearow Elite Reconnaissance Squadron (10 Sparrows, 3 2062 UAVs)
[*] 4[sup]th[/sup] UAV Advance Squadron (12 Kamikaze UAVs)
[*] 5[sup]th[/sup] UAV Advance Squadron (12 Kamikaze UAVs)
[*] 6[sup]th[/sup] Staraptor Offensive Squadron (12 Su-34s)
[*] 7[sup]th[/sup] Gatineau Defencive Squadron (12 F-22s)
[*] 8[sup]th[/sup] Outaouais-Laurentides Offensive Squadron (12 Tu-160s)
[*] 9[sup]th[/sup] Montreal Defencive Squadron (12 F-35s)
[*] 10[sup]th[/sup] Greater Montreal Defencive Squadron (12 F-22s)
[*] 11[sup]th[/sup] Mauricie Defencive Squadron (12 F-22s)
[*] 12[sup]th[/sup] Mauricie Offensive Squadron (12 Tu-160s)
[*] 13[sup]th[/sup] Greater Quebec Defencive Squadron (12 F-35s)
[*] 14[sup]th[/sup] Jubilife-Mistissini Defencive Squadron (12 T-50s)
[*] 15[sup]th[/sup] Sherbrooke Defencive Squadron (12 F-22s)
[*] 16[sup]th[/sup] Montérégie Offensive Squadron (12 Tu-160s)
[*] 17[sup]th[/sup] Drummondville Defencive Squadron (12 F-22s)
[*] 18[sup]th[/sup] Abitibi-Témiscamingue Offensive Squadron (12 Tu-160s)
[*] 19[sup]th[/sup] North Coronet Assault Helicopter Squadron (12 RAH-66s)
[*] 20[sup]th[/sup] South Coronet Assault Helicopter Squadron (12 RAH-66s)
[*] 21[sup]st[/sup] Supersonic Reconnaissance Squadron (12 SR-71s)
[*] 61[sup]st[/sup] Heavy Strategic Airlift Fleet (12 An-124s)
[*] 62[sup]nd[/sup] Long-Range Transport Fleet (12 A400Ms)
[*] 63[sup]rd[/sup] Long-Range Transport Fleet (12 A400Ms)
[*] 64[sup]th[/sup] Strategic Airlift Fleet (12 C-5Ms)
[*] 65[sup]th[/sup] Strategic Airlift Fleet (12 C-5s)
[*] 66[sup]th[/sup] Strategic Airlift Fleet (12 C-17s)
[*] 67[sup]th[/sup] Aerial Refuelling Fleet (12 A330s)
[*] 68[sup]th[/sup] Osprey Transport Helicopter Fleet (12 V-22s)
[*] 69[sup]th[/sup] Chinook Transport Helicopter Fleet (12 CH-47s)
[*] 70[sup]th[/sup] Sea Dragon Transport Helicopter Fleet (12 CH-53s)

[b]2 Wing Almia - 18 Military Squadrons, 10 Logistics Squadrons[/b]

[*] 22[sup]nd[/sup] Moltres Elite Defencive Squadron (12 T-50s)
[*] 23[sup]rd[/sup] Moltres Elite Offensive Squadron (12 B-2s)
[*] 24[sup]th[/sup] UAV Advance Squadron (12 Kamikaze UAVs)
[*] 25[sup]th[/sup] UAV Advance Squadron (12 Kamikaze UAVs)
[*] 26[sup]th[/sup] Atlantic Advance Squadron (12 F-15Es)
[*] 27[sup]th[/sup] Central Eterna Defencive Squadron (12 F-35s)
[*] 28[sup]th[/sup] Greater Eterna Defencive Squadron (12 F-35s)
[*] 29[sup]th[/sup] Côte-Nord Defencive Squadron (12 F-22s)
[*] 30[sup]th[/sup] Côte-Nord Offensive Squadron (12 Tu-160s)
[*] 31[sup]st[/sup] Saguenay—Lac-Saint-Jean Defencive Squadron (12 F-22s)
[*] 32[sup]nd[/sup] Saguenay—Lac-Saint-Jean Offensive Squadron (12 Tu-160s)
[*] 33[sup]rd[/sup] Western Anticosti Island Defencive Squadron (12 F-22s)
[*] 34[sup]th[/sup] Eastern Anticosti Island Defencive Squadron (12 F-22s)
[*] 35[sup]th[/sup] Anticosti Island Offensive Squadron (12 Tu-160s)
[*] 36[sup]th[/sup] Torngat Mountains Defencive Squadron (12 F-22s)
[*] 37[sup]th[/sup] Torngat Mountains Offensive Squadron (12 Tu-160s)
[*] 38[sup]th[/sup] West Almia Assault Helicopter Squadron (12 RAH-66s)
[*] 39[sup]th[/sup] East Almia Assault Helicopter Squadron (12 RAH-66s)
[*] 71[sup]st[/sup] Heavy Strategic Airlift Fleet (12 An-124s)
[*] 72[sup]nd[/sup] Long-Range Transport Fleet (12 A400Ms)
[*] 73[sup]rd[/sup] Long-Range Transport Fleet (12 A400Ms)
[*] 74[sup]th[/sup] Strategic Airlift Fleet (12 C-5Ms)
[*] 75[sup]th[/sup] Strategic Airlift Fleet (12 C-5s)
[*] 76[sup]th[/sup] Strategic Airlift Fleet (12 C-17s)
[*] 77[sup]th[/sup] Aerial Refuelling Fleet (12 A330s)
[*] 78[sup]th[/sup] Osprey Transport Helicopter Fleet (12 V-22s)
[*] 79[sup]th[/sup] Chinook Transport Helicopter Fleet (12 CH-47s)
[*] 80[sup]th[/sup] Sea Dragon Transport Helicopter Fleet (12 CH-53s)

[b]3 Wing Nunavik - 17 Military Squadrons, 10 Logistics Squadrons[/b]

[*] 40[sup]th[/sup] Articuno Elite Defencive Squadron (12 T-50s)
[*] 41[sup]st[/sup] Articuno Elite Offensive Squadron (12 B-2s)
[*] 42[sup]nd[/sup] UAV Advance Squadron (12 Kamikaze UAVs)
[*] 43[sup]rd[/sup] UAV Advance Squadron (12 Kamikaze UAVs)
[*] 44[sup]th[/sup] Ivujivik Defencive Squadron (12 F-35s)
[*] 45[sup]th[/sup] Kuujjuaq Defencive Squadron (12 F-22s)
[*] 46[sup]th[/sup] Nemiscau Defencive Squadron (12 F-22s)
[*] 47[sup]th[/sup] Matagami Defencive Squadron (12 F-22s)
[*] 48[sup]th[/sup] Akiminski Defencive Squadron (12 F-22s)
[*] 49[sup]th[/sup] Akiminski Offensive Squadron (12 Tu-160s)
[*] 50[sup]th[/sup] Jamésie Offensive Squadron (12 Tu-160s)
[*] 51[sup]st[/sup] Kativik Offensive Squadron (12 Tu-160s)
[*] 52[sup]nd[/sup] Ungava Bay Defencive Squadron (12 F-22s)
[*] 53[sup]rd[/sup] Ungava Bay Offensive Squadron (12 Tu-160s)
[*] 54[sup]th[/sup] Akiminski Defencive Squadron (12 F-22s)
[*] 55[sup]th[/sup] Akiminski Offensive Squadron (12 Tu-160s)
[*] 56[sup]th[/sup] East Hudson Bay Defencive Squadron (12 F-22s)
[*] 81[sup]st[/sup] Heavy Strategic Airlift Fleet (12 An-124s)
[*] 82[sup]nd[/sup] Long-Range Transport Fleet (12 A400Ms)
[*] 83[sup]rd[/sup] Long-Range Transport Fleet (12 A400Ms)
[*] 84[sup]th[/sup] Strategic Airlift Fleet (12 C-5Ms)
[*] 85[sup]th[/sup] Strategic Airlift Fleet (12 C-5s)
[*] 86[sup]th[/sup] Strategic Airlift Fleet (12 C-17s)
[*] 87[sup]th[/sup] Aerial Refuelling Fleet (12 A330s)
[*] 88[sup]th[/sup] Osprey Transport Helicopter Fleet (12 V-22s)
[*] 89[sup]th[/sup] Chinook Transport Helicopter Fleet (12 CH-47s)
[*] 90[sup]th[/sup] Sea Dragon Transport Helicopter Fleet (12 CH-53s)

[b]5 Wing Gaspésie - 4 Military Squadrons, 10 Logistics Squadrons[/b]

[*] 57[sup]th[/sup] Rimouski Defencive Squadron (12 F-35s)
[*] 58[sup]th[/sup] Gaspé Defencive Squadron (12 F-35s)
[*] 59[sup]th[/sup] Gaspésie Offensive Squadron (12 Tu-160s)
[*] 60[sup]th[/sup] Bas-Saint-Laurent Offensive Squadron (12 Tu-160s)
[*] 91[sup]st[/sup] Heavy Strategic Airlift Fleet (12 An-124s)
[*] 92[sup]nd[/sup] Long-Range Transport Fleet (12 A400Ms)
[*] 93[sup]rd[/sup] Long-Range Transport Fleet (12 A400Ms)
[*] 94[sup]th[/sup] Strategic Airlift Fleet (12 C-5Ms)
[*] 95[sup]th[/sup] Strategic Airlift Fleet (12 C-5s)
[*] 96[sup]th[/sup] Aerial Refuelling Fleet (12 A330s)
[*] 97[sup]th[/sup] Osprey Transport Helicopter Fleet (12 V-22s)
[*] 98[sup]th[/sup] Osprey Transport Helicopter Fleet (12 V-22s)
[*] 99[sup]th[/sup] Chinook Transport Helicopter Fleet (12 CH-47s)
[*] 100[sup]th[/sup] Chinook Transport Helicopter Fleet (12 CH-47s)

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Due to recent changes both at home and abroad, the Ministry of Defence had been required to reevaluate its defence plans and revise them to make them more effective.

[u]Map 1 — Missile-Based Defences[/u]

The map refers to defence installations that primarily relies on missiles and other projectiles, though these defences are generally aided by other systems, such as satellites and automatic control systems.


[*]The blue dots are installations of the Aurasphere, Disparu's anti-missile defence system. Aurasphere is composed of four main components; SLADS (which protects the southwest), BADS (protects the north), AADS (protects the east) and the BMNDS (uses space-based and ground-based systems to protect the nation from nuclear ICBMs).
[*]The red dots are ICBM launch sites. They usually contain two missiles. These sites are heavily defended to prevent unauthorized launches.
[*]The orange dots are nuclear ICBM launch sites. Each contain two missiles. These sites are also heavily defended.

The Aurasphere installations primarily communicate through landlines, however, in the event that these lines become unusable, they can switch to communication via satellite. Both methods are encrypted. The installations can be controlled individually or collectively, and can be controlled on-site or remotely. In paper, only Government networks are able to control the system remotely since the system first authenticates the connecting server several times before allowing access. Plus, the connecting server must be properly configured to receive and decipher signals from the system.

The ICBM launch sites are manned individually and cannot be controlled remotely.

[u]Map 2 — Disparuean Forces Bases[/u]


[*]The purple dots are bases used by the Land Force Command and the Expeditionary Command.
[*]The orange dots are Aerospace Command bases.
[*]The blue dots are military ports used and/or operated by Maritime Command.

[u]Map 3 — Land/Sea Defences[/u]


[*]The cyan lines are anti-ship defences along the coast. A somewhat significant of these defences have already been built.
[*]The green lines are land-based defences. This will consist of three separate fences. Two parallel barbed wire fences will be constructed on the areas highlighted on the map. On the middle of these fences will be an electric fence. To prevent civilians from accidentally getting killed in these defences, warning signs in English, French and Spanish will be posted along the border. Artillery and other defences will also be set up in the event that a stronger force decides to overcome our defences. Of course, all of this will be done within Disparuean territory.

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  • 1 month later...


The construction of the cores of several Government bunkers throughout Disparu have been mostly completed. The structures generally consist of a concrete-and-steel reinforced room containing living quarters, hardened communications equipment, a situation room, a supply of weapons, food and potable water, as well as a detoxification room. The Ministry of Defence, with the help of other ministries, is planning on expanding the bunkers into a more advanced and efficient network so that Government activities could resume in the event of an unexpected attack.

The Ministry of Science and Technology has also finished development on the Blue Maple OS. The final version contains features standard to many consumer OSes in the market, as well as features enhanced and/or added by the Ministry. The new OS has upgraded security capabilities over older versions - the antivirus is now able to detect and possibly remove malware not recorded in its database (a technique known as "heuristics"), while the firewall now has the ability to detect attacks against the network and take immediate precautions, such as disconnecting connections to the source of the attack. The OS also uses a series of secure protocols that it can switch to when an attack has been detected by the network's main computers. This is only the tip of the iceberg, of course; there are other features as well.

Due to a major bug detected in the MoST-MoD's digitAL system, all aircraft and vehicles utilizing it will also be partially guided by human controllers. While financially expensive, this will open up new jobs to Disparueans, therefore improving the economy.

The setup and deployment of sonar equipment and SOSUS stations throughout Disparu's coasts have been extremely successful and are nearing completion. The same applies to the construction of land- and air-based defences throughout the nation. The Ministry of Defence has also commissioned the construction of SOSUS stations in Disparu's newly-acquired territories in Baffin Island. This will enable the Ministry to better patrol transportation in and out of the Hudson Bay.

The Government has also finished the construction of three more nuclear missile silos; these are currently awaiting missiles from the Ministry of Science and Technology's Project Arceus. (OoC: Bought a Hidden Nuclear Missile Silo in-game. :D)

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  • 4 weeks later...


Longueuil used to be the envy of the world.

Before the fall of communist Canada, the facility Isabelle was in right now produced scientific marvels that comic-writers only dreamt of many decades prior. Spaceports, space elevators, space stations, space shuttles; everything space-related was most likely being worked on by this very facility. Now, however, it was merely a resonating chamber, a generic construction facility at the bottom rung of the world's space programs, a place where the Government tries to relive the glorious technocratic days of the past. But still, she was glad with the progress the Ministry has done since she took office more than a year ago. Compared to her predecessor, who basically did nothing during his term, the Ministry was progressing at light speed.

At the moment, she was inspecting DSV [i]Galileo[/i]'s construction. After several talks with private investors, the Ministry of Finance, and the Government at large, she, along with several prominent scientists, engineers and political experts, was finally able to convince all of them to give more funds to the space program. As a result, plans for the DSVs were completely redrawn and revised. The DSV was now larger and capable of bringing more cosmonauts and payloads to space. This also caused the craft's propulsion system to dramatically change; instead of one rocket propelling it to space, two solid boosters and a large external tank would now help it launch itself. The final design looked extremely similar to the space shuttles built by the first United States and communist Canada. This was, of course, expected; after all, the DSA based most of their research and construction on the work done by the brilliant minds of NASA and CSA.

"Isabelle, I'm surprised to see you here. Aren't you supposed to be at Jubilife?" inquired a voice next to her. Turning, she noticed it was Mark Devon, the Disparuean Space Agency's Director.

Isabelle returned her gaze to the incomplete DSV. "It's my job as Minister of Science and Technology to oversee this Ministry's work, Mark. I've given you a lot of money to make this project work, so I wanted to see if you were spending your time wisely. You haven't disappointed me so far."

"Yes, yes indeed..." replied Mark, turning towards the hundreds of engineers working on the project. "The new version is a beauty, isn't she? It's definitely an improvement over the old one." Mark glanced at a clipboard he was holding. "Their names are pretty good too. De Champlain, Galileo, Gauss, Pascal...my, you really like men of science, don't you?"

Isabelle rolled her eyes. "I wasn't the one who named these ships, Mark. Besides, de Champlain isn't even a scientist or anything."

"Spare me your !@#$%^&*, Isabelle. Your so-called naming committee probably succumbed to your preferences," he said chuckling. "I'm surprised you didn't use Leclerc's name, though. You usually name everything after him—the [i]Leclerc[/i] Space Centre, the [i]Leclerc[/i]-Sarkara Space Telescope...hell, if I changed your name to Leclerc Leclerc, you probably wouldn't mind."

Isabelle shot an angry look at him. "Mark, I wasn't responsible for any of those, the DSA was. Now, if you don't want me to pull your funding, I'd recommend that you shut up."

"Oh come on, Isabelle. Everyone working for you knows that you idolize Dr. Leclerc's work," he said, smugly.

Isabelle looked extremely annoyed at this point. To prevent herself from dissolving the DSA with one stroke of a pen, she decided to change the subject. "What the hell do you want, Devon?"

"Oh, right." He flipped through his clipboard. "Oh, here we go. His Majesty Lance wishes to receive a report on the DSVs' construction progress. As you might now, His Majesty has a Master in Engineering and was involved in the aerospace industry before his rise as a prominent political figure..."

"Yes, I know. He was also a journalist. Carry on."

"His Majesty also wishes to be part of the first crew of the DSV program. He's an engineer too, so he can probably be a mission specialist or something..."



The Disparuean Space Agency (DSA) is proud to announce that Heatran, a robotic space probe dedicated to finding more about the largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter, was successfully launched yesterday afternoon from a launch centre outside Eterna. The probe has been successfully deployed to interplanetary space and is currently en route to the gas giant. Over the next few weeks, our scientists and engineers will be performing calibrations and tests on the probe to ensure that all of its components are properly functioning. This, of course, includes JED, the atmospheric entry probe on board Heatran.

In other news, we would like to inform you that all of our other programs are currently performing extremely well. The Leclerc-Sarkara Space Telescope, launched nearly ten months ago, has given the field of astronomy a rare glimpse of the first stars and galaxies in the universe, and has also given insight on how exactly galaxies, stars and planetary systems form and evolve. The Giratina orbiter, which is currently in orbit above Mars, is still performing its mission extremely well. Besides acting as a communications relay for the Gallade probe below, it has also photographed nearly half of the red planet's surface. It has also meticulously observed the planet's northern and southern ice caps. Meanwhile, the Gallade probe continues its mission on the surface. Even though most of the tests conducted by it has shown that Mars is, indeed, sterile, it has also shown proof that water may have flown through the planet's surface a few billion years ago. Back in space, the Jirachi probe continues its mission to Pluto and Charon. It has passed all of its calibration tests so far, and is currently heading to Jupiter for a flyby and gravitational assist.


The DSA is also proud to announce that, due to increased funding from the Government, we have revised our plan to send Disparueans into orbit. Instead of using small, crammed spacecraft, the Agency will now be using larger and more advanced spacecraft. The new shuttle will be able to stay longer in space, carry more payload, and carry more crew members. It will also be equipped with the Canadarm to assist our cosmonauts in their work in space.



[quote][font="Courier New"][center][b]Ministère de la Défense | Ministry of Defence
Jubilife, Coronet, Disparu[/b]


[b]Sujet / Subject:[/b] [u]Maritime Command Report[/u]


It is extremely disheartening to report that five of our ships—DMCS [i]Archaic[/i], DMCS [i]Furukawa[/i], DMCS [i]Okazaki[/i], DMCS [i]Nagato[/i] and DMCS [i]Johnson[/i]—totaling three battleships, one cruiser and one destroyer, were destroyed during a skirmish against the rogue Great Lakes Provinces in James Bay. Escorted patrol boats are currently being dispatched to the Bay to pick up dead bodies as well as to clean up the Bay's poisoned waters. According to transmissions and eyewitness accounts, the battleships were destroyed after they collided with the GLP's three super-battleships. The GLP's ships were heavily damaged and, as what appeared to be a last-minute resort, promptly sailed at full speed towards our fleet. The others were able to escape the suicide charge, but unfortunately, our battleships didn't have enough time and were hit. The GLP's ships appeared to be carrying radioactive material at that time, as the explosion caused a sudden release of radioactive particles into the Bay and our fleet. The two other ships were destroyed when the GLP launched another suicide attack using their submarines. Due to the large amount of radioactivity our fleet in James Bay has gone through, we have been forced to decommission three more ships—DMCS [i]Imperia[/i], DMCS [i]Nordhausen[/i] and DMCS [i]Kennedy[/i]— totaling two cruisers and one destroyer. The ships are currently being dismantled; their parts being transported to a secure containment facility.

In order to compensate for our losses, and in order to further expand our fleet, the Ministry of Defence has granted us DP$ 3 billion. First, Maritime Command has bought the following ships from Greater Acadia. All were formerly part of the J Andrean Navy. Please note that SBs are submarines, CSes are cruisers, BBs are battleships, and DDs are destroyers.

[*]SB-01 J Andres
[*]SB-02 Disparu
[*]CS-02 Rossingol
[*]BB-08 Imperium
[*]BB-07 Pikachurin
[*]DD-07 Lynneth Sarkara

Furthermore, Maritime Command has commissioned the construction of five battleships, fourteen submarines, two cruisers and five destroyers. More are expected. The ships' names will be publicly announced soon.

Edited by Pikachurin
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RIMOUSKI, GP—Apparently coinciding with recent tensions with Labrador, the Disparuean Forces' Maritime Command has recently conducted a naval demonstration within the St. Lawrence River's enormous delta. The demonstration consisted of the military's current fleet as well as the numerous ships that will soon be joining its ranks. The demonstration notably lacked the following ships, which had been decommissioned by the Forces or reportedly destroyed:

[*]DMCS Archaic[sup]†[/sup]
[*]DMCS Furukawa[sup]†[/sup]
[*]DMCS Imperia
[*]DMCS Johnson[sup]†[/sup]
[*]DMCS Kennedy
[*]DMCS Nagato[sup]†[/sup]
[*]DMCS Nordhausen
[*]DMCS Okazaki[sup]†[/sup]

The destroyed ships were reportedly destroyed during a skirmish in the Great Lakes Provinces, also taking down most of their crews. The crews' bodies have been recovered from the sea and have been prepared for burial. Families of the deceased will be compensated by the Government, and have been asked to claim the bodies of their loved ones. The dead sailors will be given an honourary funeral, and will be posthumously honoured with a military decoration for their dedication. Those who survived these ships' destruction have also been honoured and are currently safe with their families; or are being treated for injuries.

A total of 52 ships will be joining the Disparuean fleet, or four corvettes, four landing ships, seven battleships, seven cruisers, four frigates, sixteen submarines and four aircraft carriers. This results in Disparu having a grand total of 72 naval ships.

Some of the new ships were, indeed, newly-constructed by the Federation's various shipyards, however, six of them were formerly part of the J Andrean Navy, and have been recommisioned to the Disparuean Forces' Maritime Command. The new ships, organized by type, are listed below.

[b]Corvettes ([i]Skjold[/i]-class ships)[/b]

[*] DMCS [i]Albert Einstein[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Pierre Dansereau[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Rudolph A. Marcus[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Sidney Altman[/i]

[b]Landing Ships ([i]America[/i]-class ships supplemented by LCACs)[/b]

[*] DMCS [i]Espoir[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Éternel[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Justice[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Paix[/i]

[b]Battleships ([i]Iowa+[/i]-class ships)[/b]

[*] DMCS [i]Archaic II[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Imperia II[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Jacques Cartier[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Kennedy II[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Louis-Joseph de Montcalm[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Lance Pikachurin[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Nordhausen II[/i]

[b]Cruisers ([i]Ticonderoga[/i]-class ships)[/b]

[*] DMCS [i]Gilles Vigneault[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Henri Bourassa[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Julie Payette[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Louis Riel[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Marc Garneau[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Rossingol[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Yuki Nagato[/i]

[b]Frigates ([i]Halifax[/i]-class ships)[/b]

[*] DMCS [i]Georges Vanier[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Jean Chrétien[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Pierre Elliott Trudeau[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Wilfrid Laurier[/i]

[b]Destroyers ([i]Zumwalt[/i]-class ships)[/b]

[*] DMCS [i]Ferinh[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Fjodor Leclerc[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Isaac Newton[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Lynneth Sarkara[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Nikola Tesla[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Strangelove[/i]

[b]Submarines ([i]Virginia[/i]-class submarines)[/b]

[*] DMCS [i]Acadia[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Avant-Garde[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Disparu[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Eterna[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Hudson Bay[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Ivujivik[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]James Bay[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]J Andres[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Jubilife[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Montreal[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Quebec[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Rimouski[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]St. Lawrence[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Ungava Bay[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Ursalia[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Viniland[/i]

[b]Aircraft Carriers ([i]Ford[/i]-class ships)[/b]

[*] DMCS [i]Samuel de Champlain[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Jean Lesage[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]Georges-Émile Lapalme[/i]
[*] DMCS [i]René Lévesque[/i]

The ships will be sailed to their assigned Maritime Command base over the next few weeks. Recruitment rates have spiked following the launch of an aggressive recruiting effort by Maritime Command, and it is expected that the ships will soon be equipped with properly trained sailors.


[quote][font="Courier New"][center][b]Ministère de la Défense | Ministry of Defence
Jubilife, Coronet, Disparu[/b]


[b]Sujet / Subject:[/b] [u]Joint Ministry of Defence-Ministry of Science and Technology Report[/u]


[*][✓] Construction of land border defences with the borders between the Pravus Ingruian protectorates, Labrador, and Great Lakes Provinces.
[*][✓] Construction of shoreline defences.
[*][✓] Main objective of Project Arceus met (construct 25 nuclear warheads).
[*][✓] Construction of Aurasphere defence structures.
[*][✓] Construction or restoration of military bases throughout Disparu.
[*][✓] Deployment of Blue Maple OS throughout the Government.
[*][✓] Construction of SOSUS stations in Nunavik and the Baffin Island External Territories and along the St. Lawrence River.
[*][✓] Deployment of sonar equipment in Disparuean waters.

Edited by Pikachurin
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